
Chapter 1006 - Wait For Me. I Am Coming For You

Even the Masters, who had accompanied their Disciples in exploring the Ancient Ruins, hurriedly ordered them to run and follow the people who were running in the opposite direction of where the fearful presence was coming from.

"Hey? Where are you guys going?" one of the prodigies shouted as he looked at those who were running away without any explanation.

A third of the overall number of Demons that had entered the ruins had fled, moments after they had passed through the gate, which confused those who were left behind.

Just as they were about to ask each other what was going on, they found themselves unable to move from where they stood.

It was at that moment when they heard a hoarse, yet powerful voice that made their hearts tremble.

"Tell me… children," the Dark Wraith said as it hovered above the immobilized group of Demons who were looking at it in horror. "Do you… believe… in… Dark Magic?"

The Dark Wraith made a gesture and several dark whips wrapped themselves around the waists of the Demons who could not muster any kind of resistance against it.

Tugging one of the whips, a Demon who was in his early twenties was pulled towards the Dark Wraith, whose glowing eyes had traces of amusement in them. It was as if it was a child that had found a new toy to play with.

"Your… answer?" The Dark Wraith asked as it raised the face of the Demon by placing its finger under his chin.

"Forgive me! Have mercy! Please!" the Demon pleaded. "I will do anything! Just don\'t kill me!"

Right now, he finally understood why the others had run away. He regretted that he didn\'t react fast enough and followed behind them. Unfortunately, it was now all too late, and all he could do was ask the Dark Wraith to spare him.

"Wrong… Answer," the Dark Wraith replied as it pulled the Demon close to it.

Everyone watched in fright, as the Dark Wraith started to suck the Dark Magic out of the young Demon\'s body, making the latter convulse as if he suffered from epilepsy.

The entire process only took fifteen seconds, but after the Dark Wraith had completely drained the Demon of his dark powers, he was tossed aside, and fell to the ground like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

Everyone\'s eyes fell on the Demon who was lying motionless on the ground. Those who were near him immediately noticed that he was no longer breathing, which meant that the latter had died after the Dark Wraith had sucked his Dark Magic out.

"Nooo! I don\'t want to die!"

One of the Demons cried out in fear, which broke everyone out of their daze. Just like a domino effect, everyone started to scream alongside him and begged for forgiveness.

"Wrong… answer!"

The Dark Wraith shouted as he pulled the Demons to him one by one. He then started to drain them of their Dark Magic, as well as their life force, to make itself stronger.

Soon the screams of fear, despair, and unwillingness spread throughout its surroundings, which made the Dark Wraith laugh because it had never felt so full and powerful these past thousand years.

"Weak… all of you… are weak!" The Dark Wraith words were like a death sentence as it harvested the lives of the immobilized demons one after the other. It didn\'t stop devouring their powers, until only one Demon remained.

The Dark Wraith chuckled as he moved towards the Demon whose tears, and urine, had already stained his clothes out of helplessness.

"Tell me… child," the Dark Wraith pulled the last demon to it, until their faces were mere centimeters apart. "Do you… believe… in… Dark Magic?"

"Yes! I do! I believe!" the Demon answered like his life depended on it. "I believe in Dark Magic!"

The Dark Wraith nodded as a noticeable smile appeared on its face. "Good… now… prove it."

Without saying another word, the Dark Wraith\'s right hand pressed over the chest of the young man, infusing him with the Dark Magic that it had collected earlier.

Soon, the Demon\'s face contorted as he struggled with all of his might. Unfortunately, it was useless because the Dark Wraith was stronger than him.

After a minute passed, the Demon stopped moving.

The Dark Wraith chuckled evilly before tossing the Demon to the ground. Soon, the Demon\'s skin started to change to a black color at a very fast rate. It only took half a minute before his entire body ahd turned as black as charcoal, and black mists oozed out of his eyes and mouth.

"Go… hunt them… all down," the Dark Wraith ordered. "You… have… one hour."

The black-skinned demon nodded its head before giving a frightful war cry. Surprisingly the Demons who were running away heard him, and even redoubled their efforts to gain as much distance as they could, from the threat that endangered all of their lives.


William\'s eyes abruptly opened as he propped himself up into a sitting position. His breathing was ragged, as he tried hard to regain his composure from the sudden dread that he had felt deep inside his entire being.

\'What was that?\' William thought as he subconsciously looked towards the North, where the Ancient Ruins were located.

"Sir William?" Charmaine asked with a concerned expression on her face. "What\'s wrong? Did you have a bad dream?"

The Half-Elf had been resting his head on her lap for nearly an hour, as he took his afternoon nap inside the flying carriage. Charmaine was quite happy to give William a lap pillow, while humming a lullaby, and lightly petting his head while he slept.

William\'s sudden action alarmed her, because she initially thought that she had done something wrong to disturb his rest.

"It\'s fine, Charmaine," William said after regaining his calm. "I just had a bad premonition."

"A bad premonition?"


William couldn\'t explain it well, but the Dark Power that was inside his body was getting restless. The hairs on the back of his neck were also standing on end, which alarmed him greatly because having this kind of reaction was never a good thing.

Fortunately, the ominous feeling vanished after five minutes had passed. However, William was no longer in the mood to enjoy Charmaine\'s hospitality.

He was currently in his Vampire Progenitor Job Class, which meant that his current strength was at the peak of the Myriad Rank. Very few things could make him react in this manner. Even Apophis didn\'t give him this feeling of dread that could be felt deep inside his bones.

\'Lilith said that the Demons had discovered Ancient Ruins to the North, which seemed to be the Holy Land for those who practice Dark Magic.\' William inwardly shuddered as he recalled the warning that Lilith had given her a few hours ago.

\'I should stay away from that place,\' William pressed his hand over his chest, and took deep breaths in order to calm his wildly beating heart.

Although he didn\'t want to admit it, whatever was happening in the North was making him feel restless.

\'Master, I hope you are safe,\' William thought as he clenched his fist in frustration. \'Wait for me. I am coming for you.\'

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