
Chapter 157


Without even bothering to answer Desmond’s stupid question, the giant corrupted beast gave a low growl and attempted to crush Desmond with his hulking hooves.

Interestingly enough, Desmond didn′t have a strange fondness for wanting to be crushed to death in a bloody mess so he hurried out of the way before shooting the beast with his bow.


The arrow made a low hiss before striking the creature, but to both Desmond and Sasha’s great surprise, the beast only staggered back a few steps without looking hurt; Although Desmond didn′t think that the beast would go down with a single shot, he also did not think that it would only shrug his shoulders as if his shot were only a mosquito bite.

Desmond did not delay a single second before changing positions once more to avoid being hit by the beast, at the same time he kept watching the super-developed minotaur-like creature looking for weaknesses; but Sasha’s voice cut him off before he continued to engage in combat with the creature.

′′ Desmond be careful, he is a Berserk Bull in bone armor. ′′

Despite clearly hearing Sasha’s words, Desmond was quite helpless about it; Why? Well, he didn’t have a damn idea of what was a Bone Berserk Bull or whatever.


Sasha probably noticed her mistake, when she stuck her tongue out in a mischievous way in Desmond’s direction and she proceeded to tell him what she knew about the creature when it was still alive.

According to Sasha, this beast was even more dangerous than the dark-edged creeper tiger, at least in terms of brute strength, this bull was a violent beast whose power lay only in its physical strength; The bad news is that the second thing this fucking idiot specialized in was defense.

Its entire body was covered by an incredibly resistant exoskeleton that was camouflaged with the color of the beast’s skin, gave it an exceptional defense against all kinds of attacks, and the powerful muscles hidden under the armor not only gave its strength to the beast but served as a shock absorber, further increasing the creature’s defense.

As soon as he finished listening to what Sasha had to say, Desmond felt that it was quite unfair that he always had to face ridiculously strong beasts that also happened to be good at defense; in Desmond’s own words ¨ Where is the balance in that? ¨

Although Desmond wasn′t really surprised, after all during Sasha’s explanation he had entered Full-Drive and tried to use his new offensive ability to try to create a couple of cuts on the beast; The result? A few sparks from friction and a few shallow marks on the beast’s exoskeleton.

′′ Can you burn this damn beast? ′′ Desmond, not wanting to waste time fighting this titan, asked Sasha to use her specialty.

“Of course I can,” Sasha answered confidently as she patted her chest.

Having said that she looked at the corrupt bull for a few seconds and said something else to Desmond: ′′ But there is a problem, it is simply too big and resistant, if I try to burn it alive it will launch into an uproar and it will be dangerous; Do you think you can immobilize it? ′′

Desmond looked again at the giant beast that was still trying to crush him like a mouse and thought that there shouldn’t be too much problem, the truth was that Desmond believed that the entity in the cave had chosen a bad guardian for its evil lair; for it doesn’t matter how strong the bone berserk bull was if he was too slow to even deliver a single successful blow.

Although to be fair it was Desmond who was being a bit biased at the moment, the strength of the beast was actually quite frightening as demonstrated by the gigantic craters it left in its wake every time it tried to attack Desmond and neither was the beast. it was as slow as Desmond made it look. . . it’s just that Desmond was too fast.

Thus Desmond managed to abuse the poor creature while he kept Full-Drive at full power, every time the beast missed an attack Desmond would sneak under it and attack using his new ability to name.

In that way Desmond spent at least a couple of minutes until one of his blows finally managed to make the blood of the beast spill, having seen the defense of the beast give way Desmond launched himself on the injured area in the leg of the creature and unleash a barrage of slashes on it.

Blood and chunks of flesh flew through the air quickly and when the beast tried to counter Desmond he wandered away with great ease, now with his reduced mobility, it was unlikely that the beast would be able to continue defending itself against Desmond for long.

Desmond soon tried to repeat the previous attack on the other leg of the berserk bull but this time he was met with a nasty surprise. At the precise instant that Desmond’s steel gauntlet struck his enemy’s exoskeleton, a bone spike covered in necrotic venom shot out from the beast’s leg in a bloody mess.

Desmond without enough time to retreat was forced to use the gauntlets of condensed metallic mana as a means of defense. From one moment to the next, sparks erupted from the friction between the bone spike and Desmond’s defense before the latter shot out like a cannonball.

′′ Desmond ′′ Seeing Desmond fly away before crashing into the distance Sasha couldn’t help crying out in concern.

′′ Cof. . . Cof. . . I’m fine, thank god for the upgraded armor. ′′ Desmond who came out of the rubble and dirt that covered him felt grateful when he noticed that it was thanks to the improved armor that he did not end up impaled against the sharp rock that he had collided with when he fell.

Of course, he could not save himself from having a couple of broken ribs, but taking into account the alternative Desmond believed that he had already won that last exchange; now seeing the berserk bull limping slowly but surely in his direction, Desmond was full of combat intent burning within him.

But he ended up suppressing his impulses and taking the most rational action possible, so he took the bow hanging from his shoulder and placed an arrow in it, enduring the pain Desmond began to pull the bowstring at the same time that he poured a quantity abundant mana in the arrow; soon a ring of wind formed on his wrist and he passed quickly to the point of the arrow.

Having his shot ready Desmond watched the berserk bull approach and waited until the right moment to shoot, he needed a clean shot. . . and the opportunity came.

Tsuuu! PLOOOF!

The sound of the arrow penetrating the wind was followed by the sound of the beast collapsing to the ground, Desmond had aimed at the beast’s Achilles heel betting that that shot would paralyze it and he had been right.

It was not more than a few seconds since the beast had collided with the ground when four flaming spears materialized above it and impaled it on the ground before completely immolating it.

Desmond didn’t even get a chance to say an epic phrase or anything like that before the beast had turned into a giant piece of coal. . . somewhat speechless Desmond just drank another healing potion while he waited for something else to come out of the cave.

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