
Chapter 183 The Final Act (1)

Catching Nephyr was something that I did anticipate would happen, but even that was still based on several other factors but fortunately…..I was lucky to be right this time. Even though I did know the killer’s identity…it still wasn’t acceptable.

I need more control over the situation.

“ What will they do to her ?”, Lydia asked while we watched officials take Nephyr away…..probably to a prison cell.

“ I don’t know…..”, I said, stretching to alleviate the stress that had accumulated within my body.

“ They’ll try to wring as much information out of her as possible and then execute her.”, Luna said walking out of the room. I could hear the others shouting in joy seeing their old comrade back.


This is going to be a long day.


After a long day filled with tear-jerking reunions, things had finally calmed down.

Luna and Lydia had gone off with Georna to catch up leaving me alone with Augustus and Leo.

“ Still….to think that it was Nephyr of all people…..she was right under our noses this whole time.”, Augustus chimed in as he sipped on his tea.

“ It certainly is surprising….I just hope that those children are safe and sound…but it feels too late now.”, Leo said, his expression darkening by the minute.



They faced me as I finished drinking my tea.



“ Oh yeah…..it’s such a shame.”



“ Why are you even here ?”Augustus asked, raising his brows.

“ Now…..don’t be disrespectful to our esteemed guest, after all, he’s the person who brought the chief back to us.”, Leo said, flashing a smile at me.

Augustus slightly winced at the ‘chief’ part but recovered rather quickly.

“ On that note…..I wanted to ask for a favor, could I be present for Nephyr’s interrogation ?”

“Absolutely no-”, Augustus started but got cut off by Leo.

“ I suppose there’s no harm in that.”


“ WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN ?!\'\'Leo screamed from the top of his lungs as Nephyr’s head was being held underwater by a wolf.

Nephyr had been tortured for the past two hours in various ways, she was whipped, her toenails had been torn off, her fingers had been broken and now she was being drowned.

I was a little taken aback by the glee clearly visible on the torturer\'s face, is it really that fun?

I might have to dabble in it in the near future, so I made sure to mentally take notes of the actions displayed by the wolf.

But it seems that Nephyr’s tenacity is more ferocious than his techniques.

As he brought back Nephyr’s head from the water, little droplets of water splattered on us and we watched as Nephyr gasped for air.

“ ANSWER ME !”Leo proclaimed, veins bulging out from his forehead.


“ They’re in…..”, We crept closer to Nephyr as she continued to whisper, “......my tummy.”


“ Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe”

We could only stare in stunned silence as Nephyr continued her evil laugh.

“ Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe-”

“ YOU FUCKING BITCH !”Leo screamed as he rushed forward and greeted her with a punch.


Nephyr fell to the damp ground of the underground chamber along with the torturer, she howled in pain as the torturer sprang into action, subduing her.

“ Heal her….and prepare for an execution immediately.”, Leo said, restraining himself from doing further damage.


“ How did the interrogation go ?”Georna asked me while she inspected my body.

I shrugged and said,

“ She didn’t say anything useful….”

“ Is that why they’re executing her today ?”, Lydia asked, standing beside Georna with her tray with tools neatly arranged on them.

“ Yeah…”

For the next few minutes, silence prevailed as Georna slowly checked every part of my body.

“ Am I interrupting something ?”Luna asked as she walked in with her hands behind her back.


“ No….we’re just checking Adam’s progress.”, Lydia commented from the side.

“ I see….”, Luna said, sandwiching herself between Lydia and Georna.



“ Why don’t you take your mother and leave me alone…so that I can focus ?”Georna asked, not taking her eyes off my body.

“ Sure…”, Lydia said, placing the tray down and dragging away Luna with her.

Georna continued to inspect me for a while more.

“ You can get up now.”, Georna said, taking a seat in her chair, “ Your body will stabilize very soon, it’s almost near completion.”

“ Oh….that’s great then.”, I said, jumping down from the table.

As I made my way to the door, Georna’s voice stopped me,

“ You know….I heard about what happened in the dungeon…and I have a lot of things to say but for now….thank you.”


A small smile bloomed on my face as I left the room.


“ My dear friends…..today we avenge the deaths of many….we avenge the death of our children….we will etch this day in history as the day….we punished the most heinous criminal in our history….”, Augustus and Leo stood atop a raised platform and faced the crowd as Nephyr was brought onto the platform.

We watched the whole thing from the crowd. Leo wanted to inform everybody of Luna’s return but she declined his offer by saying that she needed more time. To avoid being recognized, she was currently disguising herself using a very long piece of clothing.

Two guards forced Nephyr to her knees and left, Augustus brought out the [Spear of Eternity] and raised it high in the air, he looked over at Leo and waited for their agreed-upon signal.

“ Now watch closely as we—------------”, They continued to blabber about this and that but I tuned them out and started walking forward.

Now should be about right….

“ HEY….WAIT A SECOND !”I screamed, attracting the attention of everyone around me.

Seeing their confused stares, I smirked and said,

“ Aren’t we being a little too hasty ?”

It’s finally time for the final act.


A/N: PS goal: 100


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