
Chapter 228

Throughout my short life, I have had relationships with many women, which I am not necessarily proud of, my relationship with them was always considered casual and I rarely saw a woman more than a couple of times, which I am not proud of either.

But my repeated interactions taught me a lot about the opposite sex and even if I never had a real romantic relationship with another person where I cared about their feelings or understood them; I still learned a thing or two.

No, I really didn’t learn anything, the fact is that until recently I was an idiot who only cared about putting a woman to the bed and although I was good at it; the truth is that I don’t understand women at all.

But as ignorant as I was, I had still noticed something strange about Mei Fei Long, based on what she had told me and my perception of the girl, she should be someone with some influence and respect in the sect; but that did not seem to be the case.

During our brief visit to the internal affairs ward, everything related to my entry into the sect was arranged quite easily, just as I had believed it wasn′t unusual for a central disciple to have servants.

What I found strange was the attitude of the people in the sect when they spoke with Mei, there was certain respect or fear towards her, but this seemed more based on her strength than on her position and there were many rude whispers that were heard behind our backs.

Some people didn’t even bother to lower their voices while calling out all sorts of insults to Mei, even I was annoyed when they hinted that she was a whore who had finally gotten a servant to warm her bed; but seeing that Mei didn’t say anything about it, I decided to keep quiet.

As for how I knew that they feared her more out of force than a matter of status, one could say that it was because I was related to such an attitude directed towards me, but it was more than that, it was more of a feeling than an actual observation or comparison; If I had to put it into words I would say that when I saw the expression of fear on someone’s face when he looked at Mei the first thing that came to mind was the fear in the eyes of a rabbit when he sees a wolf.


Putting such thought aside, I also received some strange comments related to my humble outfit but I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry about it, this humble outfit was just a cloak that I used to hide the extremely expensive magic armor that I was wearing underneath; of course, I would never be so stupid as to point it out.

In the end, Mei and I went to her pavilion to show me the place where we would live, on way Mei explained some more things about the sect.

Apparently in the central square where we just stayed there were three major pavilions destined to administer three aspects of the sect, the first was the internal affairs pavilion where administrative matters were handled and missions were issued for the disciples.

The second pavilion was the martial arts pavilion where all the martial arts of the sect were stored, I was quite curious about that place, but Mei explained that certain requirements had to be met to get in, so I left that topic in the background from my mind.

The third pavilion was the pavilion of the treasure and the medicine it functioned mainly as a place of exchange where the disciples could obtain resources, medicines, and treasures; but at the same time, it was the vault of the sect.

One thing to keep in mind was that the architecture of the buildings around me seemed somewhat strange and familiar at the same time, the design of the roofs and some arches at the entrance of some buildings had a strong oriental undertone, but some of the fundamental structures that served as the foundation for these buildings had a strong Western feel; Desmond could even see in some of the reliefs or stone carvings they had a style that vaguely reminded him of some Mayan relics that he saw in a museum exhibit when he was little.

But one thing was clear, all these buildings and constructions seemed to be extremely sturdy with incredibly dense walls, although I thought this was normal given the standard physical strength in this world.

In any case, I ended up concluding that all these architectural similarities were mere coincidence, the product of the evolution of the human mind and the advancement in the art of construction; nothing more ... Still it is an interesting detail to admire.

During her little distraction I kept listening to Mei’s explanation and looked around again discreetly and kept noticing that the attitude towards Mei from both disciples and sect staff was strange, it wasn’t exactly hostile, but it felt like they were alienating her.

This seemed strange to me, according to my poor understanding of this world, the people in this place respected the strong, and Mei was certainly strong, she was also a lively and honest girl who anyone wanted to be friends with; she had that kind of vibe and if that wasn’t enough she was a beauty.

Her blue eyes and her dark hair were both similar and different from mine, but they were still very beautiful, her face had the perfect balance between beauty, subtlety, and heroic bearing; she was not the delicate beauty type but she was still the kind of girl anyone would want to take to bed.

Her skin was smooth like jade and clear like porcelain, she had delicate and feminine hands which seemed strange given her martial prowess, she had beautiful legs with thighs and butt that were difficult to ignore, the girl also had C cup breasts difficult to ignore.

No matter where I saw it, the girl was the ideal wife that anyone would wish to have, at least in my opinion the people of this world should find her hips fertile or whatever the compliments are in ancient times.

The only negative I could say about her was that she was perhaps too strong for the comfort of some, such a thing does not apply to me, but some want a submissive wife and Mei certainly does not seem the submissive type.

The other thing to mention would be that she didn’t seem to dress up in a very feminine way, her robes were mostly a combination of black and azure blue, with some bronze accents at the seams.

Likewise, her inky black hair was a bit too short reaching only to her cheeks, her hair was silky and shiny so it should look pretty good if she wears it long, but that wasn′t the case.

In the end, I could only relate the attitude of the people around to what Mei had said about having offended a person with considerable influence, Mei never said who it was that she had offended either because she had no reason to mention it or because she did not know, in any case, it was likely that I would end up finding out over time.

Leaving aside her appearance and the strange attitude of people towards her, there was one thing that struck me a lot about her, her resemblance to me, it was strange that I said it myself, but I felt that she and I were very similar.

I had no basis for such a claim, but this just seemed to be the case, beyond the slight physical resemblance between us, there was something about her that somehow seemed familiar to me.

Apparently, I spent too much time in silence or felt my gaze crossing her body, however, Mei turned around and shot me a look that I found familiar, it was then that I knew, from that look full of aggression and warning, it was almost ... almost, a bestial feeling; then I knew why she seemed so similar to me, it was because we are both predators.

“Why do you smile? Have they not told you that it is impolite to look at a lady like that? ” Mei said interrupting my thoughts.

To which I could not avoid responding with a sincere smile: “As far as I know there is no rule that prohibits appreciating an art piece, also I smiled because I realized something; you and I are similar ”

Sometimes I wonder if flirting is part of my nature, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing either, I should learn to live my life enjoying the little things more, also because of the way Mei blushes; she doesn’t seem angry.

“Keep your comments to yourself, don’t think that with a smile you can make the girls accept your shameless attitude,” Mei said, her tone of voice was aggressive, or at least that’s what she was trying to do, but inside me, the term “Tsundere” couldn’t help passing through my mind.

“It seems like it will be interesting to live here.” With such thought going through my mind, Mei and I arrived at her pavilion, compared to the pavilions around it it was quite mediocre, but it was still the size of a small mansion by my standards.

The problem was the comparison, a pavilion like this shouldn’t even exist in the main disciple area, which was obvious when one looked around; But this pavilion was not only much worse than the others nearby, it was also in the farthest corner of the area.

Mei tried to hide her embarrassment when she pointed to her home, but it was obvious that anyone would feel bad for the comparison especially a proud woman like Mei, it seems that her situation in the sect is worse than I thought.

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