
Chapter 509 - Relieved And Worried

Chapter 509 - Relieved And Worried

"Vonny, don\'t let that boy\'s words bother you." Taylor patted her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

They had just left that area and headed in a different direction when he decided to speak a few words to help ease the little girl\'s discomfort.

Yvonne shook her head in answer as she was not bothered about what had happened.

\'Especially after Precious made an appearance.\' She smirked as Precious\'s actions had done more than what was necessary.

If Taylor or the others might have stood up for her and defended her till the end, there would be talks that they were biased towards the little girl.

However, who would argue with a beast, an etcher at that, for showing favoritism towards her?

Precious being so close to her only proved that the etcher, someone who was known to dislike others, liked her and even got close to her.

Thus, Yvonne\'s annoyances from earlier faded away after seeing that same squire\'s frightened face while she was able to pat the etcher with ease.

\'What better way to show that I, a little girl, am capable of doing something that he cannot even dream of?\' She snickered at this thought without restraint.

Howard was about to voice out his concern when he saw her silence but noticing her cheerful appearance now, he held in his words in order to not remind her of what had taken place.

\'I blame you for this!\' He raised his head and glowered at his best friend who stood on the other side of the little girl.

While he could not do anything to that squire as this was not his place to do so, he diverted his anger to Taylor and held him responsible for this incident.

For once, Taylor did not object but put on a guilty expression which made Howard unable to blame him or curse him any further.

\'Forget about it!\' He scoffed before looking away.

Yvonne was watching this silent interaction between the two best friends and felt a sense of ease washing over her.

If she had not rushed here first thing in the morning then this pair of friends might have been separated this summer only to never be able to meet ever again.

\'No! I stopped that from happening.\' She reassured herself that Taylor and his mother and uncle would be safe in this life and not meet their deaths during their trip.

Since the two boys were exchanging silent glances with each other, the little girl had walked a few steps ahead of them while deep in her thoughts of the future that she had somehow managed to change.

\'How will my actions change the future events that I know will happen in the script?\' She wondered whether this might cause some butterfly effect and disrupt the flow of the script.

However, in the next moment, she rolled her eyes and sneered.

\'Why should I care about what happens in the script?\' She scoffed as her priority was to stay safe and to keep the people around her safe.

She did not care what happened to the main characters of the story as she was not involved with them.

Right now, she needed to focus on herself and her dear ones in order to live a good life.

As the people around her were mostly those who were not mentioned in the script, she was both relieved and worried at the same time.

She was relieved that she would not be sucked into the flow of the script due to her interaction with them but on the other hand, she did not know much about their future.

For example, she knew all too well that none of the main characters or their families would suffer during the plague.

\'Well, except Hilda.\' She sighed as the female lead\'s parents would succumb to the plague.

However, about the rest, if she had not seen that vision last night, she never would have known that Taylor, the Duchess, and Marquess Samed might have died this year.

This thought brought worry to her heart as that Blue bird had truly ignored all other characters who were not the main characters of his script.

\'And he still thought that he wrote a masterpiece.\' She sneered at the Bird God who had spoken words of high praise for himself.

Shaking her head, Yvonne grit her teeth as there was no point in mulling over something that she had no control over.

What she had to do now was depend on the visions which seemed to have the memories of the Yvonne from the script.

\'I can make use of those deleted scenes which have the memories of Yvonne.\' She decided and clenched her fists, hoping to get more such visions that might be helpful to her in the future.

The little girl was so lost in her thoughts that she had not seen where she had walked into.

However, an object flying straight towards her made her snap out of her thoughts as she looked in its direction.


"Will he get the job done?" Damien inquired with his eyes narrowed.

In reply, Topher shuddered before giving him a nod as the Captain\'s way of dealing with insubordinate trainees was something even he found scary and ruthless.

A few moments earlier, the two boys had just exited the area of the riding fields when Damien had tossed this question.

They had left the matter in the capable hands of Captain Desmo Reel who would handle it with ease and much enthusiasm.

Therefore, Topher did not waste time there and decided to meet up with the other younger children.

Damien did not speak up again but followed his lead in silence.

As they walked ahead, he had come here on numerous occasions so he knew that their next destination was the greenhouse where the Duchess and Countess were.

However, to reach the greenhouse, they would have to pass through a large clearing of grass where squires would often practice archery, after which they would have to circumvent the mansion.

They had just entered the practice field for the squires when they caught sight of the group of four walking way ahead of them.

The little girl was leading the group while the two noble boys were seen glaring at each other and finally, the young butler Jax was following at a short distance away from them.

Damien\'s eyes fell on the child who seemed lost in thoughts as she walked with her head lowered.

\'Is she sad about what happened?\' He wondered but soon, he did not have time to care about this as something made his eyes widen in shock.

Without watching where she was going, the little girl had gotten herself in trouble.

An arrow which one of the squires practicing here had shot was now flying in her direction.

Though the height of the arrow\'s projectile was high, it would not hurt her body but coincidentally, had a high probability of hitting her in the head.

This made Damien\'s heart race in a panic as his feet rushed ahead.

The boys with her were not attentive and the servant was busy enjoying the show of the young boys\' quarrel.

When Topher noticed Damien\'s hurry, he too looked in that direction and was stunned as the arrow was already too close to the child.

\'We won\'t reach her in time!\' He grimaced but rushed after Damien without hesitation.

While the two boys were using their top speed to reach Yvonne\'s position, that little girl too had noticed that something was not right.

Her instincts had already activated when she felt something moving in her direction and after looking up, she found that an arrow was aimed straight at her head.

\'Move!\' She urged her body despite the sudden fright of what was coming had frozen her body still.

She could even hear frightened screams, asking her to move but her body was not in her control at this moment due to the fear that had engulfed her senses.

But if she were to stand in the same spot then there was a high chance that the arrow would strike her.

Therefore, she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tight enough to wake her from its stupor.

The shooting pain in his fists worked like a charm as she regained control of her body soon enough.

Bending her entire upper body backward, she watched with wide eyes as the arrow missed her forehead by a minuscule distance before it hit the target on the other side of the field.

Her face felt a slight pressure from the arrow that was tearing through the air when it passed her by.

If she had moved a second later then right now, that arrow would have been lodged in her head instead of the wooden target.

Gulping her saliva at this thought, she felt her knees give out and her backward reclining position to evade the arrow did not help her too much in this situation.

\'Dammit!\' She scowled at herself when she felt her body falling to the ground due to the series of events that had taken place in a matter of seconds.

Contrary to her speculations, she did not feel any pain in her butt due to the fall, instead, she fell on something soft.

The arms that wrapped around her slightly bulging waist assured her that she was saved by someone who was behind her.

\'Brother?\' She wondered which one had rushed ahead to save her.

Though when she turned around, she found a different set of eyes than the ones that she had been expecting.

However, before she could make sense of what had happened, her eyes blurred as tears streamed down her cheeks due to the frightful incident that she had just experienced.

"Shh…" A soft whisper echoed in her ear which only made her weep louder after being overwhelmed with anxiety.

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