
Chapter 580

Skye awoke the next morning to a light tugging on one of her curls. It was a familiar and comforting feeling that had brought a smile to her face before she’d even opened her eyes. After a languid stretch, Skye turned her head, opened her eyes, and spoke with a drowsy voice; “Good mornin’, love..”

Tidas smiled back at his sleepy wife; “Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?”

“Like a bear in the winter. You?”

“I slept well, although I seem to be having a problem,” Tidas replied with a furrowed brow.

Skye’s eyes lost their droopiness as worry covered her features; “What’s wrong?”

Tidas grinned cheekily as he grabbed his wife’s hand, and placed it on top of his hardened member. Skye sighed as she pulled her hand away, then lightly smacked him while saying; “Dinna do that first thing in the mornin’! I thought that ya had a serious problem!”

Tidas chuckled lightly; “But it is a serious problem. I don’t think I can walk! I need your healin’ touch, wife.”

Narrowing her eyes on him, Skye huffed before replying; “Ya think yer so freakin’ funny, don’t cha? Well, let’s see how ya like NOT feelin’ me ‘healin’ touch’, fer a week or two!”


Tidas had instantly lost his joviality, and apologized to Skye for messing with her as soon as she’d woken up. He knew that she wasn’t a morning person, but he’d hoped that his playfulness would gotten him a morning workout, so to speak. When she saw the genuine worry on his face as he apologized, Skye internally chided herself for snapping at him..

Squeezing his hand with her own to signal Tidas to stop, Skye shifted herself before speaking; “Ima sorry, too. I ken ya didna mean nothin’ by it, other that the obvious. But we’ve got too much ta do today, husband. Maybe if yer lucky, we can have a wee afternoon delight later..”

Tidas perked up at her suggestion; “Don’t toy with me, wife, or it’ll backfire on you.”

Skye chuckled; “I’ll try me best ta make time, ya horn dog. Now, let’s get goin’ before Peggy comes in.”

Disappointment flashed across Tidas’ face, but he almost immediately switched back to his cheeky grin; “Let’s get in the shower together, then. It’ll save time.”

Skye flashed him a disapproving smile; “Why? So ye can try ta seduce me in there?”

Tidas shrugged; “Worth a try..”

Skye laughed hard as she scooted down to the end of their bed, then got up; “We can ta Save Time, but nae funny business, mister. We got a long day ahead. I have ta make out a list fer Peggy, so she can run and pick up what we missed yesterday..”

“The lights need ta be re-strung, the presents wrapped, Zazzy’s gift is due to arrive today, I gotta head ta the clinic fer a couple of hours ta check some soon-ta-be mothers, then I also have ta finish off Mei’s gift fer Rukia.”

Tidas frowned; “That doesn’t sound like you’ll have any time for a wee trist with me later.”

Skye stopped, and turned around at the doorway to their bathroom with a glare; “After hearin’ me ramble off all of that: that’s all ye can say?”

Tidas shrugged; “It’s not like I wasn’t planning on helping you. All I have planned for today is to help out Hang at his office for a couple of hours. While you’re doing your healing thing, of course..”

After walking over, and wrapping an arm around her waist, Tidas whispered into her ear; “I fully planned to help you out so I can monopolize you later..”

A shiver of need ran up Skye’s spine as she tried to keep her mind on the tasks ahead. Truth be told, she wanted to lock their door, and stay in bed together all day. But Skye instantly dismissed the idea when an image of a lonely wee Zazzy flashed through her head.

Skye still vividly remembered the surge of emotions she’d felt when she’d found Zazzy as an egg. Extreme loneliness, fear, and a coldness that seeped into her soul..

“As long as Zazzy gets the attention she needs at her birthday party. We’ll give her our special present tomorrow, on her actual birthday. And we can give her our Yuletide presents tonight,” Skye suggested.

Tidas smiled as he started to lead her into the bathroom; “Isn’t that a little backwards? She’s getting gifts both nights, so what does the order matter?”

Skye’s eye widened at his insensitive comment; “Every child should have a present from their parents on their actual birthday!”

“I don’t see the difference,” Tidas replied.

“Well then, just leave things like this ta me. I’d be devastated ta nae get at least a card from me parents! Just ta ken that they’re thinkin’ of me.”

The look on Skye’s face was one Tidas recognized, and nodded his acceptance. He admitted that he was a bit dense when it came to such delicate matters, and that Skye’s family was a bit different from others..

Sending a card when she was a child was the extent of Lucas and Lydia’s show of affection for Skye. They’d mostly withheld parental love from her due to their own pain, which Tidas could never agree with. Since Skye had forgiven them, he’d essentially dropped the matter, but understood that Skye was sensitive to these types of situations due to it.

He fully supported his wife in almost everything, especially things that made her happy. Tidas had always wondered if her parents withholding affection from her was the reason that Skye was so intune with the emotions of others, but would forever keep the question to himself.

Their shower took a bit longer than it should’ve, but due to it, their morning had become perfectly timed out. Peggy arrived with their clothes and breakfast while they were still in. They could tell by her mutters about how them being awake already ‘was a miracle’.

After Skye had made a list and spoken to Peggy about the shopping, she and Tidas set out to get the day going. First thing that they did was go see Mei, so Skye could finish creating her Yuletide gift. Turned out that Skye had built a massive mini-castle in Rukia’s courtyard, although Mei had designed it.

There was a new story being told all around Sai, which was based off of Skye and Zazzy. Rukia had heard it from her tutor, then from one of her nursemaids. She’d become obsessed with the ‘Golden Princess and the Last Dragon’, so Mei designed a castle based off of Skye’s father’s, with a few Saianese accents.

Skye loved what she’d drawn, and Tidas was, quite frankly, shocked at how well Mei had drawn Actual blueprints for it. He played with Rukia and discussed where she’d learned how to draw them while Skye went outside, and finished up. It had taken her well over an hour to get all of the details just right, and she was shivering when she’d come back inside.

As she rubbed her hands together, and Tidas asked if she was alright, Skye muttered; “Ima fine, I just CANNOT wait til I get me Fire trait.. That wind is bloody nippy!”

Tidas chuckled; “I remember how Amara walking around without her coat on all the time used to drive you nuts.”

The three bantered back and forth until Rukia had tried to escape outside. Luckily, Hana had shown up and stopped her, then she lightly chided the three for not paying better attention. She wanted to see Zazzy, but it wasn’t time for her daily visit yet.

They couldn’t string up the lights until after she’d come to play with the child, or she might realize something was going on. Zazzy frequently flew over Bai Lei’s home, so the guards were on the highest level of notice to look for her. When they’d finally seen her approaching, the servants and guards collected what they could, and scurried inside..


Zazzy was in high spirits as she flew towards the dwelling that her parents were staying in. While she was happy to see them whenever she visited, Zazzy was most excited about playing with Rukia that day. She had told her a story about a dragon and a girl, and they were going to act it out with Hana and Mei.

However, when Zazzy tried to land in the child’s courtyard; she was told to go to Mei’s instead. A small, covered-up new structure stood off to the side, but she still had plenty of room to land and play. It irritated her to have to go to the smaller courtyard, but Zazzy complied once she learned that Rukia was already there, and waiting.

Mei’s courtyard had a much larger garden, so the area they could play in was much smaller. She couldn’t flap her wings, or properly swing her tail, for fear of toppling the statues scattered about the garden. Their playtime hadn’t been nearly as fulfilling as it would’ve been, had they used the giant courtyard in the middle instead.

Without her parents around, Zazzy couldn’t articulate her idea. So she was stuck playing a game with a dragon in it, but wasn’t able to ‘act very dragony’, as Rukia put it. With a moderate amount of disappointment, Zazzy finished her play date, then flew off to catch some lunch..

‘I hope my birthday is better tomorrow.. Momma said that she and Da would be busy in the afternoon, so we’d have to have our celebration in the morning.. I miss the Highlanders; that was So much Fun last year! I wonder if it’ll just be us, or if Rukia will come, too.. I hope so..’

Lost in thought, the young dragon flew off. Unaware of the massive party that the entire country was preparing for her..


“Is she gone?” Peggy muttered as she shifted the section of the string of lights that she was holding.

Skye nodded; “Aye, she be gone. Probably off ta find some food...Which sounds like a grand idea ta me.”

Peggy glared at her; “Ye get nae a scrap til these bloody lights are up! You and Genie are Required fer this! Dinna think yer stomach’s gonna get ya outta this!”

Skye clicked her tongue; “I was Not tryin’ ta get out of it! Ima just hungry, is all! I used quite a bit of magic ta finish up that castle fer Mei this mornin’, and I havena gotten anything ta eat ta replace the magic I used yet.”

Peggy was about to start complaining when Tidas came up to her side with a plate of sandwiches in hand; “I gotcha, wife. I just got back from the kitchens. This should hold you over until lunch.”

Skye smiled so brightly at her husband that he thought she might start crying. As she reached out for one of the delicious-looking snacks, she changed course, and cupped her husband’s cheek instead. She led him to her lips, then kissed him with all of the gratitude she felt for him.

The kiss lasted well passed a minute, prompting Peggy to ‘clear her voice’, and snap them back to reality. When Tidas looked at his wife, he had a sweet, sultry smile on his face. As she regained her composure and looked up at him, his smile stretched as he said; “If this is how you thank me every time I bring you food, then I’m afraid that you’re going to get very fat, very fast, love.”

Skye quirked an eyebrow at him; “And will ya still love me if I do?”

Tidas chuckled lightly before he replied with a sincere grin; “How could I say no to more of you to love? Bring it on! Especially if This is how you say thank you..”

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