
Chapter 78

His gaze was pinned on the fallen Damon, bleeding out from the fist size hole on his chest. Death watched eagerly as it wanted to know whether Damon would be able to heal the hole in his chest even though he already knew the answer to this.

“This is not what I wanted. This is not how I planned to live my life. Everyone just imposed his will on me and I have no choice but to obey... how is such a life worth living?” Damon muttered those words with dead eyes gazing at the pool of blood around him.

“The death magic or the wolf curse is not an order or anything you think it is. See these powers as opportunities with a little price attached to each of them. Once you grow stronger using these means, who else will be able to control your fate?” Death said with a bright flash in his eyes. His gaze made it seem as if he could see Damon’s soul.

His words were inspirational but even then Damon didn’t respond. His gaze seemed to be lost and unfocused. He was there and he wasn’t there at the same time.

Damon had lost his way and will.

“Human?” Death called out after spending an entire minute and Damon was yet to respond. He didn’t know what more to say to this young but promising host. Truly he didn’t want ro lose Damon.

Guardian spirit hosts right now are hunted down like dogs by all the races. No matter where they run or how good they try to be, it always ends up in an untimely death. This is something Death has had to deal with time and time again.

Yes, he knew the existence of the guardian spirit hosts brings about chaotic times and violence but this is necessary to curb the population and deal with a lot of hidden threats.


Everything has a role to play in their world. Going out of their way to hunt down hosts now is about to bring about an abnormal level of unbalance.

He couldn’t afford to lose Damon now. Especially since this kid’s mindset is different from the other death mages he has come across since the beginning of existence.

“Chill... I’m not planning to die any time soon....” Damon suddenly said with a bitter smile before slowly raising himself from the ground. His clothes soaked with his blood and the sounds of weapons surfaced once again.

While Damon didn’t say it out, he silently harbored those thoughts and quietly repeated them to himself over and over again.

He understood what death was trying to say from the beginning. In fact, he didn’t need to be told about this, he just silently put such restrictions on himself back then but now he had no need to do that anymore.

“Very well then...”


Damon’s aura exploded violently as he slowly rose to his feet. His eyes were completely black while a strong breeze blew around him. The souls of the fox spirits dying in battle could be heard before racing into Damon’s body.

He was like a soul magnet!



His aura turned unstable as Damon just stood like an immovable mountain and absorbed the souls of the dead. Even the hole on his chest had filled back up, Damon looked like a beast at this moment!


The giant stopped walking away and turned to meet Damon’s cold gaze. His eyes were pinned on Damon as his hands curled into a fist.




From what seemed like a slow jog, a full sprint exploded as the vampire raced forward. His eyes were like two black lights as he ran forward without hesitation. Making the earth tremble with each step he took!


Damon was fearless and had no plans of exchanging words with a foe! He let out a fierce roar as he jumped and in the next moment, his body exploded with power as it transformed in a matter of seconds!


The black Werewolf pounced on the vampire and smashed into his body like a massive truck smashing into an immovable wall!


A fierce shockwave erupted as the two engaged in a contest of strength! The warrior realm vampire may be powerful but the mighty black wolf almost seven feet tall was no small beast!


Enraged sounds of struggle could be heard as Damon bit at the vampire, snatching it by the waist! The world watched as he jumped out to the crowd and dragged the vampire, smashing it into one of the pillars!


As soon as he let go of his enemy, the black wolf leaped backward, increasing the space between it and the enemy! The vampire was still shaken by what happened now, it didn’t expect Damon to snap at him at that moment, and with that one bite his body was infected with the Venom of the wolf, and his strength reduced slightly but steadily!

His eyes squinted as he noticed the energy surging around the black wolf and he slowly rose to his feet.

Secret technique: Werewolf’s roar!


The purple eyes of the black wolf lit up in flames lit up with flames as fire surged around his lips. His eyes revealed terrifying light as the purple aura surging around him settled on his body like some sort of special exoskeleton armor!



Damon raced forward like a truck with no intentions of slowing down!

His speed was extremely terrifying and in just a few seconds he had closed the distance between him and the massive vampire!

Blood empowerment!

The vampire growled as his body revealed a red glow! He quickly entered the proper position and prepared to dash forward but the unexpected happened!


Damon utilized the second stage of the combat technique and let out the paralyzing roar! The enemy was stunned with his hands open and his center exposed! Without hesitation, Damon pounced on the enemy and instantly went for the throat!

He was planning to end the battle in an instant!



Blood red light exploded from the body of the vampire on the right and he was thrown back by almost a hundred meters!


The moment the vampire’s feet hit the ground, his body leaned forward same shot towards the retreating black wolf with terrifying intent flashing brightly in his eyes!


His hand swung down like a divine hammer, aiming the shatter the skull of the mighty wolf but strangely at a critical moment, Damon responded by retreating!

Brilliant claw!

The black wolf growled as it swung its claws at the enemy, releasing a darkish purple arc of energy.

“You!” The vampire growled as it clasped both hands together into a fist before smacking down ruthlessly!


The energy attack was shattered without much effort but the feeling of insecurity lingered in the heart of the enemy as he realized Damon was nowhere to be seen!

The eternal darkness behind him seemed to move and fiery purple eyes appeared within the darkness. The massive black wolf that was over six feet tall was almost twice the size as he stood on his hind legs!

Bear hug!

The muscular arms of the black Werewolf clasped the enemy from behind and his claws dug into the chest of the enemy, leaving him screaming in pain! His eyes revealed immense killing lights as Damon sank his fangs into the neck of the enemy, threatening to tear his neck off his body!

“YOU DARE!” The warrior realm vampire growled furiously as a whirlpool of blood exploded around him surging dangerously

The normal soldiers and even weaker vampires and fox spirits caught within the mid-ranged ability struggled as they were getting crushed and pulled towards the mighty vampire at the center!

Within the surging blood was the black Werewolf standing on its hind legs while looking down on the vampire coldly. Its size was twice that of the vampire, making it a towering figure!


A loud explosion erupted as the black wolf threw his palm forward and it pierced through the blood wall and into the chest of the vampire!


“This is not a fight you can win” A cold and deep voice resonated from the lips of the mighty black wolf as it pulled out the heart of the massive vampire who slumped and fell to the ground!

In a wolf pack, the only wolves that can change into their werewolf form at will are the Alpha’s and the lone wolves. All the other wolves and betas can only transform using the aid of a moonstone or full moon!

During the transformation a person would gain immense power but controlling their actions within this form is far more difficult. Even Tristan was stunned when he saw Damon’s werewolf form at the center of the battlefield. Against him, an amateur warrior realm vampire could only struggle and throw a very few number of blows before his death.

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