
Chapter 174 The First Devil (1)

Day 1

A day has passed since Luna Caerus, the original chief, refused us her help.

But am I the kind of person to just give up?


Yes, I usually give up very easily but not this time. I’m willing to do anything for power and there’s no way in hell I’m going to stop now after I’ve come all this way.


Rhys gently snored as he slept in my lap, right we were inside the cave watching Luna, I mean it’s pretty confusing, I had thought that she would kick us out but she pretty much ignored our existence though she did look a little intrigued by Rhys.

Aside from stalking Luna, I also collected all the information the villagers had, from all of my deep undercover ‘investigation’ I’ve found that the only thing she really does is meditate, but once a month she ventures out of the cave for something,

I need to observe her and understand her schedule before thoroughly disrupting it.


This is going to be fun.

Day 2,

There’s been no movement from Luna’s side other than some sideways glances.

Also, Lydia tried to leave this place today but she got lost and came back like a lost puppy.

I can’t let her leave either way since she’s my trump card.

Day 10,

It’s been ten days since I started observing Luna Caerus,

There have been some changes though, now Lydia too had joined in on my light stalking and I could see that it was slowly but surely starting to get to Luna.

Other than that, this place is actually pretty fun.

Day 30,

This place is hell.

I’m wasting so much precious time.

I’ve thrown away the whole plan, I’m just openly begging her to teach me now but oh of course…this bitch is still ignoring me.

Lydia doesn’t appear to be as desperate as me though, she seems to be simply following Luna around since she’s trapped in this place anyway.

Also, Luna finally got out of that stupid cave.

I was a little curious as to what she would do…..but she just took a bath. Lydia and Rhys took a bath with her while I didn’t of course…I may be a murderer but that doesn’t mean that I can’t be a gentleman does it?

Day 45,

I’ve given up on everything.

There’s no meaning to life.

We’re all going to die someday.

Day 50,

I’ve had enough of this bullshit.

No more stalking, no more of this stupid ‘nice guy’ act, I’m going to force her to teach me.

Lydia and Rhys had already gone inside the cave as usual, but I refrained from doing so. My skills had yet to stabilize but if it came to it, then I would obviously use them.

I took in deep breaths to calm myself as I walked over to the cave,


Once inside the cave, I found the trio meditating as usual.

I also did try to join them but meditation just isn’t for me, I hate the calm and quiet.


Leave all that, none of that matters.

I’m going to force Luna to teach me….no matter what.


Lydia’s POV:

My life has been pretty strange until now, but during these past few days, it’s become even stranger. The main culprit for this was meditating with her eyes closed while Rhys slept on her lap.

All I could feel for her was anger during our first interaction, but now after spending so much time together, I don’t know what to feel…

She wasn’t how I had imagined her….she was living a very hard life for some unknown reason…away from her family….away from me.

I wanted to remain angry at her…no….I was angry at her but I want to know why she left…

I deserve that.

‘I wonder where Adam is ?’

He would usually stand in a corner and stare at my mo- Luna like a creep, I could tell that it was slowly beginning to get on her nerves so I was a little nervous.

“ Luna Caerus.”

A cold voice echoed throughout the cave causing all three of us to open our eyes, in front of us was Adam, a frown had fixed itself on his face, and killing intent slowly oozed out of his body like honey….but this didn’t feel that sweet.

“ You will teach me…..-”, Adam pounced on Luna, who wasn’t fazed a bit.

Grabbing onto her legs, Adam did something that astonished me,

“ Please……pretty please…..I’ll do anything….”

He had begun to beg.

“ Please just train me….”, Adam pleaded again and again.

I watched him in silent horror, all the time I had known him…he seemed to have a lot of pride, why would he demean himself so much?


How foolish of me?

He must be thinking of the children, while I’m here trying to find good in dear old mommy…

I watch as Rhys also grabs onto Luna’s legs and whines in an unsteady voice,

I need to help them….


For the people within Gor village, these past few days have been bizarre.

A pair of people had come claiming to be related to their great goddess and now they were witnessing something even more atrocious.


Luna walked slowly as three people hung onto her body like a leech. They would speak once in a while but Luna paid them no mind at all. The people of Gor village thought this wouldn’t go on for long but even after Luna came out the next month for her bath….

…..they were still barely hanging onto her.


Adam’s POV:

Man…I didn’t think this through.

I’m so tired, hanging onto a person is really hard….

But somehow Rhys had managed to sleep while hanging onto Luna, he’s truly a magnificent creature.

Luna was heading over for her usual bath, but instead of heading to the river, she stopped in a clearing away from everyone else.

“ Get off me.”, she said in a low voice.


All three of us got off quickly, and my heart hammered with excitement….maybe she was going to finally train me?

“ You have great resolve….why do you want to grow stronger ?”Luna asked, staring at the three of us.

“ Well…of course, to save those kids.”


Luna rolled her eyes and said,

“ Do not lie to me…”


I thought for a good while, why did I want to become stronger?


This is going to be a real cliche answer but…oh what the hell, I don’t care.

“ I want to save the world….from total annihilation.”

“ Are you saying that the world is going to end ?”, Luna asked passively.

“ That’s where you’re wrong…..the end has already begun.”

The angels. The demons. The humans.

Every story leads to an end, everything that has happened so far is leading to that very end…..that end that I desperately want to avoid.

“ Hmmmmmmm.”, Luna thought deeply for a second before snapping her fingers bringing me a lot closer to her.

“ I can’t trust you with that alone….I need to know everything if you want my strength.”, Luna pressed her thumb against my forehead,” Let me take a look at your memories….in exchange I’ll let you take a look at mine as well, equivalent exchange is only right,”

“ Hey…wait a sec-”, I tried to argue with her but my consciousness faded away before I could make my case.

I might be fucked.


Luna Caerus opened her eyes, and she found herself in space shrouded in darkness.

‘How strange….’

Usually, this skill was like a video player that utilized the contents of the mind as its files, it would usually start with the first thing the person remembered….so what exactly is this place?

Just as Luna was about to cancel the skill thinking that there was some kind of error, she found a pair of red eyes staring at her from some distance away.

“ It’s been a while, wolf.”, a raspy voice echoed throughout the space.


“ H-how is this possible ?”, Luna stuttered in shock as she realized who the man before her was.

How could she ever forget?

This man was the reason why she left everything behind, her family, her home….everything that meant anything to her.

The First Devil,

The Prince of All Demons,

Araceous Crowcolt.

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