
Chapter 399 - 397: J's Mysterious Savior

Nathan was awakened by the feeling of being shaken from left to right.

When he opened his eyes, only darkness welcomed him. He felt the constant shaking and muffled sound of a running car. That\'s when he realized he was hidden inside the car\'s trunk and his hands and legs were being tied.

"Nate! Are you there?"

"Love? Eunji?"

"Yes, it\'s me. Hang in there. I\'m going to save you."

"What? Isn\'t this part of the plan?"

"No! I mean, at first. But I could not bear to see you being hurt by them." Eunji said on the other line. She thought Toby would hide Nathan nearby. However, she didn\'t expect for him to bring Nathan to a far away place.

"No! I\'m just trying to mess with you. I have agreed to this plan because I know I can play the part well. You don\'t have to come just to save me. Let us just stick to the plan and believe that it\'ll work."

"Nate, what-"

"Love, I think this is for the best. Don\'t come to rescue me. If I disappear, they\'ll be alarmed. I don\'t think he\'d really hurt me. After all, if they\'d hurt me before the agreen tournament happened, isn\'t that against the agreement?"

Eunji was silenced by what Nathan said. However, she was really determined to save him. Thus, she pursed her lips.

"Don\'t worry. I have a back-up plan. For now just play dead if needed."

"Love, I know you really wanted to save me. However, if you\'d go missing in there, they\'d suspect you. So, just stay put. Let me show you the things that I have learned from you. Love, I want to make you proud."

Eunji was really touched by what he said.

"Are you sure you can do it?"

"Yes. Don\'t worry, I\'ll tell you on Saturday if they hurt me."

"Are u sure?" Eunji was having a second thoughts.

"Love, I promise you. I\'ll be fine. I\'ll definitely make you proud."

Eunji had no other choice but to believe in him.

Meanwhile. Asia didn\'t went back to the grandstand after she met Eunji. She had decided to roam around to check on the surroundings.

Just then after a few minutes, her phone rang. It was Jaime. "Hello?"

"Young Lady. The game\'s over. Where are you? We\'re now headed back to the accommodation."

"Oh. Tell me where you at. I\'ll come and meet you there."

"Where already on the parking lot."

"Oh? Okay. I\'ll be there in a sec." She said and decided to run to reach them. Just then, she saw Frederick together with her grandfather and the rest of the players.

"Game two will be brutal." Francais tried to remind him.

"Don\'t worry. I\'m not someone who would chicken out." Frederick confidently said.

"Damn it! I don\'t feel like waking up tomorrow. I feel like my bones are being broken and I feel like having a flu." The other players on the game said while rotating their shoulders in counterclockwise.

"Me too. It felt real though. Like all of those changes in weather felt real. I wonder who created that game. I wanted to get even with him."

"You\'ll never stand a chance if you wanted to defeat that game developer. You\'re not even worthy to be compared to the ingrown in her foot." Asia said making Eunji to react on the other line.

"Hey! I don\'t have any ingrown! My toes are healthy" Eunji cried foul.

Asia was trying to hold back her chuckle because she could already imagine her sister\'s contorted facial expression.

But then, Asia\'s expression darkened when she recalled something, "Who among you here had chosen me as your most important person? Do you even know how many laser beams were pointed towards me and grandpa?"

Everyone bowed down their heads as they didn\'t expect her to be petty.

"We really didn\'t mean to, Young Lady. Before we entered that room, we were asked to write down your names on the paper." One of them cowered and told her the truth.

"So, it\'s true. It\'s indeed a set-up. They have planned to use dirty tactics just to kill either me or grandfather by using the game."

"I really have no idea about that. Believe me."

Eunji spoke to her. "I\'m sorry if I didn\'t stop this to happen. Don\'t worry, even if they tried to shoot you to death, the guns had fake blood which would burst when it got contact with the skin. The impact would cause you to pass out. That\'s all. All the people pointing guns at the audience in the grandstand had long been replaced by my people. So either ways, I could still save you. And besides, you can easily dodge the bullet, yeah?" Eunji tried to explain to her hoping to clear out the misunderstanding.

Meanwhile, Eunji saw Toby leaving the stadium and so, she had decided to call him.

"Hey! Toby, right?"

"What do you want?" Toby spat coldly. After all, he was in a hurry to leave.

Eunji decided to place the stray hair she had behind her ear before she spoke.

"Hmmm. I just want to hang-out a little bit. You know. I always feel being an outcast in the group." She tried to sound sad to gain sympathy.

"Not me. I\'m busy." Toby said while he continued walking.

"But I want you, you know. Like I feel like you\'re fun to be with compared to the others."

"I\'m not here to mess around with you."

Eunji who felt like she had enough of convincing him finally became serious after seeing that they\'re in a secluded place.

"Well, unlucky for you. I want to mess with you."

Just then, Eunji started her attacks. She snaked her long arms around his arms and locked it behind him and pushed him in a concrete wall. Then, she used her index finger to hit the point on his neck to make him pass out.

However, he seemed to have a skin like that of an iron on his neck because her technique didn\'t work out on him.

Toby found a way to release himself from her. Eunji back flipped twice to keep her distance.

She had no other choice but to fight him head on.

Just so, she pulled out a dagger from her boots and played it around her hand.

Toby was looking her at her hand in anticipation for her next move. He was distracted.

Eunji dashed towards him and she tossed the dagger up to the ceiling making it to stick on top of his head.

She then made a cartwheel and landed on top of his shoulder. Just then, she used the strength on her legs to lock his neck. She pulled out the dagger from the ceiling and hit his head with the handle.

The handle was metal and Eunji was sure that she heard a cracking sound on his skull when she hit it. She then used the tip of the dagger to poke on the point of his neck to make him paralyze and pass out.

Toby\'s body fell down with a bang. And Eunji leaped off from his neck and landed on the floor.

Just then, her KSA agents disguised as the mercenary guards came out to help her keep away the body and bring him somewhere only her knew.

"You know what to do." She instructed her men. Toby\'s not dead. At least not yet.

The games continued on the following day. Eunji still had no clues of where J was. Eunji started to become impatient. If Jin Jie was still alive, she was sure that he\'d look for any means just to reach her.

But no! She didn\'t hear any from him. The areas surrounding the sea were also very quiet. She was starting to get upset and so she went into the underground of the stadium where she locked Toby up and she dragged a chair so she could sit down in front of him.

Toby\'s body was tied in chains and was in an inverted position. Below him was a glass container full of water. He had a dried blood dripping on the water below him.

The game was starting on the arena for Game 2 however, she ignored it.

Guards were guarding by the door to make sure no one could get inside easily.

Toby was still unconscious when she walked in. And so, she asked one of her men to pour a bucket of cold water on him forcing him to be awakened.

"What the hell?! Woman! Let me go! If you won\'t let me go, then I\'ll make sure to kill you once I got the chance to escape!" It\'s not a threat, it\'s a warning.

However, to his dismay, Eunji paid no attention to what he was saying as she had other thoughts in mind.

"Tell me Toby How long have you been working with Francais Monet?"

"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about." Toby was stubborn.

"I see. Let me rephrase it. How long have you been working with Su Ying?"

When Eunji looked at the tattoo on one of Jin Jie\'s pursuers, it had the same tattoo on Toby\'s left ear. She was able to see that tattoo when she hit him last night. Toby\'s tattoo was barely noticeable because it\'s hidden.

"Su Ying? I don\'t even know the man. Who is that?"

Lies. Eunji knew he was lying. And so, she had no other choice but to use her hypnosis on him later.

She pinched the both side of his chin with her left hand and said, "Listen to me, Toby. If you won\'t cooperate with me, I\'ll kill your sister."

"No! How dare you plan to touch my sister!"

"Well, I\'m easy to talk to. If you\'d cooperate with me, I\'ll free Taylor. However, I don\'t know what will happen to you. Maybe, I\'ll feed you to the crocodiles once you died." She sounded bored while talking to him.

"I really don\'t know about Su Ying. However, it was only yesterday that I have agreed cooperating with Mr. Monet."

However, she only smirked as she said, "Did you know I can make you confess the whole truth easily? However, I\'m giving you the chance to tell me about everything you know. If I have proven that you\'re lying, I\'ll cut your sister\'s toes and fingers depending on the number of your lies."

Eunji knew that giving Toby the easy way out was not suitable for someone who had sold his soul to the devil.

"Just kill me instead. I\'m not really going to confess what I know."

Eunji clicked her tongue as she heard him say it.

"Have you not been listening to me? I can find out everything easily. You\'ll regret this."

While Eunji was busy interrogating Toby, on the different side of the globe, Jin Jie was lying down on the white bed. He had bandage wrapped around his forehead. An old man wearing a doctor\'s coat was checking on him.

There was an IV drip on his hand and a heart monitor on his top left side.

A beautiful woman then entered the room and slowly approached J\'s bed.

She stopped upon watching him in his peaceful sleep.

"Doctor, how\'s his condition?"

"His condition\'s already stable. Good thing you have brought him back immediately before it was too late." The doctor said.

"I see. Can I stay here for a while?" She asked him calmly.

"Yes, Madam. I\'m almost done checking his vital signs."

Being granted the permission to stay, she then tried to touch J\'s forehead tentatively. But then, she had decided to touch his hand instead.

"Wake up. I want to know you, more." She whispered on Jin Jie\'s ear.


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