
Chapter 40

“Pathways can only be mastered by fighters. We mages just cast spells as we go. While it grants us versatility, it also makes us weaker in a way. Meanwhile, Fighter pathways are too rigid and straightforward. In their zone they are amazing but when put in unfamiliar territory, they prove inefficient” Damon said with a frown before turning to gaze at the book again.

“The werewolf pathway follows two paths. One requires teamwork while the other is for a lone wolf... To fight with pure instincts is different from what I thought. Wolves fight in packs and coordinate with each other. It happens so naturally, people believe they are telepathic but in reality, they are not, they simply move instinctively and stop thinking. They let their wolf side take control and just watch the rest play out. The second pathway requires you to cast away your doubts and believe in the curse. Believe in the moon and draw strength from within...”

While Damon spoke about what he understood from both pathways he could feel his mind drift. Two images came to mind. One was of a pack of six fierce silver wolves. Each of them was positioned strategically, leaving behind no opening of weak spots.

While the second was of a mighty black wolf, with fierce eyes, surrounded by enemies but it showed no fear or anxiety. It stood gallantly, waiting to tear down each and every enemy.

Damon felt himself drifting towards the black wolf. He found himself within that world. He stood side by side with the black wolf and even though he was surrounded by the enemy, he had nothing to fear. The enemy forces approached but Damon did not retreat.

All his life, he had people he loved and never someone he can depend on. To protect his future and prevent the possibility of getting betrayed again, he needs to do so with his power and not that of someone else.


Damon cast aside all emotions and focused on only one thing.


If you want to get something done, do it yourself.

A team can get you so far, personal skill and talent will get you the rest of the way!

Suddenly, the black wolf vanished and reappeared behind him! It plunged its claws into his back, not giving him the chance to react! Damon wanted to scream in pain but he felt no fear, he could feel the black wolf flowing into him and merging with his body!

His eyes suddenly yanked open, revealing fierce purple eyes! On his back was the painting of the black wolf. It was like a tattoo. The feeling was so magical it felt real, leaving Damon on the ground.

“This is no normal book! It was a test! If I had chosen the first path I would have joined the Hail family pack without knowing it. What the hell?” Damon muttered as he sat up properly.

It turns out that supernatural beings are far more complicated than he expected. Who would have thought all of this is necessary just to pick a pathway to study?

He gazed at the book and it seemed to have changed entirely. The old writings about both pathways were gone, leaving behind only techniques and fighting styles belonging to the lone wolf!


Duke Hail was sipping tea with the other two but then he frowned and slowly lowered his cup. His eyes seemed conflicted as he shot a glance at Pope Light and Arch Mage Kratos.

“His path has been decided?” Pope Light asked with a frown.

“Which path was assigned to him?” Arch Mage Kratos asked.

“LONE WOLF!” Duke Hail muttered in fright.

“Impossible.... There hasn’t been a lone wolf after that man. It has been two centuries already!” Pope Light seemed awfully delighted even in denial.

“A Lone wolf is the only one who can rival the power of the blood clan First horns head on. We wolves who rely on packs need to join hands to win... It’s just shocking that the kid who seemed to coordinate well with his team is a lone wolf... He even sacrificed himself for their victory. That’s something only a team player would do” Duke Hail was confused.

“None of that matters. The Lycan origin never makes a mistake. He was assigned a lone wolf role because that is what he is deep down. Right now all we can do is help him grow and prepare him for the battle ahead. With the arrival of a lone wolf, we have another chance of wiping out the blood clan after so many years!” Arch Mage Kratos was excited.

“Don’t be too excited. Just I have noticed this, other werewolf packs must have noticed this as well. And I’m pretty sure the blood clan must have noticed the birth of a lone wolf. It won’t take long before they make their move to end him!” Duke Hail said with a frown.

“Then they court death! I stayed this long because I’m still picking a new batch of knights of light from the new recruits but for his sake, I will stay here longer and make sure nothing happens to him... We have a chance now, we can’t let him go” Pope Light said fiercely.

“No, don’t. It is too early for them to make a move so unless we are sure they are here we don’t have to act. Don’t forget, unlike my pack, lone wolves gain power in a different way. To be a lone wolf one needs reputation and confidence. To earn a reputation he has to create one. To gain the confidence he needs to earn it. Confidence is built on countless victories. I think it’s best we allow him to find his path and build himself. Getting involved will only be a setback for him” Duke Hail said with a frown.

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