
Chapter 155 Death Flag (1)

A few minutes before Lydia and Adam went to the hot springs


" Thank you.", Adam said staring at Georna\'s retreating figure.

Adam had just woken up after a very painful surgery, upon hearing Georna briefly stopped.

Adam lay back on the bed, a tired smile visible on his face.

Confirming that Adam had finished speaking, Georna started to head back but stop when Adam spoke once again,

" What would happen if I were to use my skills ?"

Georna turned around, surprised by Adam\'s question.

" Didn\'t I just tell you that you shouldn\'t use them ?"

Adam smiled gently as he responded back,

" I wanted to know just in case something happened."

Georna thought about it for a moment,

" Well....it would hurt but other than that nothing far too damaging will happen, it\'s actually good if you use your skills since that will increase the speed of the whole process, your body would be in sync with your energies much faster...but why take in pain that can be avoided ?"

Adam nodded along with Georna\'s words.

" You\'re right...."

Georna sighed and sat back down on her chair sensing that the boy wasn\'t finished speaking.

" I wanted to ask for a favor.", Adam said avoiding Georna\'s gaze.

" What is it ?"

" I think they\'re gonna blame me for the murders....and if they do, I want you to tell them that I\'m guilty...."

Georna took some time to process what the boy had just said,

" How do you know about the murders ?" Georna was pretty sure that Lydia hadn\'t told him since the both of them had decided to hide the fact that a murderer hiding amongst them.

" I\'m not stupid, I just asked around and found out."

Georna smacked herself in the face, she still couldn\'t understand Adam.

" What are you trying to achieve here, boy ?"

" I know that it may sound bizarre, but please trust me for now."

Georna let out a huge sigh and said, " Well, fuck it. I don\'t care.....I\'ll do it if a situation like that ever arises but don\'t come crying to me when they execute you." Georna glared at Adam," Do you understand me, boy ?"

Adam nodded and got out of the bed, he started heading out leaving Georna alone in the room, but just before leaving he turned around to face Georna one last time and said,

" Oh...one more thing, my name isn\'t \'boy\'...it\'s Adam Creed."


Back to the Present.


" Get in here.", said the guard as he pushed both Adam and Max into a dimly lit prison cell.

The scurrying of rats and the rancid smell of urine made both the boys frown, Max groaned unable to get up from the ground due to the various shallow wounds on his body. On the other hand, Adam got up rather quickly, disgusted by the moist floor of the gloomy prison cell.

Adam settled down in one of the clean corners of the cell and watched as Max struggled to get up.

After much struggle, Max finally managed to get up, he had a weak smile on his face as he settled down beside Adam.

" It\'s so good to see you....*hic*...."

" Are you crying ?!", Adam asked looking rather disgusted.

" I\'m just happy to see a familiar face, these people are so v-violent."

Adam watched incredulously as Max started sobbing like a child, no.... that would be an insult to children all around the world, Max cried like \'Max\' if that makes sense. But Adam could understand why Max was so.....traumatized.

The Lion tribe within \'Roar\' village were known for how excessively violent they were so it was no wonder they succeeded in scarring little Max, but Adam also knew that at the end of this ordeal Max would come out stronger.

After all, scars are a sign of survival, it shows that you were stronger than the harm that befell you.




When I first came to this world, I had thought that I would like Max the best.

Max was my protagonist, so it was reasonable to think this. But somewhere along the way I had begun to hate him.

Was it because he fooled around with my sister ?

Well, I was angry at first but thinking more deeply, I realize that Lecia has the right to make her own decisions. So, I\'m not angry about that anymore.


I lied.

I\'m still a little angry about that.

But I don\'t think I hate Max because of such a stupid reason, I\'m not that immature.

When I first created Max\'s character, I made his behavior and characteristics similar to mine as some authors tend to do, Max was just like me or at least what I thought of myself then.

I thought he was perfect, just like me.

It took me some time to realize that I\'m not perfect in any way, it was actually the opposite. I was selfish, condescending, narcissistic and just a total asshole....in my last life. I don\'t quite know about this life, but I\'m trying to change so that at least means something.

Seeing Max was a constant reminder that I single handedly ruined my last life, if I had tried communicating more clearly with Claire...maybe...just maybe things would have gotten better. We would have been happy....who knows ?, maybe I would have become a father and all three of us would have made a happy little family...

But nooo....it was always about me....every single thing had to be about me...I destroyed the only relationship that mattered to me in my last life and the only thing I can do now is just sit around moping like a fucking loser.....

" A-adam, what\'s wrong ?!"

I raise my brows, not understanding his question.

" You\'re c-crying.", Max said wiping away his tears.

Huh ?

I realize that my face was wet with big fat tears.....damn it.

" It\'s going to be alright....we\'ll get out of here.", Max said consoling me.

I stare at him, surprised.

It seems that Max is different from me in at least one aspect.

He seems to care about others.


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