
Chapter 92

Barely a ray of dawn light came through the window, almost strategically hitting the sofa I was sleeping on, so after a couple of grumpy grunts, I was forced to wake up and leave a Claire in a maid outfit back in the country of Dreams.

Throwing away whatever laziness I might bring with me, I start the day the same way I’ve done since I was little. . . With training, with only a few very particular exceptions, I have trained every morning of my life since my father decided that I would be a soldier like him when he grew up.

I would be lying if I said that I hated these training sessions because as enthusiasm for sports and martial arts, they were activities that were within the range of what I consider fun; spending quality time with my father was just a bonus to it all.

But everything inevitably changes over time, so now I train without the company of anyone and at this precise moment it is not martial arts that I plan to train but magic. . . well, a bit of both.

Fighting that little zombie horde yesterday, I realized that to my regret, my prowess in using the skills I had learned during my elemental epiphanies was inefficient if not pathetic at best.

These were the time and the rush who was playing against me because no matter how monstrous my talent is and how high my combat prowess is, even he finds it impossible to master such complex skills in such a short time and that is without taking into account mind the fact that these particular skills are a long way from my area of ??expertise.

If it had been a normal martial arts movement, it would not matter how complex and powerful it is, I would probably not take more than one or two weeks to master it with my talent and experience in various disciplines; Of course, perfecting this movement would take a considerably longer amount of time, but this already showed how ridiculous my learning ability was.

But in the case of his new abilities, these were both a martial move, an energy manipulation test and an elemental mastery; they were far from something I could learn lightly.


On this particular occasion, I decided that the storm palm would be the skill I would train, for two quite simple reasons. The first was that this skill was one that he had already used in combat so he had some experience with it and the other reason was related to the base element of the skill; wind.

I am aware of certain implications that the elemental affinities of an individual have so I understand somewhat the kind of mentality and attitude in me that makes me have such a strong affinity with the wind; Although I have more than one elemental affinity, the truth is that it is easier for me to enter a suitable state of mind for training skills related to wind-type mana.

Also, the manna of the wind was abundant in this forest so I thought that would also help in the search for quick results in the domain of the storm palm.

Leaving Sasha’s house as calmly as possible, I headed towards a small open area a bit far away to avoid waking up that alchemist from her sweet dreams.

Unlike the previous times, this time I did not immediately proceed to try to perform the storm palm, but first I sat in the lotus position, then with a little help from the rising mana storm and a calm mind, I dedicated myself to feel the mana around me.

At first, I only felt the presence of the mana itself that abounded and fluttered like the essence of nature that is on magical planets like this, but after a few moments, I focused my intention to feel only the mana of the wind and isolate all other types from my senses of mana.

It took me almost half an hour to be able to fully feel the manna from the wind, which seemed excessive but taking into consideration that the use of the storm palm is more of a subconscious action based on a sensation of the elemental epiphany than a conscious action and manipulation. of energy; one can understand that there is a great difference between both processes.

Once I could feel the energy of the wind around me, an even more difficult part of the training I had planned to do today followed and this was to make my senses ignore all the different elemental energies besides the wind.

By the time I was able to perform this process, the sun had already reached a considerable height on the horizon, indicating that I had spent more than a couple of hours in this state of pseudo meditation solely focusing on improving my sensitivity to the mana of the wind.

It might seem that my progress is not significant, but I was thinking the opposite, just based on my own assumptions; I could tell that trying to run the storm palm at this point would be more powerful and energetically efficient than before a large margin.

As the person who learned the skill through an epiphany and the user of that skill, I was quite familiar with the feeling of using it and I can tell that much of the physical and energetic effort of using that skill came from the process of collecting mana from the wind, where it attracted large amounts of mana of which only a small percentage was wind energy; so the excess energy was dispersed back to the environment but not before having used my resistance and internal mana for its collection.

Now, although I am still far from being able to say that I have mastered the skill, at least I increased my skill in it so that I will be able to use it more frequently without fear of mana depletion and can expect better results from its use.

As for the true mastery of it, I can only say that it took time, but with everything considered I can at least say that it was quite a fruitful morning; Especially judging by the shadow on the second-floor window that has been watching me for at least an hour or so.

I suppose I will be “nice” to her and let her enjoy a little show before finishing today’s training session, which she considers my room rate.

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