
Chapter 135 Aftermath (1)

Dina was the first to snap out of her trance.

" Adam ?", she said slowly walking towards him.

" Shhhhhh", Adam said bringing a finger to his bloody lip and-

-....then he fainted.


Adam\'s POV


I wake up feeling extremely sore.

I\'m greeted by an unfamiliar ceiling but I could ascertain by the smell around me that I was in a hospital.

Hospitals always have a certain recognizable scent about them.

" You\'re finally up....", Lecia says, she had been sitting beside me.

I could see dark bags under her eyes, she must have had trouble sleeping.

" You seem restless.", I say patting her on the head.


I\'m stunned to see big fat tears roll down her cheeks as she forced me into a tight embrace.

" I w-was so hic- worried."

A bitter smile encompasses my face as I calm Lecia down.

" I\'ll go call the doctor.", Lecia says wiping away her tears.

As I watch Lecia leave the room, I couldn\'t help but feel bad since I made Lecia cry. If I had died.....how would she have felt ?

I\'ve been in danger before but nothing of this magnitude, I came really close this time....too close.

The only reason I\'m alive right now was because of that black goo...!

I look down to find that my necklace was still on me, but the obsidian gem had changed it\'s color to a greyish hue. I use my hand to feel the necklace and I\'m shocked yet again,

" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", I scream looking at my hand which had been detached from my body.....but it wasn\'t the same....I had a hand which resembled a baby\'s hand more than a fifteen year old\'s one.

It was tiny, I could move it around easily enough but it looked super weird.

Did the doctors mess up my surgery or something ?

" What happened ?!", Lecia barged in with a barrage of doctors.

I look at them for a second, unsure of how to bring up my \'baby\' hand.

I sigh and raise my baby hand before asking them,

" What the hell happened to me ?"


A large number of doctors had gathered inside my room.

A middle-aged man who appeared to be the chief doctor sat in a chair right in front of me, with a kind smile on his face.

The other doctors gathered behind him and Lecia sat beside me, her hand on my shoulder in an effort to comfort me.

" So.....you\'re saying that my hand just grew back to this.", I say wanting to confirm that I wasn\'t high on morphine.

" Yes, we assumed that it was because of a skill.....is it something else ?", the doctor asked scratching his head confused.

" Well.....yeah, of course....it\'s one of my skills alright.", I say, nodding my head mysteriously.

Lecia strangely sighs hearing me.


I have no idea why my hand grew back like that.....I don\'t have any skills that gives such uh...unique regeneration. The only thing I can think of is the [Potion of Eternity] but even that didn\'t have the power to regenerate an entire arm....especially like this.

I wiggle my little baby fingers, confused.

I\'m missing something here...just what is it ?



Ughhh, I give up.

I\'m sure I\'ll understand everything about this strange phenomenon in the future.

" We also cut your hair a little bit....your sister said that it was fine."

" Oh...that\'s fine."

I was already planning on it but was way too lazy to really do it, my hair had grown way too much. I just went around tying it all in a bun.

I feel my hair, it was still fairly long, it almost reached up to my shoulders...almost.

Well at least the hospital did something to help me.


The doctors continued to stare at me in a weird manner until I glared at them,

" What ?", I ask annoyed.

" Oh....it\'s nothing, we\'ll leave you two alone."

Just like that Lecia and I were once again alone in my hospital room.

" They\'re just fascinated with you....since you healed so quickly.", Lecia said getting up.

" Hmmm....how much days was I out ?", I ask bracing myself for an astonishing number.

" 2 days."

" What ?!"

It\'s only been two days....I thought that a month would have passed or something. My healing is a little too quick.....it\'s really strange.

Just as I was about to ask Lecia another question-


- a knock resounded throughout the small room.

" Come in.", I say as Lecia took out a box of apple slices.

Oh...yum !

I open my mouth and Lecia gently feeds me a slice of de~liciou~ous apple.

Two uniformed officers enter the room, greeting us with a warm smile.

" Good Evening sir....miss.", a man of short stature says acknowledging the both of us.

The woman next to him, probably his partner of something also flashed us a toothy grin. They looked like the most happiest police officers in the world.

" We hope that we didn\'t disturb you...."

" You didn\'t.", I say as Lecia made them sit.

" My name is Conrad Kelly and this is my partner Jessica Kelly, we\'re here to ask you some questions.....is that okay with you ?"

I give them a \'thumbs-up\' while opening my mouth to welcome yet another apple slice.

" We\'re here because the doctors informed us that you had multiple stab wounds and you hand had been cut off by some sort of knife.....the doctors claim that there are clear signs that you were harmed by a human....do you have anything to say about that ?"

I stare at them for awhile, wondering how to answer their question.

" You can trust us, Adam.", Jessica says holding my hand in an attempt to reassure me.

" Thank you....but there isn\'t anything to tell, I wasn\'t alert and got caught off-guard by the boss monster."

" Are you sure about that ?", Conrad asked, his smile slowly fading.

" Mhmm", I mumble out throwing in another apple slice inside my mouth.

They stay and ask me some more questions until,

" Well....thank you for your time.", Conrad and Jessica got up and left without pressuring me for an answer.

" Why didn\'t you tell them about Jennifer ?", Lecia asked grimly.

" You knew ?!"

" Well....Eric caught her trying to run away so we thought that something was up but it must be true seeing how you reacted.....why would she do something like this ?", Lecia asked, her temper flaring.

" Who knows ?", I say lying back down on the fluffy bed.

" Bring her here tomorrow with the others."

" Okay....are you sure you\'re fine, Adam ?"

" Oh....I\'m more than fine."

The reason I asked Lecia to bring them over tomorrow was just a precaution, even if I say that nobody attacked me.....it was clear that something strange had happened so the police would probably keep an eye on me for awhile.

I also need time to think.

Lecia fills me in all the events that had occurred while I was down. We chat for some time before I made her leave.....she looked like she needed some rest.

By the end of the day, I could feel that my hand had grown more, this is fascinating really.....it only took three whole days for it to heal by this much, if my healing continued at this pace I would be completely healed in.....probably two weeks.

" Urghh", I groan out as the voices start their dance yet again.

\'I need to do something about them as well.\'

I was starting to getting used to life without them but it seems like they\'re back and it looks like they\'re not planning to leave anytime soon. I need medicine.....I\'ll figure something out.

I also had to deal with Jennifer.....there\'s no use in hiding the fact that I killed her father. I need to own up to the things I have done.

I also need to tell Emilia the truth.

After almost dying, I think I realize the problem within me.

Like \'they\' said, I\'m always pretending to be a good person....why ?

I don\'t know, it might be for personal satisfaction or some other obscure reason.

But I do know that.....I need to stop.

I need to stop pretending to be someone I\'m not, what I am is an awful person.

I\'m rotten to the core and there is no use in pretending to be something I\'m not....I\'m not kind....I\'m not good.....I don\'t deserve to live but yet here I am alive and well.

That\'s the harsh reality of this world, the ones to get the last laugh aren\'t the good and just. I\'m going to be busy from tomorrow-

-....since there\'s no rest for the wicked.


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