
Chapter 518

The firm rejection from both girls almost brought Desmond to tears of blood, but seeing Claire and Sasha’s embarrassed faces, Desmond had to drop the subject. One had to understand that for Claire and Sasha, there were more important things than the pleasure they experienced that night. Just remembering all the embarrassing scenes they shared, both girls wanted nothing more than to hide under a rock for weeks.

For Claire and Sasha, this was different from when such things happened between them and Desmond; this time, another person was there to see and experience it all with them. Claire wanted to die of embarrassment; whenever she remembered the wild things, she screamed as she begged Desmond to come inside her. Sasha also didn’t want to remember what happened when she entered her released form in the middle of the act, and once covered in vermilion flames, she began to do it with Desmond almost aggressively.

On the other hand, the moment the trio woke up wasn’t the most comfortable either. Having been exhausted the night before, they forgot to take a bath, and now that the passion was over, the sight was many times less exhilarating.

Trying to take things with humor and a good attitude, Desmond took both beauties and carried them to the shower, where he was in charge of leaving their bodies impeccable. Giving in to Desmond’s pampering, Sasha and Claire forgot their embarrassment and shared a few kisses and caresses with Desmond in the shower, but not before reminding him that he won’t expect any more threesomes in the future.

Returning to the room and finding it immaculate, the work of Estela, Sasha and Claire decided to spend a couple more hours in bed, too exhausted to want to do anything else. Desmond had some plans in mind for his part, so he left the room and headed to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Even with two girls expanding their sleep schedule, the Astryd residence was anything but lonely. Along the way, Desmond ran into a blushing Kyuru, who stuck her tongue out at him before calling him a pervert and flying off to play with Athena in the woods.

“I always forget that she has the worst time due to the range of her empathic abilities.” Desmond exclaimed with a bitter smile.

Making a mental note to make it up to the faery, Desmond ran into a smiling Revna, doing yoga in the garden. Seeing Revna’s round, plump breasts covered in clothing that seemed to cling to her body, Desmond swallowed hard. Desmond was too ignorant to know who invented the clothes women wore to do yoga, but he still wanted to say a prayer on his behalf.


Seeing Revna’s smile widen, Desmond shook his head before continuing on his way. As expected, Desmond met the house’s last resident as she calmly ate her breakfast while holding a book in her hand.

The full plates of food arrived at the table as soon as Desmond sat down in his chair; after leaving the last dish, Estela received a pat on the head as a reward for her efforts.

Having long since gotten used to Cecilia’s mild demeanor, Desmond started the conversation. “What are you reading now?”

“Biology.” Cecilia replied before taking a sip of her tea.

Seeing Cecilia respond so simply, Desmond didn’t know what to say, but his attention was soon diverted to something else, something he should have noticed.

Strangely enough for Desmond, all homely tranquility was gone, leaving behind a soft, empathetic voice. “You’re not wearing red lipstick today.”

Cecilia’s hand holding her teacup trembled slightly, but she still responded calmly. “I think it’s time. I will never forget Nana or the love she always had for me. But I believed that she would not want me to spend my life mourning her death. I will enjoy everything this life and this world have to offer, and I will carry the memory of Nana with me every step of the way.”

Desmond was silent for a second before sighing wearily and helplessly. “That’s why I haven’t liked you since I first saw you.”

The sudden insult caught Cecilia off guard, but Desmond wasn’t finished. “Look at you; you are much stronger than I was back then. I guess that’s the difference between a simple sinner like me and a true saint like you. You radiate light no matter what happens to you, and I chose darkness without a moment’s hesitation.”

In an event as rare as a solar eclipse, Cecilia was furious with Desmond’s words, and without the calm that characterizes her, she lashed out. “How dare you? Are you so foolish that you don’t understand even now? You chose to immerse yourself in darkness to protect the light from others; how can that be a weakness? I also ask you to stop calling me a saint. That title is not something I can have with me if I plan to walk in this world by your side; therefore, it is a title that I do not need.”

If it hadn’t been for Estela, the cup Desmond dropped in surprise would have ended up on the floor. Desmond just couldn’t understand Cecilia’s outburst, but seeing her on the verge of anger and tears, he decided to keep quiet.

Without knowing it, a small but significant drop of warmth reached the center of Desmond’s heart, who, in his confusion, still understood that Cecilia was angry for his own good.

For a long time, Cecilia and Desmond had arguments about how he did things, so Desmond was used to being on the losing side in terms of morality. This was the first time that Cecilia acknowledged Desmond’s methods; it was even more than just accepting his actions.

In Cecilia’s own words: Since the title of a saint was not suitable for someone who wanted to be by Desmond’s side, then she didn’t need such a useless thing.

For the first time in a long time, Desmond was speechless. And in what was a great rarity for Desmond, who didn’t like women of the maternal type, his heart thumped with some fondness and romance for Cecilia.

Across the table, Cecilia suddenly realized what her words meant, causing her to blush rapidly. Barely managing to hold on to her usual calm, Cecilia resumed reading as she tried to avoid Desmond’s gaze.

Unknown to whether it was fate or coincidence, the awkward silence was interrupted by a massive explosion followed by a tremor running through the entire house. Desmond immediately traced the blast’s source to the house’s entrance with his keen senses.

Question marks were still forming above Desmond’s head when an arrogant scream reached everyone inside the house.

“Desmond Astryd, you smug piece of trash, get out here so I can kick your ass.”

If he was still adept at fire mana, Desmond would now be burning in the flames of rage. Instead, a cold and merciless fury like steel was brewing inside him. In complete silence, Desmond rose from his chair and left the dining room to head to the front of the house.

Opening the front door and looking outside, what greeted Desmond was half the front yard turned to rubble. A young man in his twenties stood proudly amidst the wreckage. With his eyes fixed on the sky, the young man kept shouting, challenging and insulting Desmond, waiting for the latter to appear.

Had she been present, Kyuru would have felt Desmond’s sanity break and dissolve in anger. The jerk standing in the doorway was too arrogant and ridiculous, insulting Desmond left and right without care.

“Come here, little bitch, I’ll give you the beating of your life. I don’t understand why everyone is in awe of you, calling you the black wolf of the south, the dark scourge, and other ridiculous names. They talk about you like you’re the strongest man in the world, just a bunch of idiots. But that’s better for me; all I have to do is beat you, and I will get a lot of fame and power.”

There was no need to question his intentions, as the man spilled the soup on his own, but that didn’t reassure Desmond and only infuriated him further. Desmond had met stupid people in the past, but this was the first time he had seen someone stupid to the point of being suicidal.

In what had to be the worst cliche ever, this was just an arrogant jerk who thought he was too smart to come to cause trouble for some easy fame. There was only one small problem; Desmond’s reputation was built on military achievement. One would have to be mentally retarded to believe that Desmond was weak or that his reputation was undeserved.

However, the real problem was neither this person’s arrogance nor stupidity; the problem is that this person had made the worst mistake of his life when he decided to directly attack Desmond’s house. Desmond was even worse than many wild beasts when it came to being territorial, but this idiot had blown half the entrance to the residence; there was no need to explain why Desmond was furious.

At the time, Desmond didn’t know it, or rather, he couldn’t know it, but this event was only the first paragraph in a new chapter in the history of mankind. An insignificant little incident, nonetheless, a sign of things to come.

As for the asshole who attacked the Astryd residence? Well, he was about to demonstrate the infinite potential of human stupidity.

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