
Chapter 159 Duty

It took us a minute to calm down.

Well, it took Lydia a minute to calm down, I was born calm.

" What should we do ?!", Lydia asked rushing toward Leo.

I watch as Lydia checks for a pulse, from the look of relief on her face I can understand that Leo\'s not dead, he probably just fainted.

" W-we should c-call a doctor...", Lydia says getting up but I stop her before she could leave.

" Let\'s try waking him up first, can you go and get us some water ?", I made sure to display a reassuring smile to calm her.

" O-okay.", Lydia stuttered out of the room slightly dazed.

By the time, she had come back I had managed to pick Leo up and make him comfortable on the sofa. That C- strength is pretty neat isn\'t it?

" Here\'s the water.", Lydia says holding out a jug filled with ice-cold water.

Lydia looked much calmer now.

I take the jug from her and douse Leo with the cold water, I could see him stirring, annoyed. It seemed that I need to bring in the big guns if I need to wake him up.



Lydia gasped as she witnessed me slapping the crap out of the chief of Roar village.

" Huuuuu.....", Leo groans out as he opened his eyes.


" I\'m sorry for worrying you both....", Leo says massaging his forehead.

A few minutes had passed since Leo had woken up.

" I wasn\'t that worried.", I say casually.

" Hey.....!", Lydia says stepping on my foot.

" Oww...w-", just as I was about to give her a piece of my mind Leo interjected,

" That\'s understandable...I haven\'t exactly been the most gracious host to you, the truth is that I haven\'t been myself lately...it\'s must be because of \'that\'..."

Hearing Leo, I couldn\'t help but let out a sigh.

" Stop being so cryptic.....just tell us what the problem is."

I hate those kinds of people the most, I mean how could I help if I don\'t even know what the issue is?

Leo looked tired as he gave me a weak smile,

" You\'re right, I suppose I should come clean..... I\'m going to die soon."


" WHAT ?!", Lydia exclaimed, shocked.

" What is it ?"

" It\'s mana repulsion."


Mana Repulsion is a mortifying disease where mana destroyed a person from the inside. The more the person used mana, the faster they would die. The only way to avoid death would be to stop using mana entirely. But in Leo\'s case, that wasn\'t exactly ideal since he was the chief.

He was Roar\'s protector, he was the pillar on which the entire village depended. Leo could try to stop using mana for a while....but what if an enemy were to learn his condition because of this?

The enemy would obviously attack, and Leo would be forced to fight. Both scenarios only yielded Leo\'s death. In a situation like this....the most reasonable solution was to just give up.

" That\'s right....the only fate awaiting me is death.", Leo says smiling at me.

Oh right, this guy can read minds.

" No.....you can j-just not use mana, then you\'ll survive for sure.....yeah.."

Why is Lydia always so emotional?

It\'s a little annoying...or am I just being insensitive? Yeah, it\'s probably my fault.....or is it? or.... I\'ll just stop thinking.

Leo chuckled and says,

" You need not worry children, I accepted my death some time ago...", A slight frown rose on his face as he continued," I only have a single goal now...I want to bring this killer to justice and then I can finally.....rest."

Leo closed his eyes, it was weird seeing a man so welcoming of death. If it had been me, I would probably never accept my death and just keep on looking for some kind of cure. It\'s kind of inspiring.....maybe, one day I\'ll also welcome death with open hands....who knows?

" We\'ll leave you to get some rest then.", I say dragging Lydia with me.

" Oh...huma-no.....Adam, I hope you keep the events of today to yourself.", I nod agreeing to keep his little secret. I once again started to head out but Leo\'s next words made me stop,

" ....I wish you the best for your trial."


Day 6,

Today is the day of the trial.

Both Adam and Max have prepared immensely for this day.

The trial was set to take place in the arena, people had slowly started filing the seats within the arena, and everyone was excited to see a \'trial of truth\' once again.

Meanwhile, Max and Adam were being lectured once again by Augustus and Leo. They had been told over and over about what exactly they were supposed to do. The two of them were instructed to forfeit at the same time, that way the villagers would think that the two of them were killed but in reality.....they would be free after today.

" Do you have any questions ?", Leo asked once again.

" Nope.", Max said cheerfully.

Adam shook his head.

" Okay then. we\'ll begin the match in five minutes...prepare yourselves."

Augustus and Leo left the both of them alone in the changing room.

" Well we better get changed into these...", Max said handing Adam one of the ceremonial outfits they had given them, it was dress-filled to the brim with unique carvings and symbols. Taking the dress, the both of them start heading to a different room but-

" Hey...Max ?"

Max turned around hearing Adam,

".....Good luck out there."

" Yeah...let\'s get out of here bro....", Max said coming back for a hug.


Cheers erupted as the two accused walked into the arena.

Adam watched in silence as he observed the crowd for Lydia, he found her soon, it was quite easy to find her since she was waving her hands like crazy to get his attention. Next to her, Georna, Leo, and Augustus sat focused on the arena.

An old wolf came to the center of the stage and explained the rules of the trial.

" The trial will be over when one of the accused is dead or out of bounds. The winner will be considered innocent. May the gods judge you justly.", the old wolf skittered of the arena in a hurry.

Tension hung high in the air as the crowd observed Adam and Max.

Max nodded and smiled at Adam as he said,

" I forfeit."


" I forfeit."

" I f-forfeit..?", Max couldn\'t understand why Adam wasn\'t responding back to him.

But soon Max did get his response-


-but it wasn\'t one that he would like.


" What\'s he doing?", Lydia asked confused as she watched Adam slowly walking toward Max.

" I don\'t know...", Augustus said frowning deeply.

As they wondered about his motives, Leo couldn\'t take his eyes off Adam,

" What is he thinking ?", Georna asked Leo.

Lydia and Augustus also paid attention to Leo.....

Leo\'s eyes widened as he answered them back,

" Oh god...that boy...he\'s going to kill him."


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