
Chapter 77 - [BC]Caution Or Cowardice? (part 2)

Ogoro stamped down the staircase to the second floor, cursing Aito and his ancestors to the tenth generation. 

He had believed in him. He felt like a fool, an idiot now. His sister had been right. Sheyla had talked about Aito in his room. Saying he was a fraud, a hypocrite and that it would only hurt him to follow the step of such a man. 

Of course, he had dismissed her. His own delusion had been too strong. Ogoro knew it was just a pipe dream, a dumb idea. However, he wasn\'t as stupid as thinking heroes truly existed, at least not entirely. 

No, he had simply hoped Aito Walker was half of the hero he aspired to be. If others were to know about his aspirations, he was certain they would laugh, ridicule him. 

But he was a firm believer in heroism, even more now than before. He had seen so many deaths. A lot of his previous victims had eyes full of fear, well, when they knew what was coming for them. 

He no longer wished to see those kinds of faces. It hurt him too much. Ogoro feared he\'d become mad with bloodlust if that continued. 

In fact, he had been lost in it before his revival, though he remained kind to his sister. His only solace. 

Then, Aito had appeared out of nowhere to save them. Reminding him of his previous ideal. Thus, he decided that in this life, instead of being a villain, he\'d become someone better. To follow the example of the man who had saved them. 

Too bad Aito\'s thoughts turned out to differ from his. Ogoro hadn\'t expected him to refuse so blatantly.

He had thought of just outright kidnapping him, but with the moderator keeping watch close by, it was simply impossible. What\'s more, Aito was stronger than before. 

\'Whatever, it doesn\'t matter anymore.\' He thought, entering a weapon shop with the intent to buy new equipment. 

He had denied himself this luxury since it had been unnecessary. However, money mattered little compared to his sister\'s life. Ogoro knew he\'d have no choice but to fight. 

He was unable to think up a proper plan because of how hopeless it seemed. Without Aito to bargain or help him, he\'d be unable to approach the sect master. 

Furthermore, at the time he had left, there were near sixty of them in the Square. Probably more were now waiting for him to come back.

He\'d be surrounded from all sides in that vast space. Even if he were to put up a good fight, Kai could simply threaten Sheyla to force him to stop. Too many factors played against him.

And his only hope had refused to help him.

Also, this kind of planning was Sheyla\'s domain of expertise, not his. Though he could do his fair share of good planning. 

So, without much of a plan, he resolved himself to face his enemies head-on, thinking that if he were to rush to his doom, might as well be properly equipped, right? 


A few seconds after Ogoro left.

Seated on the bench of the third floor. Aito was lost in his thoughts. 

\'Damn it… who does he take me for? A fucking samaritan?\' Aito wandered, playing with his hair. \'Coward? Sheyla was right? I am selfish? He is the one being selfish by asking me to risk my life for a woman that despises me. Just fuck it.\' 

Standing beside him, Gwen looked at him from the corner of her vision, while looking out for trespassers. It was easy to multitask, considering her absurd powers. 

She had picked up a lot from the conversation between both challengers. Something, in particular, surprised her. The fact that her apprentice had been forced to rescue Sheyla and Ogoro. By a god, no less. 

Why would a god even do that? As far as she knew there weren\'t all-forgiving or willing to help humans unless it benefited their unknown purpose. They were those kinds of beings. Self-centered, hateful pricks who glossed their image using dubious means. 

Anyway, that wasn\'t what worried her at the moment. No, she was worried that Aito would turn out like them. 

"What are you going to do?" She asked him. "Stay here and train?" 

"Yeah," He replied, "What? Are you also going to tell me I\'m a coward too?" 

Gwen shook her head, then said, "Nay, you\'re not. That much, I\'m certain. It takes balls to get your ass beaten every day. Also, the fact you survived the black trial proves it. Ogoro might have exaggerated. Though, in a sense, he was right." 

"Tsk," Aito clicked his tongue. "Just shoot it. What do you want to say?" 

"Just that you were also right in the sense it would be stupid to jump into the wolf\'s mouth unprepared. However, did you even bother inspecting the mouth before refusing? Did you even consider the odds of success? Not really." 

"I don\'t need to. The Square is a vast space capable of housing a thousand humans. The sect has hundreds of people under its command. I can just imagine how many are waiting down there for me. It\'s just plain suicide." 

"Your objective shouldn\'t be to kill them all, but to rescue that bold woman."

"Can\'t. Too risky."

"Not if you can take them by surprise," Gwen said, trying to hint at something. 

"Whatever you mean, it is impossible. They are probably keeping watch at the entrance near the fountain. Unless there exists another access point, it is, as I said, pure suicide. I will not accept an impossible request." 

"Even if there was another access point?" Gwen said with a playful smile. 

"Don\'t lie to me, Gwen. I\'ve checked the area and I\'m certain there are none," Aito replied.

"Hum, did you ever wonder how the merchants on the second floor moved around? Or where the staff usually disappears after Cooldown periods?" 

Aito sent her a quizzical gaze, "What do you mean?" 

"I\'m just saying there is another way to reach the first floor." Gwen said, "One I have access to, but cannot provide because it would defy the purpose of my job." 

"Great, you\'re throwing a bait only to take it back before it even touches the water." 

"Nay, I never said you couldn\'t find it," Gwen said, smirking.. Since Aito didn\'t bother replying, or it was more accurate to say he was waiting for the next part, she added, "Come on, isn\'t it obvious? Just ask any stall owner." 

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