
Chapter 38 More Problems Without Solutions

After I finished getting my fill from Messia, the two of us separated. I smiled at her, and she smiled back, but then I turned and waved Miasma over.

"Messia, I would like you to meet Miasma, our new Bee-tective!" I said with a bit more excitement than I intended, and when I turned back to Messia, her smile had grown.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, and I look forward to having you around if you can make our little Queen Bee happy," Messia said warmly as she went over to give Miasma a hug.

I turned away and looked elsewhere because it was embarrassing to have Messia say it like that, but I knew she was just teasing me. The village seemed in the resting mode, but then I remembered the girls and turned back to Messia.

"How are the girls doing? Are there any changes?" I asked partially to divert the conversation but also because I was curious.

"You and Queeny should come to look, they have absorbed most of the honey, and there is only a thin layer over them," Messia explained, but then Queeny appeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Let\'s go see them; it sounds like they are close! Hurry, you have been too busy playing around with the other races, and you have collected barely any new Genes!" Queeny buzzed.

I didn\'t need to Bee told twice, and the rest of the girls followed me as I flew over to the hut. Even with my rushing, I had to stop and wait for the others to open the door.

Leah was the first to make it, and I didn\'t have to wait long to get inside. I rushed in and found the girls still in the same sitting positions like statues, but the honey was now very thin.

Queeny buzz around the girls, but I turned to the girls that had just walked in, but I only had just noticed that Pixie and Talli weren\'t with Messia.

"Where are the girls?" I asked.

"Talli is studying everything that she can find out the different uses that we might have for them. Pixie is out with the boys trying to make the Cockatrice huts stronger," Messia explained.

I really wish that I could go into that more, but Queeny was right. If the girls were about to finish the evolution, I needed to get my Bee tail in gear.

"The girl\'s will be ready by the morning," Queeny informed me but then continued. "Hive Tasks are important, but right now, you need to work on collecting more Genes, so you have better choices. So, now it is time for you to start using your scanner to Scan the girls with classes so you can get the Genes from them, but you will also gain knowledge about their classes."

Now that was useful; one of the biggest problems right now was deciding on what Class to choose. As Queeny had said, each time I unlocked a class for the first time, there would not be any information about it until I unlocked it again.

"So using the class scan is kind of like cheating or a loophole? Can I use it when I am picking a class for the first time?" I asked.

It was better to ask these things now rather than find out for myself later. Plus, if that was the case, then it would make picking classes a lot easier in the future.

"No, it only works after the person has reached their first level in that Class. So, you will not be able to scan Miasma yet, but she has time to use her classes\' natural abilities to gain experience in her Class," Queeny explained.

"Okay, can you activate the scan then?" I asked, a bit disappointed.

Queeny disappeared, and then my eyes began to glow, and I turned to the waiting girls. Miasma moved over to the side, and the other three girls came up to me.

I moved up to Riza first. She had been quiet most of the time, but she smiled warmly at me as I looked her over.

[Queen System] Activated!

[Biological Scan] Complete!

[Type]:(Race)Bee-(Subrace)Queen Bee.

[Class]: Knight: The Knight Class gives you increased damage resistance and other combat-based abilities. This Class uses a spear as its base weapon, but a new weapon can be chosen at level 5.

[Status]: Pleased (HP N/A)


[Damage resistance](Passive): Resistance to Melee and ranged non-magical attacks.

[Reach](Passive): Increase reach of the current weapon by 0.5 meters. (During combat only)

[Cavalier] (Gene) Acquired!

That was better, and at least now I had a record of the Class and was able to check up on them if I needed to. Next, I moved over to Leah and started to look her over; somehow, I knew that Messia would put herself last.

[Biological Scan] Complete!

[Type]:(Race)Bee-(Subrace)Worker Bee.

[Class]: Bee Brawler: Melee style fighter with extendable claws. Bee Brawlers have increased speed and strength.

[Status]: Pleased (HP N/A)


[Increased Power](Passive): Speed and strength are increased depending on the level.

[Claws](Passive): Extendable sharpened claws. (During combat only)

[Boost] (Gene) Acquired!

Not as detailed, but the Class was basically, I hit things, so I guess there wasn\'t much to highlight yet about the Class. After I finished, Leah and Riza said that they were going to go see what the girls were up to, and Miasma tagged along.

I was surprised to see everyone go, but at the same time, I enjoyed getting to spend time with Messia alone.

I moved up to her and gave her a kiss before I started to scan her.

"I am glad to see that you have found another girl to take with you when you are traveling, and she looks to be a good addition to her Class. Maybe you will start making some progress now. Lately, you have only been finding more problems without solutions," Messia told me as I scanned her, and I could agree on that point.

The scan was completed, and I blinked.

Why is there so much information?!

[Author note: Sorry for the late chapter, the other two will Bee Bee-fore Reset! Sorry, I have a lot going on today so thigs are slow, but I will Bee back at it tomorrow!]

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