
Chapter 310

The Blood Scorpion Sect members were different, that slimy feeling, that warm sensation, that metallic scent, and that crimson red... Blood was something they were familiar with, however, that didn’t help the Blood Scorpion Sect members. understand what was happening in front of them.

As everyone waited expectantly for this tournament to end, the two women who had starred in the entire event suddenly attacked two elders from the Blood Scorpion Sect.

This attack was clearly planned given the coordination shown but to all present it seemed to have come out of nowhere, from one moment to another the members of the blood scorpion sect saw how the entire torso of one of their elders exploded into thousands of grotesque pieces when a dragon made of silver Ki burst out into his chest.

The scene was extremely bloody with pieces of intestines and other internal organs spilling into the distance covering several of those closest to the attack.

As if that were not enough, this was not the only bloody scene, because, on the other side of Mei, Xiauyue had decapitated the old man in front of her in a single movement, Xiauyue’s sword did not have even the slightest problem breaking through the elder’s defenses. This old man seemed to be nothing more than a sheet of paper trying to stop a falling waterfall and the cut was so clean that for a moment it seemed that Xiauyue’s attack had missed.

Of course, when the old man’s head fell off due to the effect of gravity, the enormous fountain of blood that his decapitated body had become was more than enough to show how deadly that sword cut had been.

But the assaults were far from over, both Mei and Xiauyue hadn’t stopped to observe the results of their deeds and instead had quickly rotated between each other attacking a couple of blood scorpion sect deacons again.

Although the split second that this happened was not enough for the rest of the Blood Scorpion Sect members to intervene, it was still enough for the attacked people to mount some sort of defensive measure or even attempt a counterattack in hopes of living long enough for support to arrive.


It was a pity that both of them were destined to be disappointed in their last moments in the world of the living, the cruel reality was that when both girls invested every bit of their strength in a sneak attack, these deacons whose strength was not much superior to that of both girls failed to survive the ambush.

Unable to mount a strong enough defense, the first deacon to die was the one who was obliterated by the silver destruction cannon that shot from Mei’s right hand.

The second deacon managed to hold for only a breath before his defense was unable to stop the hundreds of ice needle-like attacks that shot out from Xiauyue’s sword.

Even Miao Taolong had a hard time accepting what was happening in front of his eyes, from his point of view the lethality exhibited by both girls was simply too horrible to even be by his standards.

Miao Taolong simply did not know that both Xiauyue’s sword and the previously hidden bracelets on Mei’s forearms were made of extremely unique and extremely valuable materials whose properties perfectly matched the abilities of both beauties.

It only took Mei and Xiauyue to channel their Ki and their martial skills by adding these artifacts to the mix to amplify their power to an indescribable extent.

It was for this reason that during their harvest festival trip, both Mei and Xiauyue had been so pleased and excited when they obtained that unique metal from the mountain-devouring serpent, as well as the undine silk and other special materials that eventually became the artifacts they currently carried.

Of course, no one in the place had the time or the disposition to analyze things on such a deep level, on one hand, the blood scorpion sect was burning with anger as they charged with bloodthirsty eyes in the direction of both girls while on the other hand the rest of the invited sects were preparing to make their respective moves.

Knowing that the element of surprise would only get them so far, both Mei and Xiauyue prepared to employ a tactical retreat as each of them unleashed some sort of attack to repel some Blood Scorpion Sect members who were quicker to respond.

Not really a person who employs complicated measures, Mei directly bumped fists with her attacker using the force of her own to move back at a higher speed while slowing down her opponent’s advance.

Xiauyue on the other hand was more successful in retreating from her attacker by using her sword to delicately deflect the incoming attack using her flexibility and soft property of her Ki to neutralize her opponent’s force, but her movement didn’t stop there.

As Xiauyue used exquisite swordplay with subtle wrist movements, an unexpected whiplash effect sent the crescent blade int the end of the sword’s seemingly decorative slat channeling an impact force that Xiauyue’s opponent did not expect at all.

Barely able to withdraw his sword in time, Xiauyue’s opponent used it to hurriedly cover his chest just before he felt the crescent blade impact transmitting a huge wave of soft Ki that left him paralyzed for a split second; enough time for Xiauyue to retreat.

With the speed of both women and the small space in which all of this took place, that split-second retreat was enough for both of them to retreat behind their Sect Master and the roaming Cloud Sect’s higher-ups.

Three seconds, everything had happened in just three seconds, displaying incredible strength, coordination, and forethought, both Mei and Xiauyue had managed to mount a surprise attack that took the lives of two Blood Scorpion Sect elders and two deacons; still having enough time to retreat safely behind their allies.

Deacons were one thing, sects had at least several dozen of them, but the loss of two elders was simply too heavy for any sect, it was the equivalent of losing half of their high-level combat forces in a single instant.

What made it even worse was that their elders hadn’t even died in a fight, nor at the hands of powerful experts, both elders had died at the hands of a couple of women in their twenties in a surprise attack that no one saw coming.

To top it off, the blood scorpion sect’s grievance only increased when they thought of how their elders had been caught off guard by the festivity of the event being killed when they weren’t wearing even a piece of armor to protect their lives not to mention that both elders were unarmed.

Had it been different, if both elders had at least been wearing their battle armor, even if they had been ambushed again they would have survived barely being injured, after all both elders were significantly stronger than Mei and Xiauyue; it was a pity that that was not the case.

Thinking this far, the Blood Scorpion Sect Leader glared at both girls in bloody rage before claiming Miao Taolong with a chilling tone that seemed to come from hell itself: “What is this supposed to mean?”

Perhaps entertained by such a stupid question at this point or having other things on his mind, Miao Taolong replied with an arrogant and unrestrained sneer, “What does it look like? We are preparing to crush a group of insects”

Having instantly lost two of his best fighters and noticing that the people from the Roaming Cloud Sect seemed prepared, Mu Caolang the leader of the Blood Scorpion Sect tried to create discord between Miao Taolong and the rest of the other sect masters to balance the scales.

Quickly, the Five Poisons Sect sided with the Blood Scorpion Sect while the Sacred Lotus Sect still sided to declare their neutral position, leaving two sides from two sects facing each other.

Now backed by his longtime friends from the Five Poisons Sect known for how terrifying their poisons could be in combat, Mu Caolang was much more confident when he faced Miao Taolong.

“Looks like you didn’t plan this thoroughly Miao Taolong, now hand over those bitches so I can punish them for their crimes, I’ll give you some face and just rape your daughter a few times before killing her.” Mu Caolang’s venomous and arrogant statements did little to cover where that same attitude came from in the blood scorpion sect.

Furious yet slightly amused at Mu Caolang’s arrogant stupidity, Miao Taolong couldn’t help but reply, “Or what?”

“There will be war,” Mu Caolang said, slurring him like a poisonous snake.

Who would have thought that instead of showing a scared expression, Miao Taolong would put on a disappointed expression? As if he wanted to respond to the expression of doubt that now filled Mu Caolang’s face, Mia Taolong sneered, “Look how stupid you are... this is already a war.”

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