
Chapter 31 31 - Joining The Immortal Devil Sect

With a flick of his wrist, Long Gen presented Ximen Wei with a bound manual. The cover was made of rough, earth-toned leather and was embossed with the words "Earth Grade Qi Condensation Manual." Ximen Wei took the manual in his hands, feeling its weight and the texture of the leather.

Long Gen looked at Ximen Wei with a proud smile. "This manual is an Earth Grade one, filled with Qi Techniques and instructions to reach the third level of Qi Trainees," he explained. "But, unlike the scroll you received before, this manual will not grant instant enlightenment. You must put in the hard work and dedication to truly master its teachings and advance as a Qi Cultivator."

Ximen Wei flipped through the pages of the manual, his eyes scanning the neatly written text and illustrations.

Ximen Wei\'s pulse quickened as his gaze was fixed upon the magnificent Earth Grade Qi Condensation Manual. He could sense the aura of mystery and power emanating from it, and he was convinced that its contents were vastly more substantial compared to the scroll he had previously obtained. However, he was wary and wondered what the cost of obtaining this treasure would be. He cautiously shifted his gaze towards Long Gen, whose mere presence exerted a formidable mental pressure upon him, making it difficult for Ximen Wei to draw a full breath.

"Sir...I\'m well aware of my humble circumstances," Ximen Wei managed to force out. "What must I pay to possess this Qi Condensation Manual?"

Long Gen\'s eyes flickered, studying Ximen Wei intently. A sly smile graced his lips as he chuckled, finding the young man to be far more astute than he had initially thought.

"Fear not, Wei\'er," Long Gen said, his voice warm and friendly. "I\'m not asking for any wealth or resources in exchange for the Qi Condensation Manual. In fact, I\'m not seeking any payment at all. All I require is for you to join my esteemed sect and become one of my disciples."

Ximen Wei was taken aback by Long Gen\'s offer, his mind racing as he remembered the information he had read about sects in the World Encyclopedia that Uncle Fang had gifted him. His heart beat faster as he realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Sects, as Ximen Wei understood them, were similar to schools and universities, providing a learning environment where individuals could study the Dao and cultivate their Qi, becoming powerful experts in the process. These were places where the Daoist teachings and core doctrines were passed down to the younger generations. If Ximen Wei were to join such an establishment, his journey to enlightenment would be smoother and he would save a considerable amount of time, allowing him to return home sooner.

Despite feeling a surge of excitement within, Ximen Wei\'s expression remained impassive. He asked in a tone that betrayed none of the nervousness he felt deep down.

"May I inquire, Sir, as to the nature of the sect I am joining? And what might be the name of this esteemed organization?"

Ximen Wei eagerly awaited Long Gen\'s response, his mind full of hopes and expectations. He had read about legendary sects in the World Encyclopedia, and he could not help but hope that the sect he was joining was one of those mentioned in the book.

Long Gen smiled as he leaned back in his chair, opening a book in his hand. He crossed his legs, and spoke in a sagely tone, radiating an aura of wisdom and authority.

"What kind of sect are you joining? Allow me to elaborate. Our sect is one of the top ten in the Divine Star Continent, renowned for our compassion and generosity. We are known for our commitment to justice and peace, and for our unwavering principles of fairness and equality. Our sect is highly respected by other forces, who view us as an impartial and otherworldly entity, residing above the secular world, bestowing protection and guidance upon all living beings..."

As Long Gen extolled the virtues of his sect, Ximen Wei grew increasingly excited. The mere fact that the sect he was joining was one of the top ten in the Divine Star Continent was an impressive feat in itself, and the way Long Gen described it piqued Ximen Wei\'s curiosity. He couldn\'t help but consider the possibility that this sect might be one of the legendary sects mentioned in the World Encyclopedia.

"The Harmonious Gate Sect, the Sword Heaven-Severing Sect, or perhaps the mythical and legendary Nine Mountains Immortal Sect?" Ximen Wei\'s eyes lit up as he thought about all these renowned sects, steeped in legends and lore. However, his expression quickly turned sour as he realized that Long Gen might be embellishing the truth. Ximen Wei didn\'t even bother to hide his skepticism, knowing that Long Gen might be making exaggerated claims.

Why would a prestigious and glamorous sect like this one choose to recruit in the criminal district of Green Lotus City, known for its lawlessness and brutality? And how could someone like Long Gen, a notorious gang leader in the criminal district, be a member of such a righteous and just sect, renowned throughout the Divine Star Continent? These were the questions that Ximen Wei couldn\'t help but ask himself.

Ximen Wei\'s eyes narrowed as he continued listening to Long Gen blabbering about his legendary sect and it\'s accomplishments that supposedly "changed the entire structure of the Divine Star Continent"..

"So remember little Wei\'er, as a sect member of one of the top ten sects in the entirety of Divine Star Continent, as a disciple one of the most illustrious and righteous sects in the ENTIRETY of Divine Star Continent, you must not engage in killings in whatsoever, always resolve conflicts in a peaceful and unharmful manner! For example, if you see a thief, catch him, return back what he stolen, and give him some silver taels because thief\'s are desperate people who resorted to theft in order to live! Remember to always act like Buddha..."

After what seemed like an eternity, Ximen Wei finally asked Long Gen for the name of the sect.

"Sir... you haven\'t told me the name of the sect yet..."

Long Gen paused and then snapped his fingers as he exclaimed with enthusiasm, "Oh right! I almost forgot to mention the awesome name of our illustrious sect! Our sect is called the Immortal..."

Ximen Wei was all ears, he had read about many sects in the World Encyclopedia, and he had memorized most of their names, characteristics, and brief descriptions.

"The Immortal Devil..."

As soon as Ximen Wei heard the word "Devil," his expression dropped as he realized the mistake he had made by joining the sect.

"The Immortal Devil Sect! Remember that, kid! That\'s the name of our sect, and don\'t forget our principles and beliefs!"

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