
Chapter 238

It was a direct, forceful, and extremely lethal martial art, but despite popular opinion, the bajiquan was not only an expert in ultra-close range blows; He also had focused movements closing distance at high speed while delivering powerful blows with the accumulated momentum.

And that was exactly what Desmond used, after getting into the traditional bajiquan horse stance, Desmond subtly shifted his center of balance by leaning his weight on the foot behind him, and in an instant burst of speed he almost immediately covered the line. distance between him and Mei.

Mei was caught off guard by Desmond’s extremely aggressive move, which started from a rather defensive stance from his perspective.

Because she lost that all-important split second to her surprise Mei was soon hit in the sternum by Desmond’s elbow that shot like a spear from the center of his posture.

After the blow Desmond only steps back a minimal distance before turning his stance before attempting to hit Mei’s chin with his left elbow but perhaps due to Mei’s short range of movement or extremely sharp reflexes; the blow ended up falling short by an inch.

Without letting the failure of his strike interrupt his rhythm, Desmond continued with a combination of elbow and fist strikes, direct, forceful; these blows took advantage of even the smallest amount of force that they could muster in the short distance in which they were executed.

Mei was not used to a martial style like this that completely invaded her immediate space preventing her from even adopting her fighting stance, unable to mount her guard Mei was soon hit by more than one blow.

When he felt his elbows and fists impact Desmond was not happy in the least and on the contrary he felt the urge to curse out loud.


The reason is very simple, with the amount of combat experience that Desmond had it was not very difficult for him to have a rough idea of ??the effect of his attacks on his opponent even if it was not medically accurate.

And that was what bothered Desmond, every time he hit Mei’s body he could feel how his attacks did not do the slightest damage to the girl, even Desmond executed one of the strongest elbows blows that he could hit Mei′s chest the result left him disappointed.

Let’s not talk about doing any kind of damage, Desmond didn’t even feel the kind of impact he expected when hitting one of the theoretically softer parts of Mei’s body, instead what he felt was not much different from what he would feel when hitting a wall of rocks.

Desmond gradually lost ground as Mei began to adapt to Desmond’s fighting style, meeting more and more resistance from Mei, little by little the amount of attacks that were blocked or dodged increased.

Soon Mei found enough room to regain his posture and mount a counterattack, in a matter of seconds Desmond had suffered almost as many attacks as he had delivered, with the difference that he could not bear so much punishment.

In the end, Desmond was forced to reuse the move with which he began this last exchange.

Bursting once more with unexpected force and speed at this close range, Desmond concentrated all the weight and momentum of his body as he hit Mei with his shoulder and the side of his body forcing the girl to separate from him.

Mei was once again caught off guard due to Desmond’s unexpected fighting style so she took the full brunt of the blow, but as Desmond expected she didn’t seem too affected.

Only now did Desmond have the opportunity to focus his senses to the limit and discover what the problem seemed to be, it was just that knowing it was different from knowing what to do about it, especially when what was blocking Desmond’s blows was what looked like an extremely cape. fine energy that covered every last inch of his opponent’s skin.

Desmond could only assume that such a layer of energy was some kind of defensive technique based on Ki that reduced the damage done by physical attacks or even nullified them if they failed to reach a certain threshold, the problem is that the only solution that occurred to him It was to Desmond to infuse his own blows with mana.

The problem was that while Desmond had learned to do exactly that, he had not yet learned to maintain Full-Drive stability while other mana flows occurred at the same time within him, in other words; if Desmond tried to use such an ability not only ran the risk of Full-Drive being disabled but there was a real possibility that some degree of internal damage would be caused.

And to be honest, Desmond didn’t consider that friendly sparring with Mei warranted him taking such extreme measures, not to mention the fact that he clearly knew that Mei was holding back quite a bit in this battle; as Desmond refused to believe that a user of aura or Ki would not have a reinforcement ability similar to Full-Drive.

What made the scenario worse for Desmond was that he was already beginning to feel short of breath and exhaustion from the continued use of Full-Drive at this level, while on the other hand, Mei’s breathing was still as stable as a mountain.

And as if that wasn’t enough Desmond heard something come out of Mei’s tender lips: “My turn.”

After which it was Desmond’s turn to go on the defensive and it wasn’t long before the true rift between the two of them was revealed.

When it came to offense, Desmond’s style was by no means deficient, such a thing was proven when he managed to give someone like Mei who was stronger than him a hard time; even if Desmond failed to do her any real harm.

But it was a different story when it came to defense, perhaps because of his personality Desmond had never spent much time training the defensive means of the martial arts styles he had learned, but it wasn’t until he faced a monstrous enemy like Mei that his shortcomings became so visibly painful.

Even with Mei retaining some of his strength with each blow, Desmond could still feel the damage taking a toll on his ability to continue fighting.

Mei, on the other hand, was an unstoppable force, her style was constant, fluid, and incessant, like the waves hitting the shore as they accumulated strength, soon Desmond’s defense collapsed like a dam unable to stop the fury of the ocean.

Soon Desmond’s chest and abdomen were covered by Mei’s incessant palm strokes, now with his broken posture and his breath lost; Desmond was no different from a fish on the cutting board.

Or that would be the case for the majority, but Desmond was not the majority, Desmond tensed all the muscles of the abdominal region to the maximum while he concentrated his mana to form a shock absorber trying to resist as much as possible.

Feeling that his blows were causing less of a dent in Desmond’s condition than expected, Mei performed a more focused palm strike gathering a small layer of Ki in her hand trying to incapacitate Desmond and end the fight.

And that was exactly what Desmond expected, completely giving up the defense Desmond broke his center of balance while grabbing Mei’s wrist with which she performed the palm strike.

Using his own weight and redirecting the force of Mei’s palm strike, Desmond used only one of his legs on the ground as a torsion point, and with a twist using his full body Desmond threw Mei over his shoulder; executing an unorthodox Aikido throw.

The result? Due to Desmond not being able to perfectly adjust his posture to redirect Mei’s force, he ended up hitting the ground hard after the throw, while Mei with her inhuman reflexes and feminine flexibility that Desmond did not expect managed to land on her hands and feet in a feline posture that Desmond found very sensual.

It was a shame Desmond only enjoyed the view briefly before his face hit the ground.

Mei stood on her feet and looked at Desmond on the ground, seeing that Desmond did not seem to have the intention or ability to get up; she released the long breath held in her lungs leaving a vapor trail in front of her, and said:

“We definitely have to do it again.”

Hearing her excited and cheerful tone Desmond began to wonder if it had been a mistake to ask Mei to train with him as he could already imagine the number of beatings he would receive by the end of the week.

What hurts his pride the most was that a moment ago he did not lose in terms of strength or speed because Mei had restrained herself by keeping her capabilities at the same level as his, and even a little below this, but what hurt him the most is that Mei had completely defeated him in terms of skill.

She was far superior in both offensive and defensive terms, Mei had a rather peculiar fighting style where she could switch between a strongly defensive method to a strongly offensive method in the blink of an eye and at the same time remain stable like a mountain.

Compared to Desmond’s full offense method, she was obviously superior but that did not depress Desmond and on the contrary, pushed him to surpass himself, he was already beginning to think that coming to this world was one of the best decisions he had recently made.

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