
Chapter 160

In a world filled with magical beasts, orcs, elves, dwarves, and even more dangerous beings, the young crown prince explored the world and stumbled upon the immortal pathway. A pathway that grants the user immortality but it’s said that it’s hard to cultivate and has a lot of unexplained conditions attached to it. Yet, Gerald mastered this secret pathway and even brought it back to Gyro and thought the son of heaven but even he couldn’t master this pathway to an extreme level like his son.

Even the cosmic spirit host of the sun deity couldn’t master this power in a profound realm. All have proven to be inferior to the crowned prince in terms of sheer talent.

“What kind of witchcraft is this? Why can’t you die?” Fei of the fire dragon clan growled furiously. After killing Gerald so many times in such a little space of time, even someone of this level can only feel anxious when looking at this immortal being.

“Impossible! As far as I’m concerned no one is truly immortal! Even the death mage who possesses the immortal body can be killed, talk less of a weak human with no backing!” Raizen of the storm dragons growled in fury.

He refused to believe someone has actually achieved immortality.

“Of course, I’m not immortal. Everything that has a beginning must have an end. True immortality does not exist. But, before you can find out the secrets of my immortal pathway, you will be long dead. This power is not something brainless brutes from the little lizard race can comprehend” Gerald said those words with immense disdain visible in his eyes.

The entire desert began to tremble after Gerald said those words while the two Draconian race hosts growled in anger and their aura surged violently. How dare a human refer to the great draconian race as lizards?

This is the greatest insult their race has received since the beginning of time!


“Before you decide to tip my head off for the fifth time, I need you to understand I’m not the real enemy here... You will need me if you wish to get rid of the new hosts” Gerald remained fearless as he spoke to the duo with his hands placed behind him.

The duo who looked like they were about to pounce on him, slowly calmed down and regained their composure but their eyes was still filled with hostility while gazing at Gerald.

“Hmph! If we can kill you then we can kill anyone! Do you really think the death mage can stand against us with his team of children? He is the only spirit realm expert amongst them!” Fei of the fire dragons said with a hint of disdain in his eyes.


“If he is scared of you, why is he coming here? You and your brainless friend here have left a path of destruction and chaos, murdering and killing everything as you move. You have wiped out villages and killed so many innocent people. If I can find you, I can bet he can find you as well” Gerald said with a cruel smile.


The two Draconian hosts frowned at this but they didn’t show their anxiety, instead, they let out an air of arrogance as they both instinctively took a step forward when they felt threatened.

“Hmph! The death mage knows how to find me doesn’t mean he dares to find me... If he does come after us as you say then he is a fool who doesn’t know how to value his life!” Raizen Stormborn growled but Gerald only laughed at these words.

Truly these two are the biggest morons he has come across in the past few years. Do they really think they can swagger across this continent and not get hurt?

For every action, there is an equivalent level of reaction to be expected. That is what reality is all about. The thought of having no peer in the world is something foolish.

If he had the same mindset, then with the immortality pathways he would consider himself unlikable yet he was trying to stay cautious.

“Hmph! You two may choose to remain dumb all your life, I don’t really care. But for this single important moment, I request you use the brains you were born with. Do you think the death mage is unaware of the terrors of the Draconian race? Yet they come here! Doesn’t that mean he must be confident he can take your lives?” Gerald said with narrowed eyebrows.

Hearing his words the two Draconians were about to bark at him but the entire desert began trembling again and a hint of fright mixed with respect could be seen in the eyes of the two Draconians!

They gazed towards the distance as if they could see and hear something and after a while, their aloof facial expressions turned stern and they turned serious.

“Since we have the same goal then we will work together but if we plan to face the death mage and his crew it’s best we fight them within the labyrinth which the ancestral earth element dragon has more control over. We have to move fast, the death mage and his crew are fast approaching!” Fei said with a stern look while Raizen Stormborn nodded in agreement while wearing a stern look on his face too.

The complete change in the attitude of the duo stunned everyone including Gerald. They only shot glances around before chasing after the two dragon hosts who were already moving.


Somewhere in the endless desert, Damon and the rest of the team kept moving but suddenly he stopped and looked up with a hint of surprise in his eyes. The surprise turned to confusion and finally ended with rage.

“This bastard ancestor earth elemental Dragon is truly helping these people. Hehehe! You can only prolong the inevitable!” Damon said with a voice filled with venom and disdain as he gazed at the pair of illusionary eyes pinned on them.

His words stunned Elsa, Cyrus, and Gin since they were oblivious to what was happening and they also couldn’t see what he could see.

His eyes narrowed as the intense sandstorm shifted strangely, revealing a path safe from the sandstorm and leading to somewhere. Seeing this everyone was stunned and unable to understand why this would happen.

“My prophetic abilities are not working here. Something is blocking my power!” Elsa said with a deep frown.

No matter what happens, she always sees the future but right now she can’t even see a thing. No matter how much she tried to activate her Seer pathway ability it just wouldn’t work.

Thinking of this made her restless since she has always depended on the seer pathway to survive this long.

“Whatever is here is really powerful so it’s safe to say the rumors or should I say the story you guys told us a while ago wasn’t a joke,” Gin said with a bitter smile.

“What do you think this means? Since the dragons are the enemies, why would it clear a path for us? Or is it trying to throw us off direction and get us lost?” Cyrus couldn’t help but ask.

He and the others found it strange that the enemy would boldly cut a path open for them and save them the trouble of navigating their way through the crazy sandstorm.

“This is not a trap. I can sense it all, I can see it all. This bastard isn’t leading us astray, its actually leading us to where we need to be. Where we can find the sealed artifact” Damon responded absentmindedly as countless thoughts ran through his mind.

“I refuse! Why would it lead us to the same sealed artifact when the draconian are here? Would it really betray the draconian for us?” Elsa was confused but Damon shook his head in denial.

“It’s not that it is leading us to the sealed artifacts, it’s more like the location of the sealed artifact is where the Draconians and three-star alliance are. It is leading us to them in hopes that they can get rid of us” Gin said with a deep frown.

“Bingo! Right on target!” Damon praised Gin with a smile and Gin returned his smile with a thumbs-up.

“So what now? If the ancient elemental dragon of earth believes they can win against us, then shouldn’t we retreat?” Elsa asked with a worried look on her face.


“Retreat? Because an ancient lizard believes that its two lizard descendants and a few cosmic spirit failures can deal with us? I would rather slit my throat than retreat!” Damon snorted disdainfully.




The entire area began to tremble violently as Damon spoke. The anger of the ancestral elemental dragon could not be hidden but even Damon showed no fear.

“Don’t be a hasty ancient relic. I will wipe out those you sent to take my life before waiting for your revival so that I can take your life as well!” Damon hissed those words.

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