
Chapter 445

“Shut up. I didn’t think he wanted more tea.” Little female voice 2.

“Maybe he wants to hear a song.” Small female voice 1.

“Oh, that’s a good idea. Do you think he wants to dance? Little female voice 2.

“I do not think so. Looks like he’ll still be talking to mother for a while.” Small female voice 1.

“I think he wants a more comfortable seat.” Little female voice 3.

“I don’t think that’s the case. Your glass seats are the best in the world.” Small female voice 1.

“Maybe he wants to see something on fire.” Little female voice 4.

“No one wants to see anything on fire.” X3.


Seeing the small group of fairies causing a ruckus around him, Desmond needed all his will to keep a calm face so he could enjoy the tea he was drinking.

In front of Desmond was a long glass table with a few empty seats. In the occupied seats were Cecilia, Kyuru, and Titania, who were calm before her daughters’ antics.

Speaking of Titania’s daughters, Desmond had enough doubts about that already. He couldn’t help himself; no matter how much these adorable little creatures would call Titania mother, they didn’t look one bit like the queen of the fairies.

They also didn’t look like Kyuru or the fairies Desmond imagined them to be to some extent. The humanoid form was there; they all looked like tiny women with wings on their backs. This had not changed; what was different was that they did not appear to have a solid physical body.

Maybe that wasn’t the right way to put things since Desmond had seen them easily interact with objects. To put things as simply as possible, they seemed to be made of solidified elemental energy.

Water, fire, wind, and earth, plus a few other elements here and there, these little fairies were made of these elements. Despite that, all the little fairies were still charming and behaved like Kyuru most of the time.

There was still something a little strange about it other than its appearance, but Desmond still couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Not to mention that Desmond now had to think about how he ended up at this table in the first place.

Summing things up a bit. When Titania told Cecilia that Desmond was the only human present, Cecilia did not take it very well. Cecilia wasn’t stupid; she understood that normal human beings didn’t change their appearance like she did.

All this time, Cecilia thought that her new powers had something to do with Katya. However, she also believed these could be similar to the capabilities of Xavier or Camila, whom she had just met. Having a special bloodline technically meant being a hybrid of some kind; strictly speaking, she wasn’t entirely human.

Cecilia knew at least as much since she had been reading all kinds of information since she was promoted in the church months ago. However, Titania’s words seemed to point to something else. Cecilia intended to ask more about it, but Titania stopped her with a few words.

“Calm down, daughter of the stars. Soon you will know more about yourself; isn’t that right, hunter?”

What else could Desmond do besides nod? Desmond had to be thankful already that Titania didn’t tell Cecilia everything in one fell swoop. But the phrase still caught Desmond’s attention.

Seeing that Desmond nodded, apparently knowing more about what Titania said, Cecilia looked confused. However, she decided to continue trusting Desmond by waiting for him to tell her more about it.

After that brief interruption, the group kept walking for a few minutes until they reached what looked like a house. It only looked like a house because it was more of an arrangement of things that one would see inside a house but arranged out in the open.

A whole collection of glass furniture was enough to decorate a living room, a dining room, and other rooms. Just meters away from the spot, what could only be described as a crystal playground could be seen; that was where the small group of fairies now harassing Desmond came from.

It was a water fairy who prepared the tea, with the things provided by a fairy made of flowers with the help of the fire fairy. Even Desmond had to admit that this was by far the best cup of tea he had ever had. This wasn’t that hard to imagine seeing the atmosphere of this place. One could only imagine what kind of wonderful plants grew here.

Whatever the case, all of the above led to the current situation, where Desmond and his companions looked questioningly at Titania.

“My my, you guys are an impatient bunch.” Titania said, smiling calmly as she placed the now empty teacup on the table.

Seeing that the trio did not seem ready to start the conversation, Titania sighed and continued. “Why don’t we start with why you’re here?”

“What are you talking about?” Kyuru asked since she was the one who was the most confused by the whole thing.

Titania saw the confusion written all over her daughter’s face, and she couldn’t help but be disappointed. Kyuru hadn’t changed too much; she was still too naive.

“I’m talking about the fusion between the two of you. You did, didn’t you?”

Desmond was about to reply when he nearly swallowed his tongue as Kyuru blushed so red she looked like she might start bleeding. This was the difference between humans and fairies. Desmond’s first thought was not related to the intimacy that the fairies attributed to this act.

Titania seemed disappointed in Kyuru’s maiden-in-love attitude, but in Desmond’s opinion, her next question wasn’t much better.

“So, would you mind explaining what you think of my dear daughter?”

Desmond almost spits out his tea at the question. As a person who spent his nights stealing hearts for years only to discard them in the morning, Desmond still jumped like a startled cat when he heard certain commitment phrases.


Clearing his throat a bit, Desmond managed to regain his composure. Desmond wasn’t stupid enough not to see that there was more to that question than meets the eye. Lying wasn’t even an option. Even if Desmond didn’t know how to add two plus two, he would still know some things. As a fairy queen, Titania’s empathic abilities would only be superior to Kyuru’s and not inferior.

Since lying was not an option, Desmond would be as honest as possible. Ignoring Kyuru’s hopeful expression as much as possible, Desmond replied gently.

“She is most certainly a spoiled child. Most of the time, she is arrogant, vain, smug, and irresponsible. Sometimes it feels like I’m caring for a little girl or a pet that only knows how to eat and sleep. As if that wasn’t enough, she spends her time making a mess around her when she’s not eating or sleeping.”

Not only were Titania and Cecilia shocked, but Kyuru had an expression of complete disbelief, but Desmond wasn’t finished.

“She can keep an innocent and childish expression most of the time, but she is a complete pervert. She always finds ways to appear provocative and seductive just to feel my emotions while she does it. Let’s not even talk about how she gets turned on when I play music; she devours my emotions and uses them as an aphrodisiac. I already have to be thankful that she is usually too shy to spy on me when I have sex with my wife, although she has on occasion.”

Now it was Cecilia’s turn to blush completely; meanwhile, Kyuru wanted to find a place to bury her head of shame. Titania, for her part, could not stop laughing.

“In summary. Kyuru is my best friend, someone who has helped me in my time of greatest need. I wouldn’t know what would become of me without her. Even after narrating all her flaws, I can’t help but love her for all her virtues. Kyuru is someone completely irreplaceable to me.”

Titania stopped laughing, her gaze deeper than the space of itself was fixed on Desmond. The atmosphere was suddenly filled with a strange silence that made Cecilia uncomfortable. However, Kyuru didn’t even notice it since she was too enchanted by Desmond’s last words.

Titania sighed helplessly and relaxed her posture. She already expected something like this. In a way, she knew it from the beginning; it was just that she wasn’t willing to part with Kyuru. Now that all was said, she had no reason to kill Desmond as she had initially planned. Kyuru had decided; she had chosen a life mate, and Desmond was honest with his feelings towards her.

Titania had no choice but to let things take their natural course.

“I should have expected that kind of response. I guess it was the right decision not to bother getting off my throne. Since things are like this, you can stay in my domain one day. Beyond that, it will be poisonous for both of you. It’s a good opportunity for Kyuru to spend time with her sisters. It will also give me time to prepare a parting gift.”

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