


"I\'ll take her to her room," Jayden said when he managed to lift Apple a few inches off the couch so easily, without so much as frowning.

Seeing this, Pyro only became more irritated. He then pinched Apple\'s thigh hard enough to make his daughter wake up in shock.

"Heck? What happened?" she asked nervously, clutching her sore thigh from her father\'s pinch. "Ouch, it hurts, what is this?"

Apple was still not aware of her surroundings and still looked confused because she was still sleepy and in pain.

"You shouldn\'t be sleeping on the couch! If you want to sleep, go to your room over there!" Pyro rebuked her. He stood up and folded his arms across his chest, in an authoritarian manner that was so horrible that Apple quickly forgot the pain and rushed to her room.

She didn\'t even get to look at Jayden anymore or ask what the two of them had talked about.

"What?" Pyro asked defiantly when he saw the scornful look in Jayden\'s eyes standing beside him.

"You are really pathetic," Jayden said, shaking his head, confused by the attitude Pyro had just shown.


The next morning, when Apple woke up, she almost screamed in terror when she saw her father sitting on the side of her bed with a very gloomy and unsightly face.

"What is it?" Apple asked in a husky, still sleepy voice. "Father, don\'t surprise me like that!" she grumbled. "You could give me a sudden heart attack!"

However, Pyro\'s mood wasn\'t good at all, he didn\'t even smile or laugh at all when he heard his daughter\'s grumbling.

"You intend to have a serious relationship with Jayden?" Pyro asked straight away, he didn\'t even beat around the bush and completely ignored the fact that Apple had just woken up and her mind was probably still not fully awake.

"Father!" Apple groaned in frustration. "Couldn\'t we talk about light stuff first before you ask me the question that\'s giving me a headache?"

Apple then rolled herself into the blanket again, trying to sleep again, but of course the atmosphere in her room had changed and it was impossible for her to go back to sleep.

"Just answer this question, do you intend to have a serious relationship with Jayden Tordoff?" Pyro did not back down from the question. He wanted answers straight from Apple.

"I don\'t know," Apple muttered from under the covers. "He decided that himself, I told you that I didn\'t even approve of the relationship he proposed. Jayden is just making his own assumptions."

But, hearing that, instead of feeling relieved, Pyro sighed heavily.

"Why are you sighing like that?" Apple complained as she lifted the blanket covering her face. "I say if I don\'t have a special relationship with Jayden Tordoff, you should feel relieved right?"

"He wants you, Apple, that\'s the problem," Pyro stated the true problem in this matter.

"If I don\'t want him, can he really force me?" Apple asked confusedly.

"You don\'t know him well enough to say something like that." Pyro then massaged his forehead which was throbbing painfully. "When he wants something, he will definitely try to get it."

"I am not an object."

"That goes for everything."

"Dad, he can\'t be serious with me."

"He\'s serious about you."

"How did you know that?" Apple challenged, still not trusting her father\'s judgment.

"You think I spent hours talking to him yesterday to no avail?" Pyro asked, offended when he realized his daughter had underestimated his judgment.

"I did not say that," Apple muttered. "He\'s experienced with women and all the women he\'s dated have had a great reputation and an amazing family background." Apple then hugged her father, not intending to belittle him. "You know what I mean, dad."

Of course Pyro knew what Apple meant, but that was what worried him even more.

"That is where the problem lies, Apple." Pyro stroked his daughter\'s long hair. "I\'ve never seen Jayden want something without thinking about profit at all."

Either this was because he hadn\'t been able to see Jayden\'s true motives, or indeed what the young man felt for his daughter were genuine feelings.

It was really hard to be objective on this matter, especially as it concerned Apple.


After the incident at her home, Apple no longer saw Jayden coming to her house or heard from him; he stopped contacting her completely.

Apple also couldn\'t find a reason to meet with Jayden because two days after that, Pyro returned to his duty to become Jayden\'s bodyguard, confirming Apple\'s work status that she was only a substitute for her father.

And now, Apple didn\'t have a job and anything to do, but she did make quite a bit of money from the paychecks she\'d received from working for Jayden for a few weeks.

This sucked because Apple would constantly find herself staring at her phone, waiting for a message to come in from the guy.

What was this?

Shouldn\'t Apple be happy that the guy wasn\'t bothering her anymore? But, why did she become so unmotivated?


Apple buried her head in the pillow and groaned in annoyance, because she was bored and didn\'t know what to do.

It was true that her meeting Jayden was always filled with fights, but that was precisely what made Apple feel more alive.

"Tsk! Stop thinking about it!" Apple was furious with herself and also Jayden who disappeared without a word. "Am I being ghosted?" Apple frowned, displeased with the current situation.

Apple also couldn\'t ask her dad how Jayden was, because she didn\'t want to bring up this topic and upset her dad. Besides, wouldn\'t it be awkward if she suddenly asked about Jayden?

But today, when Apple was watching news broadcasts on television, she could see the progress of the case being handled by Jayden Tordoff regarding the alleged human trafficking case carried out by the Gevano family.


Read my new story; UNTAMED: The Alpha.

Hope you like it ^^

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