
Chapter 129

At the dining room table at Desmond’s house, Claire was having a quiet breakfast, she was wearing the uniform of her new school here in the town of Green Seed, at this moment she did not seem the same cheerful and energetic girl that Desmond was used to seeing; quite the contrary, she seemed somewhat dejected.

′′ Do you miss him so soon? ′′

Reacting to the voice behind her, Claire turned around and looked somewhat puzzled at the little flying creature that had asked the question, not that she was surprised to see Kyuru in all her magical fairy splendor, but that Claire wondered, why the fairy was full of mud at 6 in the morning?

Seeing the dirt path that Kyuru had left behind, Claire gave a resigned and helpless sigh at the always playful attitude of the fairy, in fact, Claire really liked the young and beautiful fairy that her brother had brought from the world of Serefia after all Kyuru was incredibly adorable and kind by nature; the only problem was that the fairy only did three things in the day: sleep, play and eat.

Leaving her thoughts, Claire gave a positive response to the fairy and asked back:

′′ Don’t you miss him? ′′

The fairy gently shakes her head and made her way to the table where she began to eat some of the small fruits on it, while the fairy filled her chubby cheeks with food and replied to Claire:

′′ I miss him, but a part of him is always with me and a part of me is always with him, that will not change until the day one of us dies, so I find comfort in it; I also enjoy living here with you. ′′ The fairy exclaimed calmly as she clasped his hands on her chest as if that part of Desmond she was talking about was there.


Claire seemed a bit surprised by the fairy’s unexpectedly profound response, but as much as she didn’t want to think about it she still had to ask a question that she held deep in her heart.

′′ What if he really dies? ′′

′′ He will not die. ′′ The fairy answered calmly and with certainty.

′′ You cannot know, nobody can, he has always been like that, carrying the weight of my world on his shoulders, taking risks to give me everything he can, now he is in another world trying to become stronger and for what? why? To keep me safe. . . if only I could share some of his burdens. . . if only someone could. ′′ At first, Claire had responded in an energetic, almost exasperated way to the fairy, but as she advanced, her voice became attenuated and tinged with a tone of helplessness difficult to ignore.

Kyuru tenderly looked at the young woman who was on the verge of tears next to her and with a simple movement of her hand a stream of mana condensed into water to wash all the dirt from her small body, as soon as she finished cleaning herself Kyuru flew until she was in front of Claire’s face and warmly kissed her forehead.

′′ Desmond will not die, he would never allow himself to die, he would go through hell to return to your side, so he will not die; He is also an intelligent man so he would never get involved in situations that are not in his favor.

Soon you will go through your awakening ceremony, then you will have the strength to share the burdens of the man you love, but make no mistake Claire. . . Desmond does all of this not just for you but also for himself because he finds happiness and relief in your smile. After all, your mere presence eases the burden on his shoulders. ′′

Claire listened carefully to the little fairy and nodded like a little girl being lectured by her mother, the scene was emotional, to say the least, but it was still a bit comical to watch a woman like Claire being comforted by an incredibly adorable 12-inch tall fairy; but it had to be remembered that despite her general appearance and demeanor, fairies were actually masters of emotions so it wasn’t that weird once you took that into account.

′′ Do you think everything will go well in the awakening ceremony? ′′ Claire asked as she held little Kyuru in her hands and rubbed her cheeks against the fairy’s soft body.

′′ Do not worry, Desmond left you some resources that should help you in the process, also the night before your ceremony I plan to give you a little help; so you don’t have to worry at all or my name won’t be Kyurustrae-exzar-Serefia. ′′ Kyuru continued to comfort Claire as she patted her chest as if she was trying to point out how trustworthy she was.

′′ Thank you Kyuru. . . wait since when is your name so long? ′′ Claire exclaimed in belated surprise.

Kyuru at her question looked at Claire as if to say ¨ Are you an idiot? ¨ before answering the young woman’s question.

′′ My name has always been that, but it is too long so I usually only use Kyuru’s name, I usually only use my full name when performing a relatively complex spell. . . I guess you’ll understand the night before you wake up. ′′

′′ Will you use a spell on me? ′′ Sasha asked with some distrust.

′′ You will find out that day, for now, it’s a surprise, now if you’ll excuse me I’ll go play with my new friend; bye . . . by the way, aren’t you late for school? ′′ The fairy refused to reveal the details about what she would do the night before Claire’s awakening and immediately made her way outside to play, but stopped mid-flight as if remembering something and asked one last question to Claire

Hearing the fairy’s question, Claire mechanically turned her head in the direction of the clock on the wall, and to her horror, she was indeed late to school, so she proceeded to eat in a hurry before grabbing her backpack and running away from home.

Seeing Claire run out of the house, Kyuru just shakes her head before commenting to herself:

′′ What a fragile girl, it seems that she depends on Desmond as much as Desmond depends on her. . . she also seems to share the same impatient trait of my dear guardian; Looks like I’ll have a lot to worry about with those two. . . forget it I’ll leave it for later, now it is time to play. ′′

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