
Chapter 890

He was especially glad to see Topher approaching them as it meant that Taylor would no longer get to act as he pleased and would have to be more restrained in the presence of his elder brother.

However, the moment those words left the older boy’s mouth, the smile on Howard’s lips stiffened.

From the corner of his eyes, he glanced in the direction which Topher was pointing, and with just one look, he was sure that nothing good could come from joining the group the Tanner heir had just mentioned.

Though Yvonne had not noticed her brother’s fading smile, she too had similar opinions when she too turned in that direction.

After all, the group which Topher wanted them to join was quite large and had many children around and above their age there.

While there were a few she was comfortable with, there were also those whom she did not wish to get closer to.


However, this party was organized by the Tanner family for their heir so it would be rude for them to refuse his suggestion.

Hence, with stiff expressions, both Howard and Yvonne nodded in acceptance of his offer.

Turning towards their parents, the siblings sought permission and received it right away.

Since the adults would mingle with each other, it was best for the children to stay together.

For this reason, Raylene smiled and nodded when she found them looking in her direction.

The Duchess too agreed with Topher’s suggestion and hoped to see them getting along with each other as that would be for the best.

However, before the children could leave, she shot her elder son a glance and received a nod from him, indicating that he had grasped what she wished to relay.

Thus the Tanner and St. Claire siblings walked toward this group while the adults moved in the opposite direction.


Topher walked in the front, leading the group while the two younger boys were on either side of the little girl as they moved forward.

Taylor had not seen his sister for a few days now so he had a lot to say and thus was enthusiastic, whispering into her ear as they walked along.

However, even this little gesture had caught the eyes of many who had been observing them for a while.

‘You better behave.’ The heir of the Tanner family, who had noticed the presence of these scrutinizing eyes, used the mental link between their etchers to warn his younger brother.

As only Taylor could hear what was just said, no one but him reacted when the warning came to an end.

Though Topher could not see those who were walking a step behind him, he could sense how his brother’s feet had faltered for a second before he regained his composure.

Pleased that his message had reached him without interruption, he carried on and stopped only when they reached the group he had been talking about earlier.


On the other side of the training field,

The children had gathered at an empty corner of the training field while the adults strolled around just a short distance away from them.

Topher Tanner had been here all along and only left when the arrival of new guests was announced.

Therefore, each time a new family entered, this group of noble children watched how the Tanner family heir headed towards the entrance of the venue to greet them before he led the newcomers towards them.

The same had taken place with the latest arrival which happened to be the St. Claire family.

Topher Tanner had greeted the St. Claire family and was now bringing the two children here to spend time with the rest present in this area.

However, not everyone seemed to be pleased with this sight and their thoughts were evident on their faces as well.

Nevertheless, there were also those who were excited to meet the two who were approaching them right now.

“Miss Yvonne!” Rika Kiron smiled widely when she saw the newcomer close to where she stood.

She was not the only one as her elder sister, Aleena, and the Jorbin triplets also smiled to greet the youngest girl in their social circles who had just arrived.

Yvonne smiled when she faced this group of girls and greeted them as they were all older than her.

Once she was done, she scanned the rest present as she had not gotten the chance to view those standing here back when she had first entered the training field.

In this part of the field, she could find numerous children belonging to various noble families of different social statuses.

Ranging from the Marquess families, all the way to the Baron’s were present here.

She was acquainted with many while there were also those whom she had not gotten the chance to meet yet.

‘Looks like the Duchess prepared a large guest list.’ She scrutinized as many unfamiliar faces were found here.

“Those are the children from the side branches of different families.” Taylor leaned closer to her ear and whispered when he noticed her gaze landing on those she had not seen before.

This statement was sufficient to explain the identity of these new faces and also revealed why she had not gotten the chance to meet them previously.

In their society, the main branches were given the utmost importance while the side branches of the same noble families were often neglected and left in the shadows.

Since both her maternal and paternal families did not have side branches, she had not faced this situation until now.

Her father was an only child while her mother had just one brother, Marcus Valente, who was now the Fief Lord.

Therefore, the current St. Claire and Valente families had no side branches to speak of but the same could not be said for different families in their noble society.

It was said that being born in a side branch was unfortunate for those who were talented as their birth would make it impossible for them to gain any limelight.

However, Yvonne did not believe such words as those who deserved the limelight would find it one way or the other.

It might be harder for such people but through hard work and enough effort, all things were possible.

Therefore, she neither diminished their efforts nor looked down on people who were talented regardless of what their status might be.

Hence, she smiled and greeted those who were looking at her without any hesitation.

However, even this action of hers did not garner a good impression in the eyes of a few who scoffed and looked away from her.

Among them were none other than Elna Leopold who stood with Cecily Yona and a few other girls.

This was already something she expected so she did not mind when Elna looked away.

However, to her surprise, in that group of girls was someone Yvonne had been fond of and close to in the past.

‘Miss Silvia?’ She tilted her head while glancing at the young girl from the Zavanth family who was a few years older than her.

Silvia Zavanth was the first friend she had made in the noble society and the two had even shared letters a few years ago.

Though now it seemed that they had been drifting apart due to various reasons as Silvia had turned away without greeting her like she would have done in the past.

‘Did I do something to push her away?’ She wondered while gazing at the back of the girl who was now conversing with the others in her group.

Topher had gone to join the other boys around his age after bringing the St. Claire siblings here so he had not paid any attention to the cold shoulder Yvonne had just received from an old friend.

However, the same could not be said about those who were right next to her.

Taylor narrowed his eyes when he recalled that the girl from the Zavanth family used to have a good relationship with Yvonne a few months ago which seemed to have changed now.

Howard was also under the same impression and thus gazed at his little sister with concern overshadowing his eyes.

However, the boys did not know what to do in such a situation and hence could only remain silent while watching her to see if she was alright.

Thankfully, the girls around them were smarter and knew just what to do in this situation.

Therefore, sharing a glance among themselves, they were quick to make a move.

“Miss Yvonne, I heard that you play the piano very well.” Melissa Jorbin, the oldest of the triplets spoke up, distracting Yvonne’s attention from the girl who had looked away.

Aleena nodded as this was also what she had heard and while doing so, gestured that they move in a different direction.

The children here had formed their groups consisting of people they were close to so this group had also done the same.

In just a few seconds, a new group of girls with two boys among them was formed and they were already many steps away from where Elna Leopold stood with her group.

When Yvonne witnessed their hasty movements, it was without a doubt that she had recognized their motives behind this series of actions.

‘Did they think that I was sad?’ She smiled at their thoughtfulness before nodding at Melissa to continue the conversation they had initiated to distract her attention from Silvia Zavanth’s unexpected actions.

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