
Chapter 454

As they went to part ways, Tidas kissed Skye sweetly, then promised to try his best not be late to lunch. There was a good chance that Shasta and Lawrence were going to be joining them again, and she didn’t want them to be held up by them. After another quick kiss, the two separated, and headed off...


Skye wasn’t sure if Magnus would still be in his quarters, or if Doctor Gohan would’ve made him go up to the Medical Ward for tests. Knowing how the king felt about being poked and prodded, Skye went straight to his quarters. When she was let into his bedroom by a guard, it didn’t surprise her to see Tien there, but she was thrilled to see Nora and Helen with him.

Seeing them first, Skye greeted them, then asked; “How’s yer research goin’? Have ya found anythin’ else about the Catalyst legend in yer Alchemy tomes?”

Nora shook her head as she kept her voice low; “Not so far, other than the one I told you about. Oh! But Doctor Lyberth said that he has a request for you. For when you go to Sai. I suggest stopping by the library at some point over the next few days. Don’t want him goin’ to your quarters and seeing all of the books you and the prince have ‘checked out’. He was looking for one of them last week, by the way.”

“Which one?!” Skye replied nervously right before Helen said; “Does it matter? He’ll probably never see them again. There’s a reason that the prince can’t take out books without Mr. Lyberth’s specific permission: he never returns them.”

Right as Skye was about to ask how many times he’d kept books, Doctor Gohan waved at her. She waved back then walked towards Magnus’ bed.

“Is that Skye?” Magnus called out as she came into view.


“Dinna tell me that yer sight’s goin’ too,” she joked, knowing full well that he could see distances perfectly fine.

After a short chuckle, Magnus replied; “Not yet, but it wouldn’t surprise me. How was the feast after my dramatic exit?”

Skye smiled at him; “It didna last long after the most interestin’ person left.”

Magnus laughed hard; “Oh, you’re cheeky in the morning. Where’s Tidas? Didn’t he come with you to check on me? Or does my daughter-in-law care for me more than my son?”

Skye scoffed; “Dinna go gettin’ feisty on me, Maggie. He’s got a lotta things ta go over And set up, thanks ta yer and Genie’s schemin’. And Ima the one who can check up on ya, not Tidas.”

Magnus shifted nervously in bed as he replied; “You may have a point, but the lad could have taken fifteen minutes out of his day to come and see me. I won’t be here for forever, you know.”

Skye sighed heavily before she said; “Yer such a lavvy heid sometimes..”

“...What? I can barely understand you now, lass. Maybe Genie should give you speech lessons again,” Magnus snipped, recognizing an insult when he heard one.

“Why does Everyone care how I speak?!” Skye nearly shrieked out of frustration.

Magnus took on a serious expression as he answered; “I care because you are a princess, and there are many at court that will use the way you talk against you. And Tidas.. If you don’t want someone to ‘mistake’ something that you’ve said, then I suggest talking as clearly as possible.”

Seeing her shoulders slump, Magnus quickly added; “When you’re not around friends and family..”

Skye grinned broadly; “So I can keep speakin’ comfortably around ya?”

Magnus smiled back, then nodded; “Aye, you can. Just make sure to take care around your sister-in-law as well. She’s easily triggered lately, and I don’t want you provoking her, however innocently.”

Skye opened her mouth to defend herself, but Magnus already had a rebuttal for anything she said; “I know that she’s the one pushing everyone to the edge. But until we learn what her brother’s intentions are, or she goes too far on her own: my hands are tied. Karena is Marco’s wife, and rightfully the next Queen. I cannot allow my kingdom to appear weak when war is coming.”

“I know that it’s asking a lot of you, but if she tries anything with you or Shasta, please: be the bigger people.”

Skye’s face scrunched; “But I like bein’ small and petty when people deserve it. Do I have to?”

Magnus wanted to laugh, but held it in as he replied; “Yes, you have to. By order of your King: I command you to play nice with your sister-in-laws. Understood?”

“.....Aye.. I’ll do what I must, but dinna expect me not ta complain when she gets ta be a bitch.”

Magnus had to laugh this time. Tien and Helen’s faces were too hilarious not to laugh at. The sheer amount of shock they were feeling due to hearing Skye talk to the King in such a way was priceless. As Magnus let himself enjoy the simple moment, Skye checked him over for Ether and Dark magic residue.

It surprised her that there was still none in his system, but it also worried Skye greatly. If Marco hadn’t affected Magnus, then his heart attack was natural; just like she had concluded last night. It was scary to think of Magnus as gone, and Skye had been trying to avoid thinking about it lately.

The multiple discussions that she and Tidas had had in the Highlands cemented the fact that they would go to war with Marco if he turned dictator. The Highlanders would most likely support Tidas over Marco, but Skye didn’t know what Lawrence would do..

‘If Ima honest wit me self: Ima scared ta ask him..’

Ruscovic depended upon the trade deals that they had with Alcon for the lion’s share of their grains. Potatoes, beets, carrots, and a few other hearty vegetables could’ve grown there, but the majority came fruits and dairy products came from Alcon. Even if Lawrence wanted to break his treaty to side with Tidas, his people might not agree.

Even though the majority of his people loved Lawrence as their King, there were always others waiting in the shadows to take power. If Lawrence gave them a reason, his wife’s family might try to rule through his children by taking custody of them. If he were declared ‘unfit’ for any reason, they would swoop in, and send him packing back to Alcon similarly to how Magnus planned to send Karena(if she didn’t calm down).

As Skye thought of all the other tragedies that would happen if Marco turned dictator, she looked at Magnus chatting away with Tien. Helen and Nora were arguing about ‘proper decorum’, which reminded her of her fight with Peggy. As her mind turned chaotic, Skye sighed..

‘No wonder Maggie had a heart attack.. I feel sick just thinkin’ about the shit storm ta come.. He must be carryin’ a lot on those shoulders of his..’

Magnus truly cared about his people and kingdom, and understood the consequences of royal family members fighting over the crown. If Tidas rallied the people, and Marco had the nobles; it would turn into a bloodied war within a day. The RMC would be caught in the middle, and the kingdom would become chaos.

The other kingdoms would have to choose a side.. ‘If that happens, then the entire continent might turn into a battlefield.. I can see Sync and Ital sidin’ wit Marco.. Sai and the Highlanders would most likely side with Tidas.. Lawrence and Shasta would get caught in the middle.. I wonder who he would side wit? ...Probably Tidas, but who knows what his Council would say..’

As Skye shook her head, she finished up checking over Magnus, then bid everyone farewell. She promised to have dinner with Magnus again before she left for Sai. As the door closed behind her, Magnus sighed deeply..

‘I hope that lass will be okay, or I’ll never be able to face Sorcha.. Genie Better take good care of her and my son.. I’ll kill him myself if anything happens to them..’


Sheri had used her magic to conceal herself all the way to Marco’s quarters. She didn’t want anyone to even think that she had been away from his side. That way: no one would even think to blame her for Skye’s missing necklace.

As soon as she’d approached, Sheri’s shard stated to pulsate. After unconcealing herself, she bent her knee, then held up one of Skye’s choker necklaces as she said; “I have retrieved one, My King. Considering what we need it for, I thought this type was best.”

Marco smirked as he thumbed the homemade light-blue choker in his hand; “You did Very well, Sheri. How are the preparations for our hunting trip going?”

“Very well, My King. But...are you sure that you don’t want any other guards or soldiers accompanying us? I know a few that can keep quiet about certain things.”

Marco was about to explain, but he could hear familiar foot falls rapidly approaching him.

A sharp bark of a laughter escaped Marco as he replied; “We will be fine with just the five of you and me. I want to keep our party small for a number of reasons..”

Marco paused for a moment, then added; “The main one being that we need to do this as discreetly as possible.”

“What are you doing discreetly, and would father approve?” Tidas asked as he walked up to them.

Sheri froze, but Marco grinned mischievously at him as he said; “Father would whole-heartedly approve. I’m taking a hunting trip, and won’t be back for a couple of weeks. Before his health became too precarious, Father used to love to hunt.”

Tidas eyed him suspiciously; “And what exactly are you hunting?”

Marco wanted to laugh and tell him, but settled for saying; “Something that’s been a threat for a while....There’s an unruly pack of boars living outside of Dragonhorn, and I plan on hunting them down, killing them, and having a pleasant time.”

Tidas narrowed his eyes on him; “I think that we need to have a talk, brother.”

Marco glanced around; “Can’t it wait? I’m obviously very busy right now.”

Tidas closed the distance between them until they were only a couple of feet apart, and spoke in a threatening voice; “We’re talking...Now.”

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