
Chapter 200

“Congratulations Silvia, we will be working together from now on.”

Claire’s cheerful and energetic voice pulled Silvia out of her daze, just a few moments ago Desmond had revealed the list of recruits that would be part of his squad and the number was not particularly big; with only eight of them, Silvia couldn′t believe that she was selected.

On the other hand, Claire wasn’t surprised at all, she had a general idea of ??who would be selected by Desmond, in the end as they had talked about it at home on a few occasions.

Of course, those conversations only happened when they weren’t too busy expressing their love for each other physically and verbally.

To be honest, Claire was more than happy with her new lifestyle, she could wake up next to the person she loved almost daily and found the military training quite interesting, any additional intimacy she had with Desmond overwhelmed her with happiness and her relationship with Sasha had been pretty good so far; she had even made a new friend named Silvia.

Desmond on the other hand was having a difficult time balancing all aspects of his life, his romantic situation with Claire and Sasha was good, but it was difficult for him not to invest time in them which didn′t help when he already had to invest absurd amounts of time to train all the new skills he had learned while carrying out his duties as a lieutenant.

The only saving grace for him was that most of the new skills to train were complicated, but quite discreet so that he could train them at any time without attracting attention; that was especially the case for skills intended for stealth.

Little did Desmond know that a certain sharp-eyed girl had noticed the thermal changes caused by the flow of energy within his body.


Speaking of that same girl, Silvia who had been energetically pushed by Claire was now in Desmond’s office receiving the documents of her official position.

Silvia was so absorbed in looking at the documents in her hands that she even completely ignored the semi-hidden presence of Kyuru who was looking with interest at all the recruits around her.

The fairy flitted around the room in her spirit form as she evaluated each person present intensely, it was not the first time the fairy had done such a thing, the fairy had helped Desmond evaluate the psychological aptitudes of his candidates and choose their those that were more suited to Desmond’s tastes.

The only thing the fairy kept a secret from Desmond was Silvia’s growing interest and suspicion towards him and how she believed that Silvia could see her in one way or another; It wasn’t that she had bad intentions about it, but that she knew how Desmond treated anyone he considered a threat and Kyuru didn’t want the poor girl to earn Desmond’s enmity over something so small.

Being ignorant of the fairy’s secrets, Desmond finished delivering the necessary documents for the new members of his squad, and when he was about to give some kind of speech the door of his office was opened giving way to a figure unknown to Desmond.

“This is Lieutenant Astryd’s office?”

The person who entered wore the uniform of the intelligence department but did not wear any special medal or emblem so Desmond assumed that he was just a low-ranking officer.

“Indeed it is, and are you?”

Perhaps due to the force of habit or because it was part of his innate nature Desmond responded with a slightly aggressive and oppressive air, leaving the poor messenger shivering in his pants as he timidly reached out his hand and handed a folder signed and sealed by the person to charge of this military barracks.

“General’s orders for his squad”

Too lazy to continue interacting with the poor fearful messenger, Desmond took the folder from his hand and made his way back to the desk.

When opening the folder Desmond removed the files concerning his new assignment, as written in the first pages, just over a month ago during the coordinated attack of the mutant beasts there was a break in a prison in the northern region of the country; according to the documents some of the fugitives had been seen in the vicinity of the city of Kars and his squad was assigned to conduct a search in and around Green Seed Town.

After reading the documents aloud so that his subordinate squad members were aware of his assignment, Desmond turned to the attachment where the fugitives list was located.

It was then that an oppressive force filled the room, it was a bloody feeling full of primal violence and Kyuru was the first to notice that the mana in the room had begun to shake under the influence of Desmond who in his anger lost control of his mana.

At that moment Silvia and the rest of the recruits felt a fear that they had never felt before in their lives, a fear deeply rooted in their subconscious, the kind of fear that a rabbit has when it sees a wolf; afraid of seeing their lives extinguished before the whims of the predator in front of them.

The silence lasted for a few seconds until the mana in the room returned to normal as soon as Desmond managed to control his emotions, yet no one in the room dared to say or do anything for fear of provoking his Lieutenant anger again... Well everyone except Claire, who was unable to relate the notion of fear to the man she loved.

With a kind smile, Claire approached Desmond’s desk and without a single pause in her rhythm, she just placed her hand on Desmond’s back gently patting to calm him down.

Little by little Desmond managed to swallow his anger and the grim expression on his face relaxed a bit, the irony was enormous when Claire glanced at the documents on the desk and saw the first page with the name and photo of one of the fugitives; from one moment to the next the room was once again filled with an oppressive force.

Of a different nature and less intense a telekinetic force exerted pressure in the room with Claire as the epicenter of this force, her normally emerald eyes now looking like amethysts glowing brightly from the psychic power exerted by her.

The other recruits including Silvia could only helplessly endure this new force exerted on them, at this moment they were too afraid of provoking any other reaction in the room and all they wanted was to be able to leave this place as soon as possible.

The only exception was Silvia who now had the flames of curiosity burning inside her, true to her nature she couldn’t help but want to know the reason for the fury of both her lieutenant and her friend; Little did she know that a different kind of intrigue directed at that lieutenant was slowly growing in her heart fueled by all the unknowns around Desmond.

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