
Chapter 178

Vincent managed to shoot a powerful condensed mana projectile from his finger flick. Unfortunately, such unprepared intense force sent Vincent flying backward.

From the finger flick gun, a marble-sized projectile shot and headed towards Ollie. However, the more distance it traveled, the smaller it became.

Ollie thought he was safe. However, this thought soon left his mind after he started feeling his mana getting disrupted, similar to when Vincent attacked him.

Ollie focused his eyes and noticed a bullet-sized green-colored condensed mana clashing against the Wind Dome. Furthermore, the condensed mana bullet stopped becoming smaller and seemed to stabilize its size.

The mutated mana bullet appeared to be sustaining its size and force from Ollie’s mana. Thus, it didn’t look like it was about to disappear anytime soon.

“As they say... one ability can... make one surpass the mountains... but not today, my friend!” Ollie weakly uttered before he used all the remaining mana in his body to increase the intensity of the Wind Dome.


The gust of wind became fiercer, and the condensed mana bullet started to lose its balance until it spun one time around the Wind Dome and then was sent flying in a different direction.

“Oh... no...” Ollie uttered before collapsing from exhaustion. The Wind Dome disappeared a moment later, and the wind in the testing hall scattered instantly.

*Thud... Bam!*

The condensed mana bullet headed towards the spectators. Firstly, it hit the earth wall. Then it penetrated inside the thick earth with ease, and in less than a second later, the bullet exited the earth wall at one-fourth of its size left.

Fortunately, the almost needle-sized bullet didn’t hit anyone. It landed on a chair when its size became almost to that of a speck of dust. The chair slightly moved upon impact, and the bullet left a barely visible needle-sized hole on it. Only with a microscope could the dent be observed.

BABBO team, Gevan, Ester, and Lupa rushed from behind the earth wall and went to check on the two fainted combatants.

[Vincent, are you awake?]


[This spar was very beneficial, yet it leaves a sour taste. You are injured and knocked out. You have a knack for making me, Ester, and Lupa worry about you all the time. But at least now you have found a new power.]

Kazumi said. No one could hear her, so she kept talking alone while Ester and Lupa followed Gevan back to the VIP with Vincent on his back.

*Testing Hall*

“I can’t believe brother lost. Not only that, but Vincent is ranked as an E Ranker with one star.” Belowin said.

Belowin held mixed feelings because he wanted to tease his brother after he woke up. Yet, Belowin was worried his brother might become dispirited because of the result, even if he awakened and became much more potent in this five-minute spar.

“Honorable brother became a Hero today for the sacrifice he made. Nevertheless, regrettably, exorcising evil always has a price to pay.” Beatrix placed her hands together as if praying for her brother.

“*hiss* Master’s brother~a is a Hero~a *hiss* Peepee will~a remember him~a *hiss*” Peepeee added after thinking Ollie was gravely injured by what Beatrix said.

“Beatrix and Peepee, please stop this bad joke about Ollie. You both make it sound as if he is dead. Ollie is simply exhausted after awakening in a tired state, and then Ollie used everything he had left to fight and control enough strength to keep it fair.” Abigail said while pulling Beatrix’s ear with a frown.

“Owwie, owwie. Unhand me... owwie. I’m, I’m sorry.” Beatrix apologized with a tear about to trickle on her cheeks for thinking Abigail was unreasonable.

“Please~a, forgive~a master *hiss* Peepee does not want~a a one ear master~a *hiss*” Peepee begged as well. The sly snake thought it would be its turn next.

Bartholomew sighed and lifted Ollie on his back with a big oomph. Then he looked at the three and said, “Let’s go. Ollie needs to rest for a while. But I’m a bit jealous of Vincent. He made Ollie excited in the spar.”

Abigail could guess what her brother Bartholomew was currently feeling. Bartholomew secretly trains his body at night to keep up while sparring with Ollie.

Bartholomew needed more strength to make Ollie use more of his power in their sparring matches. Ollie does to Bartholomew as he did to Vincent for years.

Ollie lowers his overall power to match his opponent and make it a fair fight. However, Bartholomew secretly hated it as he felt being pitied for not being a Warrior class.

Abigail then stopped pulling Beatrix’s ear and said, “Yes, let’s go. It’s a joyous occasion, yet the main star is unconscious.”

Belowin stopped following his teammates. He turned his head back and looked at the challenger’s entrance door for a few seconds. “Vincent. I shall remember your name. Hope to meet you again.” Belowin then turned and left with the others.

*VIP Room*

Gevan entered the VIP room they previously left from and placed Vincent on the table. He then took out a potion and gave it to Ester, saying, “Here, take this and give it to Vincent while I lift him a bit.”

“Is Vincent going to be fine?” Ester asked. Then after opening the vial, she smelled a fragrant smell. “Will this help Vincent?” Ester then asked.

“Yes, Vincent should be fine after taking this Minor Elixir. ” Gevan replied with a reassuring smile.

“It smells very nice. Hmm... oh yes! It’s like an apple!” Lupa twitched her nose and then exclaimed after she guessed the smell.

“Ester, what’s wrong? Why are you frowning?” Lupa asked after noticing Ester staring at the potion in her hands.

‘I’m the one who should be mad. The human leader gave the potion to you. But best girl Lupa will let this one pass because you are my sister.’ Lupa thought.

“Thi-thi-this is ve-very expensive! We ca-can’t use thi-this!” Ester stuttered after trying to guess how much a Minor Elixir could cost.

“Don’t worry, Ester. I felt bored lately after no interesting person joining the adventurers guild caught my interest. But today, the three of you made my day quite interesting and exciting. Furthermore, I quite like the BABBO team, and helping Ollie Awaken made my day one to remember.” Gevan then smiled reassuringly and continued, “This is the price I’m willing to pay for the good show.”

Ester glanced between the potion in her hands, Vincent and Gevan, a few times until her decision was set. Then, finally, she locked her gaze on Vincent’s lips and started to feed him the potion slowly and carefully, so no precious drop is wasted.

It seemed it was going to take some time feeding the potion to Vincent at a snail’s pace, so Gevan answered Lupa, “Minor Elixir can regenerate the health of the body and mana at the same time. It also boosts the recovery of the body and mana. Lastly, it has a slight effect similar to a health potion, mana potion, and a cleansing potion.”

Gevan then chuckled and added, “Beastmen have a good nose, hehehe. Yes, you are correct. The potion has a couple of small pieces of a very scarce fruit called Sage Apple.”

Ester flustered and almost spilled a few drops while Lupa managed to hold her impatient self from saying, ‘I know that fruit. I found ten of those.’

Lupa managed to hold her tongue because of Kazumi. When Kazumi secretly taught Lupa about the world and how to act like a human, she enforced a motto, ‘If it’s rare, don’t spill the beans. Because everyone would want to steal it from you.’

Ester quickly looked at Lupa, but she soon sighed in relief when noticing Lupa wasn’t going to answer and cause trouble.

Kazumi was in a situation similar to Ester. If her wisp body had hands, she would be praying for Lupa to keep her mouth shut. It would be hard to communicate with Ester to come up with a believable lie.

However, Ester and Kazumi are unaware of the real reason Lupa didn’t say what popped into her mind.

Lupa didn’t say anything because stealing from her is the greatest sin anyone can do to her. This personality was born after finding out how her in new life, she wasn’t going to keep losing her food and things to others. So Lupa slowly became possessive and competitive to keep her stuff hers.

A few minutes later, Gevan lay Vincent carefully on the table and said to Ester and Lupa, “I will go and process the adventurer identification cards for the three of you since you passed the entrance exam. You girls can stay here until Vincent wakes up. He should wake up soon or in less than an hour. ”

Gevan then left the VIP room. As he walked for the identification office room, he raised the empty vial of the Minor Elixir potion and smirked. Gevan looked satisfied with experiencing an eventful day.

Lupa perked her ears, and after she heard Gevan’s footsteps going farther and farther away, she exclaimed, “Ester! Did you hear the human leader say Sage Apples?”

“Yes, but how do you manage to say nothing. It’s very unlike you.” Ester smiled and joked.

“Humph. Sister Kazumi said not to talk about rare things. I won’t let anyone steal from me, humph.” Lupa crossed her arms and pouted cutely.

“Hahaha. You are learning, sister Lupa.” Ester smiled and laughed at the cute and childish Lupa when she pouted or acted grumpily. Lupa showed all her feelings on her face and mannerism. Her ears and tail made it easier to guess.

“Don’t make fun of me. I’m best girl Lupa, humph. I’m my mate’s right-hand girl.” Lupa continued to declare her position as the top woman of the harem.

“Fine, fine. ” Ester giggled.

Ester teasing Lupa to pass the time, and half an hour later, Vincent woke up.

Vincent slowly got up as he felt exhausted and weak. Shortly, a big hug from Ester and Lupa was the first he received before his eyes could see clearly his surroundings.

[This is a nice pleasant hug. So, how are you feeling? Gevan gave you a costly potion called Minor Elixir. One of its ingredients is a Sage Apple. That’s how expensive it is.]

-Really? Then... can you fill me in?-

About fifteen minutes later, Vincent knew what transpired while he was unconscious. Ester and Lupa also helped by mentioning what happened on the spectator’s side.

Vincent stood up and deeply bowed for endangering the two people he wants to keep safe and protect. At this moment of apology, Gevan abruptly entered the VIP room without knocking.

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