
Chapter 224

In a wooded section of a rural road in the middle of a valley, a group of people lurked in the shadows waiting for something, just by their appearance anyone would find their presence suspicious but precisely for that reason these people were well hidden at the same time as they took an advantageous position to get a good view of the entire length of the road that normal people were expected to travel.

“Sir, shouldn’t our target have arrived already?” Asked a person dressed completely in black hidden in the shadows.

Three other dark figures surrounded the person who asked the question, all in similar clothing except one of them who wore a purple ribbon around his right arm; This last person was the one who was asked the question and was the leader of the group.

“Don’t worry, I just received a message via homing eagle, our target is a girl with short black hair, blue eyes, around sixteen years old, 1.70 tall, dark clothes, she doesn’t usually carry weapons; she should be here any minute. ” The leader answered confidently.

All the men dressed in black nodded in recognition, this was not their first mission so they only asked as a way to pass the time, it does not matter how well trained they were; boredom was still unavoidable.

“Stay alert, this is not an ordinary mission, the pay is not only high but the boss said that this mission was given to him by our sponsors so failing is not an option,” Said the leader seriously.

Hearing that this commission was so important, the group could not help but unconsciously hold on to their weapons tighter, the leader when seeing this subtly shook his head, truth be told, this group was not made up of super elites or anything like that.

The only reason they were sent here was that most of the high-level members of the organization had been assassinated a couple of months ago on a high-level mission and the few remaining high-level members were currently busy with other missions.


His only consolation is that according to the information his targets were traveling alone and his strength should not be so excessive that his group would not be able to deal with it.

A fifth dark figure came down from the top of a nearby tree and passed the notice to the rest of the group that a person who meets the description was approaching them on the road, immediately the rest of the group hid in the shadows preparing an ambush.

Minutes passed and their target became vaguely visible, the group of people in black had no problem waiting for their target to get closer to one more, after all, patience was a basic virtue of the assassins.

They soon saw their target, dark clothing, short black hair, her facial features were partially hidden by the hood, but her blue eyes peeked out occasionally and vague feminine outlines of her face became visible from Occasionally; As for the lack of breasts? Women in this area weren’t known for their big boobs so the killers didn’t think too much about it.

The group of assassins prepared for the ambush, subtly adjusting their positions according to the exact position of their target and the trajectory in which it was advancing, the adjustments were subtle, a change of posture or moving only a couple of inches from their original position; It seemed almost unnecessary but a well-trained person would know that such arrangements would save them a couple of fractions of a second during the ambush.

The closer their target got the more clearly the assassins could observe but due to the preconceived idea that this was definitely their target and due to the stress to which they were psychologically subjected; the killers failed to notice the small details that differentiate the person in front of them from their real target.

Soon their target was right in the middle of their safe death zone and the assassins went on the offensive, one of them came out from behind a tree and shot a swift arrow straight into their target’s chest while another of them fell from treetop just above your target with a sword in hand; the other four waited in specific positions to carry out follow-up attacks if necessary.

At a time like this, the girl whose life was the objective of these murderers seemed to have nowhere to go and in circumstances like these, it was necessary for the appearance of a charming prince who saves the maiden in distress.

There were only two problems with such a scenario, firstly the person in the middle of the ambush was not a woman... secondly... those who were in danger were the assassins, not their target.

To the surprise of the assassins, the person being ambushed did not seem to react with surprise or horror at their sudden appearance and on the contrary seemed calm, at least for a moment before he proceeded to demonstrate to these assassins that they had chosen the wrong target in more ways than one.

With superhuman speed, the hooded person took a side step, getting out of the way of the person who jumped on top of him, extended his right hand and to everyone’s surprise he caught the arrow that was shot at him in mid-flight; Before the assassin who jumped from above had a chance to recover from the fall he found a strange object protruding from the middle of his chest... it was strange, it almost looked like... the point of an arrow.

Releasing the arrow that was now stuck in the back of one of his assailants, the hooded person had to jump back to evade a second arrow and two sword attacks, but that did not seem to put the said person under any stress, he just kept dodging every attack that came his way.

The assassins continued to attack in a constant, fluid, and well-coordinated manner without giving their target a chance to counterattack or so they thought, but without realizing it their fight was gradually approaching the position from which the archer was firing.

In a careless moment after dodging another sword attack, a strong and well-calculated palm strike took the sword out of the assassin’s grip, with an unexpected movement the hooded person took the sword, and instead of using it to fight this person threw it with all his strength behind him.

For a moment the assassins facing him in hand-to-hand combat questioned the actions of the hooded person until they saw the head of his archer take a couple of turns in the air with his body spewing blood like a fountain as he fell to the ground.

Taking advantage of the assassins’ distraction and carelessness, the hooded person exploded with a force and speed that the assassins had not seen before and a split second later two dark steel gauntlets protruded from the back of the torso of two other assassins.

Fragments of bone and torn muscles sprouted from the backs of both assassins, their deaths were not even a matter of doubt, the arm of the hooded man had impaled the entire area of ??the sternum of both assassins destroying their lungs, heart, and spine; not even buddha could save them now.

Of course, it was unlikely that Buddha wanted to save them in the first place as he was not exactly a fan of the assassins, but at this moment the two assassins who were alive would pray to any deity if that were to get them out of this place alive.

It was a pity that the roles were reversed and predators became prey, what was even worse was that similar to when they were the executioners, the hooded man did not seem interested in showing mercy.

Too terrified to agree, one of the assassins decided to put up one last desperate fight while the other ran at full speed into the forest.

What followed cannot even be considered a fight, it was a bloody execution, with two quick cuts the assassin’s arms were separated from his body leaving behind a long trail of blood that had not yet landed on the ground when a claw pierced the skull of the assassin.

As for the last assassin, he had barely advanced a dozen meters when a silver flash reached him nailing his left shoulder into a tree, with his face against the bark of the tree the assassin could not even gather strength to free himself and was not able to reach what had nailed him to the tree in the first place; he could only wait with despair for his executioner to come for him.

Seeing that all threats had been neutralized, the last man standing removed his hood revealing a beautiful face ... but certainly masculine, not necessarily the image of the toughest man in the world as his features were quite delicate and refined, but there was no doubt that it was a man; a pretty handsome one is worth mentioning.

With his blue eyes filled with a murderous coldness, the man couldn’t help but comment: “What the hell? Twenty minutes, I haven’t even been in this world for twenty minutes and there are already assassins trying to kill me, if it were not because I was improving my senses with mana for leisure I would have gone through a lot of trouble with that ambush; Why am I always so unlucky? ”

And of course, this person who was complaining about his bad luck while surrounded by the corpses of more unfortunate people was none other than Desmond Astryd who had just arrived on the XR-35 martial sovereign world to complete an assassination mission.

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