
Chapter 678 - Inexplicable Force

Chapter 678 - Inexplicable Force

This scene was enough to make everyone widen their eyes.

The smaller child was standing still while the one opposite her had his flaming scarlet aura shining bright as his hand was in the motion of striking the child.

Rutherford growled at his etcher as this was the scene he had chanced upon when he rushed to the location where his child was supposed to be.

The rest of the group following after them was shocked still as they fretted what would take place in the next instant.

The four boys felt their hearts drop as the strike from Topher Tanner, someone who had trained since he was a child would be enough to injure her gravely.

Rutherford and Marcus had also made the same inference after judging the situation before them.

This was also the reason why he had commanded his etcher to go forward and protect his daughter as there was no way that he could make it in time to save her or move her out of harm\'s way.

However, his etcher did not move even after receiving his command but his immediate response echoed in the Earl\'s mind.

\'Just keep watching, Master.\' Fryght\'s lazy voice reached his Master as he laid in the same position as before.

However, unlike earlier, Rouge wasn\'t accompanying him in reclining with a languid pose.

Instead, she was gawking at the sight before her with narrowed eyes.

There was absolute silence in the vicinity but this was an eerie silence as everyone was holding their breath to see what happened next.

Taylor first shot a glare filled with seething anger towards his brother before gazing at his sworn sister with worried eyes.

Howard gritted his teeth as he did not know what to do to save his sister from his idol\'s blow which would strike her at any second now.

Similarly, the twins were fearful of the attack which their sister was about to suffer.

However, what they were expecting never did happen.

As they all watched with helpless eyes, the fear in them transformed into awe and shock at what happened next.

Topher Tanner soon realized that he was about to strike a child, much younger than him and a little girl at that.

It was fine earlier as they were both using their manifested auras which made them equals but the child\'s aura had faded too abruptly that he did not have the chance to stop his attack.

Now it was too late for him to back down as his body was already set into motion.

Even if he tried to veer away from her, it would be useless as the attack might land on her adorable face which would be much worse than her shoulder that had been his target all along.

Yvonne too had realized that there was no way for her to dodge his attack as her body refused to move due to her frozen feet.

The second before his clenched fist came in contact with her body, the child\'s widened eyes flitted not towards him but her etcher.

This brief glance had not gone unnoticed by Topher but there was nothing much that could be done right now.

That was what he had thought at that moment but in the next second, he was proven wrong.

The fist that was directed towards her shoulder made contact just as he had expected.

Taylor shut his eyes tightly to avoid looking at his adorable sister getting struck due to which he failed to witness what happened next.

The rest had not avoided this scene and thanks to their total attention on the child, they had caught the entire series of events in full definition and slow-motion.

The moment Topher\'s fist landed on Yvonne\'s shoulder, both felt a surge of energy pass between them.

The force he had used was not too great but not too small either.

However, Topher was sharp enough to realize that the energy that originated at the spot he had struck the child wasn\'t his.

\'Neither is that hers!\' He exclaimed when his fist trembled and his face contorted at the energy present between them.

In the next second, while everyone watched with wide eyes, Topher Tanner, the one who had made the attack, was pushed quite a few steps away from Yvonne.

Not a soul had approached them to protect the child, yet Topher felt his body being pushed far away from her the moment his fist came in contact with her body.

Everyone was expecting Yvonne to be sent flying due to the impact of the attack but never had they imagined that the outcome was quite the opposite.

It was Topher who was sent away, though not flying but pushed far away from the child while she remained standing in the exact same position as before.

Digging his heels into the ground to steady his faltering steps, Topher managed to halt his body from moving away any further than what he already was.

He did not care about the pain now radiating in the fist that he had used to attack her as he stared at her, trying to decipher what had just taken place.

He knew for sure that he was about to injure the child as he was unable to either control his movement or veer away from his original aim.

However, she was unhurt while he was both hurt and repelled by the strange and unknown force that had come between them.

The moment his fist had come in contact with her shoulder, unlike what everyone expected, she remained still while he was the one who had been sent many feet away by that strange force that had formed between them.

That inexplicable force that had repelled his body now had a perfect explanation once his eyes landed on the child as soon as he stopped his body from moving any further behind.

\'That aura!\' He exclaimed as her body was once again enveloped in aura, this time sturdier and darker than the one she had conjured before.

However, not only was its appearance different from the one he had seen before while sparring with her but it felt quite different as well.

Yvonne glanced at her shoulder where Topher\'s fist was supposed to have landed.

\'He did not even touch me…\' She recalled what had taken place in that fraction of a second.

Topher felt that he had landed his blow on her shoulder but that was his misconception.

What he had touched was not her body but the manifestation of the aura which surrounded her body.

Unlike the one she had conjured before, which was just a light emanating from her body, this one had acted as a solid shield around her.

This shield had not only been the object Topher had struck but it was also the force that he had felt between them, the same repelling force that had sent him far away from her.

\'Thank you…\' Yvonne expressed her gratitude to the one who had been able to help her protect herself in the nick of time.

\'Anything to keep my Master safe.\' The one replying in her mind was none other than Demon, her etcher, and also her savior.

Earlier, the moment when her eyes had flitted towards him, Demon had proposed an idea which he desperately wished for her to accept.

{Allow me to protect you, Master!}

The request he had made was accepted in no time as Yvonne too did not wish to get hurt during a match that was only supposed to be a test to see how much she had learned so far.

Therefore, she agreed, and just as Topher\'s fist approached her, another surge of energy filled her body.

A familiar energy soon enveloped her and Yvonne recalled that she had sensed this same energy whenever she rode with Demon in the past, asking him to move faster than their usual pace.

This was the aura that her etcher possessed and right now, it was surrounding her body and even replenishing the dissipated aura within her.

One of the many perks one could gain after succeeding in manifesting their aura in physical form was that their etcher would also be able to do the same.

Not only could they manifest it, but they could also share their aura with their Master and help them in their time of need.

When Demon realized that this was possible now, he did not hesitate from lending his power to his Master as it might save her from being struck by that blow.

Therefore, once she agreed, he sent a heavy surge of his aura over to her, enveloping her and forming a protective barrier that succeeded in shielding her and repelling Topher far away from her.

Thus the smart etcher had succeeded in protecting his master and also gave the young boy a chance to control his aura now that he was at an appropriate distance away from the little girl.

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