
Chapter 476

General Beckington scoffed derisively, then sat down with everyone else. Tidas locked eyes with him until he looked away and straightened up. The six Generals in front of him except for Noah were all nobles, and each had an extreme sense of entitlement. They were the heads of their families, and all thought that their say was final.

Timothy Beckington was part of Marco’s inner circle, and felt that his authority rivaled Tidas’ in military matters. Marco often called upon him to do troop and ammunition counts, to double-check Tidas’ records. He held no actual authority other than his designated rank allotted him, but acted like he did because he had the Future King’s ear and support.

Tidas hated how the five in front of him treated their soldiers, and had reprimanded them all multiple times. They couldn’t truly be punished due to their status and money, but Tidas could make fine them, and assign them to outposts, so most buckled.. Except for Timothy.

As Tidas was handed his notes from their previous meetings and training, Noah pulled a small stack of seasoned crackers from his coat. Sighing deeply, Tidas looked at his old friend with a pleading expression; “Will you Please put those away? I need at least one of you to set an example..”

“Haha! And you think that’s me? Zas is right: you’ve gotten funnier since getting married,” Noah replied as he popped one cracker into his mouth, then put the rest away.

Tidas smiled as he went back to organizing his papers. Noah had been a friend to him since he had joined the RMC. He waited until he absolutely had to join the RMC, so he could keep helping out his parents’ farm as long as possible. He was a good man, despite having the patience of a cat.

Noah Schneider had built his career from the ground up, unlike the other Generals in the room. He had fought on the front lines and earn merits through his actions. He was the first mage in his family, and he didn’t realize that the money he earned through the RMC was almost three times what his parents made.

Tidas recalled him saying that if he had known about the pay, then he would’ve joined as soon as he could’ve. The housing for single soldiers was free, along with the majority of their meals and clothes. So Noah had sent his money home for years until his had father passed.


After that, he moved his mother into the capital for twenty-four hour care. She missed her husband, but was enjoying her twilight years without a care. And Noah loved having her closer.

Before, he could only visit twice a year at most. Standard leave time wasn’t long enough for his trek home, which was on the southwest part of Alcon. The farm didn’t belong to them, they just leased and worked the land owned by Lord Berger, but Noah’s parents had lived there since before he was born.

It was hard for her to leave, but Mrs. Schneider couldn’t coordinate the field workers like her husband and son. After he had transferred their lease to another family, Noah never touched a shovel again. He even joked that he had become a General just so he could pass off all menial tasks, but Tidas knew it was so he’d have plenty of money to take care of his mother.

Unlike almost every other older soldier that Tidas knew: Noah never married. One drunken night he had admitted to being in love once, but she was promised to another, and married years ago. Since he wasn’t a noble, he had no real pressure to make a family, but he did partially adopt a child..

Tidas didn’t know the story behind it, but Noah had told him that he had assumed guardianship l a child from the orphanage while he was away ‘collecting his bride’. It seemed like a touchy subject to him, so Tidas hadn’t brought it up since then. But his curiosity remained as he set his papers down.

Glancing at the silent Generals, Tidas started; “Like we discussed yesterday, you lot are the worst when it comes to clear communication and coordination amongst the other military personnel. I understand that you are all veterans, and that you’re in charge of running your families’ affairs. But this is Not the same, and You are not in charge. You Must follow the orders that Zas, Shasta, and I send to you. Otherwise the entire army suffers. And if we lose, then the entire kingdom is lost.”

“It’s easy to say when we’re not on an actual battlefield. But when you run off to play hero with the soldiers, we get stuck without leadership! Our lack of coordination falls on you, Commander,” Beckington stated with a self-satisfied expression.

Tidas looked at him flatly as he replied; “That’s why you have standing orders, and updates from the Tamer units whenever plans change. The problem is that you dobbers don’t follow Any orders you’re given..”

Leaning over the table, Tidas emphasized as he spoke; “Let me remind you that I am the Commander of the RMC. My orders are Absolute on the battlefield. If you five can’t handle that, then I’ll retire half of you, and place the other half at outposts. The Highlands are lovely in the wintertime..”

The other Generals clammed up, but Timothy pushed a bit further; “And what do we do if Our situation changes?! You expect us to wait for Your orders? Sacrifice Our men waiting-”

“And you wonder why I can’t get on with these fools,” Noah said low before he stood up; “Don’t even try to pull that shite, Timmy Boyo. You know the protocols for active engagement, so don’t embarrass yourself by making it seem like our good ole Commander here has control issues.”

As he sat back down, Noah whispered to Tidas; “You do, though.. Just so you’re aware.”

Tidas coughed to cover up his friend’s words from the other Tanks in the room. They didn’t keep their magic continuously circulating like he did, but they were most likely using their traits to listen. At least Beckington did..

With a face red from anger, Timothy blustered; “Shut it you peon! You have no right to speak to me!”

“Oh, but he does,” Tidas cut in as he stood up; “You all hold the exact same rank. Noah is far more decorated than you, so if seniority is the issue, from among you six: he holds the highest.”

The other Generals looked agitated by Tidas’ statement, but Beckington was furious. He believed that his position within Marco’s circle gave him seniority, but Tidas had always promoted based on merit. Most of those present had their ranks based on the same principle, but had skirted the worth of the merit.

The Generals gathered were in charge of the main Tamer units, and defense of temporary installations. They had never been involved in direct battle, but had received multiple accommodations for ‘defending the main camp and communication tent’. Tidas never allowed the battlefield anywhere near their camps, so their medals and awards were hallow.

They were the positions that Tidas gave to what he called ‘less capable’ soldiers, or rather ones that he thought wouldn’t be able to handle the battlefield well. Every mage needed to be utilized, but Tidas understood that magic didn’t always equate to courage. Their families made sure that they were placed in high ranks through Marco’s influence, but that didn’t mean that Tidas would risk his soldiers’ lives by having incompetent men on the field.

He placed them in roles that would save his family face with theirs while still putting capable men on the battlefield. It was better for all if they did as little as possible, but a couple still somehow found a sense of entitlement from it. Beckington being the most problematic..

He was a thinner, tall, light-haired man that was a Speed Tank, and he was dead-center average when it came to mages. The only time that he really shined was predicting pincher attacks based on enemy numbers in conjunction with their movements. Tidas could never see it until the enemy ranks were forming, and it couldn’t be stopped, but Beckington always caught it.

It didn’t matter much since the enemies were usually out numbered and being chased, but Timothy had gotten credit for his assessment. Tidas always let it go because he was more concerned about the fallen soldiers’ families, but now he was lamenting the consequences for ignoring the situation for so long.

Beckington complained about his noble status, and that it was insulting to him to be put on the same level as a commoner. Tidas narrowed his eyes on the man, then cut him off mid-insult to harshly say; “May I remind you that my wife is technically a commoner?”

As Timothy shrank back, Tidas slowly walked towards him; “Skye is a Princess now, and the best example as to how All nobles should act. She is beloved by me, my Father, and the people. Are you saying that she is unworthy of her title simply because she was born with less privilege?”

Beckington opened his mouth, but immediately closed it as Tidas came to a stop in front of him, and spoke in a low voice; “I suggest you take care of what you say, General.. Insulting my wife in front of me is done at your own peril.”

Hearing a couple of muted chuckles from the others, Beckington boiled over with rage, and replied; “I would never insult someone So loved by Prince Marco. He holds the princess with the highest regard..”

The room suddenly felt suffocating as Tidas let his building anger show for just a moment. The look in his eyes wasn’t a threat: it was a promise of blood and pain if he opened his mouth again. Beckington immediately knew that he had screwed up very badly, so he averted his eyes and sat back down without a word.

Tidas sighed heavily before returning to his seat. He didn’t like intimidating his men, but Timothy was an exception. The fool not only tried to insult him in front of the other Generals, but had brought up the gossip going around as well. As he’d sat back down, Tidas had heard at least two of the Generals mention them.

When Tidas sat down and shifted his papers, he heard Noah mumbling something. When he whisper-asked what he’d said, Noah smirked and replied; “Shnoobs.. Snobs acting extra shitty. It’s my new favorite word. Fits them perfectly..”

After a good laugh that was much needed, Tidas said; “Alright, let’s get started. I have a very important engagement after this, and I refuse to miss it..”

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