
Chapter 11

The hand griped her hair tightened. Her small body was not able to struggle anymore. ‘Am I going to die like this?’ she thought as she slowly succumbed to the darkness.

Suddenly a small mechanical chime echoed in her ear.

[“Adventurer, you have failed to complete your task.

Lives: (-1) remaining 1

Power: (-10) remaining -20

Health: (-25) remaining 25


Loading... re-spawning...”]

‘Oh thank god,’ she thought as he lost consciousness again. This time as well, she woke up in the dark little box with two shivering little boys shivering in the corner.

Feng softly panted and touched her scalp. Her ripped out scalp had re-grown and was good as new. “Darn this game. I really hate it,” she mumbled loudly, punching the walls of the box.

The little kids whimpered and cowered further from her.

Right at that moment, a mechanical chime echoed loudly.

[“Adventurer, Your first task has been issued.

Level: 1

Task: All are swimming like a swine.

Good luck,” the mechanical voice said and disappeared.]

‘Why didn’t I pass the task the last time? Maybe the task is not about making the piggy guy swim?’ she thought deep in calculations. “Maybe...maybe this is a rescue task rather than a filler task. Then....” She glanced at them with a frown, “I’m going to have to jump with them,” she said out loud.

One of the blond kids whined and nuzzled towards his brother and the other glanced at him with tears in his eyes.

Feng did not know what to do. Last time she tried to coax them out, but it did not work. She was never good with kids and they all hated her. ‘Making these kids obey her words it’s going to be difficult but it looks like it’s my only way to live,’

She donned on a serious face and solely crawled towards them. “Hello, kids,” she whispered with a threatening smile.

One of the blind kids held his brother behind and glared at her.

‘Little kitten, last time you did not listen to me at all. Look at what I’m going to do now,’ she thought with a willful smirk.

Feng sat next to them and hugged them tightly to her small body. Their small figures shivered and trembled in her embrace. “yaa, listen well, if you don’t listen to me these people will cut you apart and drink your blood.” She whispered threateningly close to their ears.

The boys froze. One of them glanced up at her. Even in the darkness, Feng was able to make out his startling blue eyes peering at her with fear.

Like a thug, she gripped onto his chin and pulled him close. “Do you understand,” she slowly said, enunciating each word clearly.

The boy’s pupils trembled. He bit his lips and nodded.

‘Looks like my plan is working,’ she thought with a small grin. “Good boy,” she whispered. Patting his bony cheeks, she pinched them softly.

The boy whimpered and cried with a small smirk.

The other boy glanced at her unsurely. She hugged him tight to her skinny chest and mumbled. “You too, you listen to me, okay? I’m your boss now and you have to follow my orders to the dot,”

With tears in his eyes, the boy silently nodded.

“Now that is over I need to find a way to escape,” she mumbled pulling them both onto her lap. If she had to run, she can just lift them both and jump off board. Even if she did that, she was not sure that of the men on deck would let them escape. “What else can I do?”

She did not want to face the crew or that fat man. But she wanted to escape. ‘Is there even a way?’ she thought, biting her lips.

Suddenly she got an idea. Every time she was resurrected in the box, after fifteen minutes the ship will bank to the right sharply shaking them completely. “our box is right next to the walls of this ship if I could push it right at that time I would be able to push us all off board but if I do, that would it be less noticeable,” she mumbled scratching her itchy scalp.

“Darn, it looks like I have lice.” She mumbled, scratching the annoying itches.

A small hand reached out to her and helped scratch her head.

“G-good?” one the kids mumbled ever so softly. It was the one who was glaring at her initially.

Feng’s mood elated at the trusting eyes the kids looked at her. “I will definitely save us this time. It’s my last life, after all. I can’t afford to take any more risks.”

The time was nearing the time when the ship is ping to bank left.

Holding them tightly, she glanced down at them. “Kids, do as I say, okay? Throw your entire weight to the left when I say so, got it?”

“hmm,” the kids agreed verbally.

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