
Chapter 216 - Bigger Baddie Than A Draggy?

"So all of you are the same?"

"That is so"

"I find it hard believing your human now"

His doubts were excused, no matter how strange someone\'s class or skill was it couldn\'t possibly affect an entire group into becoming something inhuman, the better explanation would be counting them as foreign entities

"We are indeed human, only we gave up the mortal body to live eternally in paradise"


The second \'eternally\' came into the context Ephai was no longer interested, taking his seat and gesturing for the fanatic to be on her way

The woman stood there still however, though without a face he guessed she was puzzled by his actions as her head tilted to the side

"If you have no trade to offer then our conversation is a waste of time"

"..I thought you would be more interested in our story"

"Not really, for one I can\'t trust what you say, for two it benefits me nothing to know, and thirdly I\'ve seen too much to be intrigued by whatever you have going on"

His explanation reminded her that the being before her was a traveling trader who assumingly toured worlds apart from theirs, naturally he would have seen far more surprising things than their guild

"I see, then I bear an offer"

"Do tell"

"We want two of ours to stay and serve you here"

"Declined, I have servants"

"It would smooth over transactions with other humans knowing one of their kind is helping you"

"No one is comforted by your people, if anything your presence would creep them out more than mine"

His words struck a nerve but rang true, Ephai clearly stated his friendly intentions and stressed his use for humanity, Paradise Palace on the other hand was somewhat of an outcast among them with how secretive and none cooperative they were in general, outside fighting the wraiths and sending someone to meetings they refused to interact with others

The woman thought for a really long time after his remark, so long another party had already arrived and she had yet to make her decision, forcing a human like shadow to come out and convey a message in sign language rather than Sofia

"Looks like I have other visitors to attend to, follow the light and it\'ll guide you out"

"Let me rephrase my offer then"

This persistence put a frown over his eyes, but bear with it he did for the sake of keeping relations friendly

"We offer to send you two servants as well as three which could be turned to thralls"

The offer threw his mind off for a moment, but he realized quickly that she guessed he was bargaining  with the vampires and could use the three as chips for the trade

"Hmm, I shall take you up on that offer"

"Are you not asking what we want in return"

"Staying by my side and being granted entry into the vampire ranks would be enough no? I am sure that\'s what you all just agreed to"

He had their motives figured out for wanting to serve him as well as join the vampire ranks but It was an assumption on his part that they could share information with themselves in a telepathic manner, the only thing he could come up with to explain that long pause

The woman nodded and said no more, pulling the veil over her face once more before walking to stand by him

"The other shall arrive shortly with those three"

Meaning she was the second servant, probably their intention in sending her here from the beginning

\'It\'s annoying that I have to deal with this\'

It truly was and he stood to gain nothing from it, but it was necessary

\'If those three can turn into thralls then these people are human, if they can\'t then they arent\'

That was the only thing promoting him to accept, human vampires could only turn humans to thralls for some reason, that\'s why the outcome of the try would decide his future relations with Paradise Palace

\'I\'m only interested in helping humans, every other race can take a walk\'

So he said to himself but instantly regretted the thought, was their pact not to pave a path for future peace for veryone? When had the goal become so idealistic that he gave up on it and decided to only help humans

\'....Perhaps I need time to reflect\'

Upon his actions so far, and what he planned to do

"Greetings, made up your mind?"

Now however he was Epahi, a carefree trader who would supply his customers with great deals if they happened to catch his eye


While YuJu acted his part a few veiled women were seated facing a curtain the obscured a figure laying behind it

"Interesting, he could summon things out of thin air"

She commented to herself

"Hmm, so only one guild came to actually accept the deal? And they took such an inferior beast as well…."

Once more she talked to herself

"It\'s been two days yet he hasn\'t moved, is it safe to assume that this Ephai needs no supplement?"

No one answered her question, as if among them she was the only one allowed to talk

"Hmm, you are all right, I also feel like we were tricked somehow…to begin with, could this be something like those shadows? Perhaps it is not even his real body?"

Her words this time proved that she was not talking to herself after all

"It is decided, we shall continue to observe silently, in the case nothing is uncovered we will not change our neutral stance toward this creature even though we and him share the same power, if something does unveil itself within that cover of his then we will discuss our approach at the time, no use wasting guesses about the matter"

And so the \'meeting\' came to an end, descending the room into absolute silence


Unlike the two throwing each other for a loop the human guilds were dealing with things openly, in fact a bit too openly as the Waxy guild gave everyone a show of their new Guardian\'s power without keeping anything hidden


Its roar almost terrified the citizens if not for being pre-informed of its friendly status, the sight of the creature remained frightening however, what with the fifty meter length, two metal horns jutting in a circle above its ears, and seemingly natural bone armor covering its belly and sturdy pillar like legs

"Oh, you\'ve come to see one for yourself miss Sofia?"

Spotting her among the crowd Sid waved for the eye catching dark and white figure

Sofia approached him who stood among the other guild leaders, bar a few supposedly brooding over the misfortune of not having the chance to acquire one themselves

"It\'s amazing isn\'t it?"

Sid voiced his own true feelings out for what felt like the hundredth time today

"Yes, much bigger than the one Ephai came riding here"


Her comment earned a swivel toward her direction from everyone, especially Faris who was boasting about being the first to witness its true glory

"Did Ephai come riding a dragon here?"

"Yes, it was small however and seemed to have a knack for shadow and fire elements, also seemed weak"

"I doubt it"

Commented Gabe which was quickly supported by the others

"Yes, if he was willing to sell us these then naturally he kept the best for himself"

"Yes, I bet he even has a few more he was willing to share, it chokes me just thinking about him"

"Sure it is not some of his smoke stuck in your sour throat"


With a few jokes they tried to smooth over the aggressive mood of those feeling left out of the trade

"I don\'t think so"

Suddenly rebuked Sofia

"I believe these dragons are no more than trade materials in his eyes, after all he looks like the type to trade off things of minor value so he could eventually reap stuff with the actual benefit to those of his status"

"Hmm, you\'re saying he has something that\'s way stronger than our dragons then right?"

Catching her drift Sid put her words in simpler terms

"Precisely so, else I see no reason to become a trader in a world filled with war such as this, what he wants is strong servants and strong allies, the only way to get them is by dispensing all he has to enter friendly relations with a race that is or could become one of those things"

"Servants or allies huh….I feel like we are the latter"

"Can\'t be sure, maybe we are playing into his palm"

"Perhaps so"

The air became heavy as everyone thought of what the smoky trader\'s intentions were, a rawr from the dragon snapped them out of it however, remaining them that it was no time to think about such matters when they were supposed to celebrate today

"Lets put it off for later everybody, today the food is to be served by my Waxy guild, help yourselves to the buffet"

Hooraying everyone spread to join their friends and family, meanwhile Sofia just watched with gloomy eyes, leaving the celebration and delving into the shadows after finishing her task

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