
Chapter 47 (XLVII) The Friendly Spar - Part 2

"As if that would work!" Viktoria laughed, flicking her wrist casually as the chunk of ice flying toward her erupted into a thousand snowflakes and gathered around her weapon. She rushed toward Jackson, swinging her rapier around her.

Lightning danced around his feet as he quickly avoided the spikes of ice that shot out from below him, jumping rapidly as she chased after him, leaping between the peaks of the points.

She continued to swing her rapier around, the spikes behind her erupting and quickly gathering around her feet as an ice slide gathered under her and rapidly expanded toward him as Victoria shot forward along it, twirling as she approached him.

Jackson quickly ducked under the blade, which sliced through the air where his head had just been, stabbing both of his swords into the ground as he fluidly turned around and grabbed her wrist with his left hand, pulling her forward, and she slammed her rapier into the ground, creating a large crater.

Jackson released his grip on her arm and quickly grabbed his left sword into the ground, using it as a pivot point to kick off the dirt, lighting dancing across his legs to spin and swing his right sword around and slice it across her back. Viktoria screamed as the tip of his blade clanked against the chainmail under her dress, stumbling forward and quickly regaining her posture.

Jackson rapidly spun in the opposite direction, pulled his sword out of the ground, twirling them around his body, slicing the air with both swords as he rushed toward her. She deflected his attack with her buckler, and he immediately kicked her in the stomach, knocking her back and sending her rolling across the ground.

"Yield!" Jackson chuckled as he ran toward her, twirling his two swords in a figure-eight pattern. She scrambled to her feet and charged forward, raising her rapier above her head.

"No!!" Viktoria growled as ice began forming in the air above her, forming long shards of ice that shot toward Jackson, who quickly ducked under the attack and sliced his left sword, smashing the second sword into the ice and breaking it into pieces.

Jackson swung his right sword to block her third attack as the ice shattered into tiny pieces. Viktoria snarled, flying through the destroyed ice shards as they rapidly gathered around her rapier, and the two blades collided with a loud clang.

He quickly pulled his right sword back and swung it in a horizontal arc, deflecting her attack and throwing her away.

Viktoria grunted as she stumbled backward, the ice from her shield shattering as all the shards flew and struck her in the shoulder. She winced, and a small crack appeared on her buckler, and the ice grew longer, wrapping around her arm and encasing her entire arm gauntlet.

"You\'re not getting away from me!" Jackson roared as he charged forward, swinging his swords in a vast, vertical arc. Viktoria raised her frozen arm and blocked the attack, taking a step as she flung him through the air.

She quickly stepped forward and stabbed her rapier into the ground as Jackson landed on his feet, quickly turning around and grabbing his right sword, twirling it around and slicing the air as he charged forward.

Ice spiked rapidly shot and grew in size toward Jackson as he charged forward, and he jumped, avoiding the attack, and slashed his left sword, cutting the ice into smaller chunks.

Viktoria flipped her rapier around and smashed the ground with her frozen arm, and the ice spikes shot toward Jackson, but he quickly kicked off the ends, dodging to the side while he slashed his left sword, severing the ice into two large chunks.

Viktoria quickly spun around and slashed her rapier diagonally upward, but Jackson deflected her attack with his right sword, then pulled his left leg back and jumped off the ground, launching toward her.

Viktoria spun around and slashed her rapier horizontally, but Jackson jumped over the attack, landing behind her. She turned around and cut her blade sideways, but he was already gone.

Her eyes darted left and right, spinning around, looking for him before the shadow above her grew; she looked up as her eyes went wide and raised her left arm to block the attack. Jackson spun violently; his entire body was enveloped in purple lightning as he struck the massive block of ice.

A shockwave shook from below Viktoria\'s feet, kicking dust in all directions around the arena. She gritted her teeth as she gripped her rapier tightly, her right arm quickly encasing in a massive ice spear, jutting far behind her elbow as she raised it.

Jackson\'s eyes narrowed as he kicked off her frozen arm, landing and crossing his two swords high over his head, and blocked the massive spear, throwing her arm up.

Viktoria pulled her arm back, and the spear broke apart, falling to the ground. She quickly pulled her right arm free of the ice, and her rapier flashed as she thrust toward Jackson\'s chest, but he easily parried the attack with his left sword.

He pulled his right sword back and swung it down, striking the ground and launching a large chunk of ice toward her. She leaped backward as the ice crashed into the ground, splintering into dozens of ice shards, raising her rapier into the air as the fragments spun in the air, pointing toward Jackson.

Jackson quickly pulled his right sword back and sliced it horizontally, deflecting the attack, and he promptly slashed his left sword, Viktoria quickly spun, spinning her rapier around her, and the ice spikes shot toward Jackson, but he quickly swung his right blade, slicing the ice into several large chunks.

Viktoria quickly spun her rapier around and slammed the dirt with her frozen arm as ice spikes shot out of the ground toward Jackson, but he quickly kicked off the spikes, dodging to the side, and sliced his left sword destroying the shards flying toward him.

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