
Chapter 314

“Why to have to feel unease, let’s just say this is a pending dowry, em, these are all new items, not the second hand, there are gifts from the officials, some are specially ordered, for Her Highness Princess WuLan, of course, it must be the best stuff, please accept it, will you?”

BaiYing stuttered, he saw the Queen’s eyes looking at him with her kitty eyes, the young man lowered his eyes, he admitted, he was still a little hurt with what the Queen said yesterday, however, from the beginning what the Queen and her friends said was true, so he couldn’t be angry either.

Just when BaiYing looked confused, the Queen suddenly grabbed his hand, gripping it tightly.

“This mother is senile, sometimes my mouth when talks do not catch up with my, this is due to the oldness, please understand if any of this old lady’s words make Ying sad, but, it’s all just words, what’s in the heart is the most important, um, the Queen admits she was wrong, Ying, don’t be angry anymore okay?” Queen coaxed holding BaiYing’s hand and looked at the face of the young man who was downcast not wanting to look at her.

BaiYing stuttered, he didn’t expect the Queen to behave like that to him after he thought badly of her.

“Your Majesty, servant, not angry, hehe why I have to be mad? Your Majesty has not done anything wrong”

The Queen still held BaiYing’s hand tightly.

“Of course this old granny is wrong, heh, women, if we gather there will be a lot of words spoken that lead to other bad things, I will reduce my time spend with them from now on, however, the Queen Mother never doubted Ying with the Crown Prince, so, this sweetie, please don’t be angry, okay, don’t think about it too much, Mother admits she’s wrong, okay?”


BaiYing finally raised his head, seeing the Queen’s pair of cat eyes looking at him with a sulky look, the young man finally smiled.

“Hehe, Her Majesty the Queen”

ChenMing who heard Lan’er’s story gave BaiYing a sharp glance.

“This kid, so easy to bribe on, just a few words and you give up already.”

BaiYing smiled so widely that his eyes disappeared.

“Hehehehe this is all good stuff Brother, Ying’er wasn’t easily swayed at first, but, what can I do, seeing how many gifts there are, ouch, grandma will definitely like it.”

ShinYa and others, including old man Pai, laughed at BaiYing’s face at that time.

“Hehehehe of course Your Majesty, Her Highness the Princess must really like all these gifts”

They finally arrived not far from the big gate of SanPo city.

Several city guards in full uniform approached the group, checking the stamps and pass-letter from Old Pai and the young XinHua officials.

BaiYing looked at old man Pai for a moment, finally, their brief meeting was about to end, old man Pai and the others couldn’t stay in the Capital for too long as XinHua is currently still short of staff to build the palace, so everyone should return immediately.

“Old Pai”

Old Pai and the young officials bowed their heads deeply in front of BaiYing, all saluting in unison.

“Your Majesty the Viceroy, we ask permission to leave no, may Your Majesty always be in good health and be happy,” said old man Pai.

BaiYing smiled, he tried to hold back his tears, ChenMing came closer and put his arm around BaiYing’s shoulder,

“Old Pai, please do tell Grandma, as long as ChenMing is here, no one will be able to bully our BaiYing, tell her so she doesn’t have to worry about this innocent child”

BaiYing tried to let go of ChenMing’s embrace.


Old man Pai laughed.

“Hehehe of course Your Highness Prince Chen, I will convey all that directly to her”


BaiYing was still standing in front of the gate watching the XinHua Palace entourage leave the city. He took a deep breath.


ChenMing approached.

“What’s wrong brother? Why are you sighing like that, this kid, acting like an old man.”

BaiYing glanced at ChenMing sharply, his older brother was always teasing him, he turned his body, just ignore him.

“This brother”

BaiYing continued his way back towards the main street of SanPo city, away from the city gate. The air was getting hotter, the sun was already higher overhead, towards noon, BaiYing pat his sore shoulder.

“Oh so tired, are we going back to the palace now? Em, Brother MingMing, how about we find something to eat at downtown? Ying really wants to enjoy the red bean soup that is sold in the middle of the city, I’ve been thinking that suddenly, um, sis Yan, where is the shop?” he asked turning to Yan.

Bi approached, she looked around carefully, they went to a small shop which was quite busy when BaiYing first sneaked out of the palace, but at that time they were in a hurry for fear of being chased by bad people, they have no time remember.

“Em please forgive me, Your Majesty, I don’t remember either.”

BaiYing put on an annoyed face.

“What the hell are you guys doing, then what now? Ying is in the mood to eat it”

ChenMing approached, he grabbed BaiYing’s hand.

“Come on, let’s just find any stall, eat and go home soon, big brother has a bad feeling for being outside the palace for too long”

BaiYing had no choice but to follow his older brother who pulled him like a kid.

“Brother, what are we going to eat?”

“Anything is fine, the air is getting hot it’s better to end our trip soon”

Lan’er walked beside ShinYa, the concubine was waving her fan as the air was getting hotter.

“Hey little brother, why don’t we just go home, it wasn’t this hot this morning, we’re sweating like this, let’s just go home”

Lan’er exclaimed as she followed BaiYing.

ChenMing was just about to pull BaiYing into the small lane in front of the main road when he heard a commotion in the alley.

“Hiatt! God damn it!” the sound of several people who were seen fighting, around dozens of people dressed like personal guards with several men dressed in black in front of a large building, residents ran for their lives.

ChenMing immediately stood in front of BaiYing, they had gone the wrong way, he thought.

“Who are they, brother? Why would anyone fight at noon like this?” BaiYing asked.

Just as ChenMing was about to turn back to the main road, another group came from behind, which was probably friends of the black-clothed thugs around there, a large number of them moving all at once towards BaiYing and the others.

“Who are they?”

Those people passed BaiYing and the others joined in the fight against the other camps. In an instant, the Crown Prince’s palace soldiers in ordinary clothes had gathered in front of BaiYing and the others protecting them.

“Who’s their brother?” asked Lan’er who was afraid to hold BaiYing’s hand tightly.

BaiYing shook his head, it was certain that those people didn’t attack them.

“I don’t know, Brother Ming Ming, let’s just go home, forget about looking something to eat.”

ChenMing nodded, he thought that too, SanPo city wasn’t as safe as before lately, is it really that something bad is going to happen? Somehow ChenMing has a bad feeling.

Just as the group was about to walk back towards the main road, suddenly more people appeared in front of the road, people in personal bodyguard uniforms, they might just help their friends fight at the end of the road, ChenMing thought.


ChenMing felt something strange, he sure saw one of those people looking at them, he tightened his grip on BaiYing.

“Master Shin, the first thing you have to do, is protected concubine Fu and the maids, we still have to be vigilant no matter what” ChenMing whispered.

ShinYa who was standing beside ChenMing nodded, he opened his palm ready to cast a protective spell if something bad were to happen, he also thought those people were suspicious, their grey aura spreading in the air, it’s not a good thing.

ChenMing pulled BaiYing slowly past the crowd of maybe around fifteen people, the palace guards were around twenty people, they definitely won in terms of numbers, but...


Sure enough, suddenly several people who had been fighting at the end of the road ran towards them, all surrounding them in the middle of the road.

“No this isn’t happening” ChenMing’s hunch was right, in an instant, they were surrounded by a very large number of people.

ShinYa immediately pulled Lan’er and BaiYing’s maids into a protective circle, they moved away from the group retreating towards the building while the soldiers were busy serving the sudden attacks of those people.

ChenMing took out his sword which had been hanging from his waist from the start, even though BaiYing had mastered a high level of power, he still didn’t know what risk the boy would take if he took out his power now.

“Insolent who are they?”


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