
Chapter 123 - Truth Or Dare

"Master, aren\'t you forgetting something?" John asked 

They were on their way back to the cave after the fight 

Master looked at john and muttered 

"Sylvia..." She muttered 

"Ohhhh, Sylvia, that\'s a nice name master!" Said John with a big smile 

Master nodded with a slightly embarrassed expression 

John felt proud, he finally knew his master\'s name. 

"So... Where are we going now? Master Sylvia" John asked 

"Sand." Sylvia muttered 

"The beach?" John asked 

Sylvia nodded 

John felt relieved, for a second he thought she\'d say desert 

"Oh so we\'re going to have fun right? Feels great after all thi-" 

John was interrupted by Master sylvia who said 

"Conquering a dungeon." 

In that moment, John, felt Goosebumps go through his body 


As the four got on the carriage, they were surprised to see that zac wasn\'t hopping on 

"Zac, aren\'t you coming?" Ariel asked 

Zac walked up to ariel and gave her a head pat as he said 

"Nope, I still have things to do" 

John who saw this understood, not patting Ariel\'s head was something that took a lot of mental fortitude. Not even zac could withstand. 

"Stay safe, if you ever want any more of the Rabbit stew you know where to find us" Said Ariel with a smile 

"Oi, don\'t go making promises for other people" Said John 

"Haha, Alright. Thanks. Serena, make sure you take good care of everyone. You\'re an \'adult\' After all." 

"Of course" Said Serena with a satisfied smile 

"And Sylvia... go easy on them." 

Master who heard this didn\'t reply or nod, she simply smiled 

[At least reply...] 

"That was some nice stew john, you should make a restaurant." 

[That\'s a good idea...] 

"If that happens, you better become a regular." Said John 

���Sure, if it\'s cheap." 

After he said that, he disappeared. John could never understand what zac was thinking. He was a mysterious individual. 

John broke down the ice cube and the carriage began to move. 


As the days went by, they got closer and closer to their destination. And not before long, a week passed by. 

"Lately it\'s been kind of boring..." Said Serena as she stretched out on the carriage seats 

"Yeah, all we\'ve been doing is travelling" Said Ariel as she did the same 

"It\'s just travel, hunt, eat, sleep, wake up, brush your teeth everyday." Muttered john 

However, he didn\'t really mind. He knew what was waiting for them at the end of the journey. A few hours of heaven in a beach in exchange for days in hell inside of the dungeon. 

"Don\'t forget the warm baths in the self-made hot-springs" Said Serena 

"The best part about this trip..." Muttered Ariel 

The only ones who didn\'t know were Serena and Ariel 

"Sorry... But I was told not to tell you..." John whispered 

"Ahhh, can\'t we just teleport to the beach or something?" Serena asked 

"Hmm, maybe john could..." Said Ariel 

"What am I? Some sort of god?" John asked 

"Hmm, since we don\'t have anything to do why don\'t we find something fun to talk about?" Ariel asked 

"Like what?" Serena asked 

"I\'m not sure..." Replied Ariel 

"I have an idea" Said John as he grabbed a bottle 

It was an empty wine bottle, which was just lying around. 

"First let\'s get in a circle" 

John sat in the middle of the carriage in between the seats, and the two slightly curious girls did the same. They formed a circle as they sat next to each other. 

John then put the bottle in the middle 

"Is this some sort of new magic spell you learnt?" Serena asked 

"Or maybe a game?" Said Ariel 

"Yep, it\'s called Truth or dare." 

"Truth or dare?" Serena asked 

"Yeah, the one who the bottle lands on gets to choose a person, and that person has to choose to either answer a question, or pick a dare between the 3 set by whoever the bottle landed on." Said John 

"I see..." Said Ariel as she stared at the bottle 

"So do you two want to play?" John asked 

The two girls nodded, they looked rather serious for a friendly game, so much that it worried john 

"W-Well, I\'ll use wind magic to spin it" Said John with a nervous smile 

With the support of wind, the bottle started to spin, it got faster and faster until john decided it was spinning fast enough and stopped supporting it. 

Then bottle was spining around and around, first Serena, then ariel, then john, and then serena again. When all of the sudden it stopped. 

"Oh, Looks like I get to pick, Hm, John I dare you to-" 

John interrupted Serena as he said 

"Oi... No matter how you look at it, you stopped it with wind magic when it pointed towards you." Said John 

"Wha-? Isn\'t it supposed to be the one who can make the bottle stop on them?" Asked Serena 

"No! You\'re supposed to leave it to luck" Said John 

"That doesn\'t sound very fun..." Muttered Serena 

"Well it\'s part of the rules, no magic allowed when spinning the bottle." 

"Fine..." Said Serena 

"Well then, time for round 2" Said Ariel 

"Alright, ventus" Said john 

The bottle started to spin 

"I thought you said no magic?" Said Serena 

"I\'m an exception, and I\'m only using it to spin the bottle" 

Without saying anything else, serena nodded and the three watched as the bottle slowed down. And the person it landed on was... Serena 

[Damn it!] John shouted in his mind 

"W-Well... Serena-" 

John was interrupted by serena who instantly went for him 

"John I dare you to-" 

"Calm down! You\'re supposed to ask me, which one I want between \'truth\' or \'dare\' and if I pick dare, I have 3 options.\'" 

"Then, which one do you pick?" Serena asked 

Serena had an evil grin on her face, john knew she wouldn\'t make it easy for him. Why did a friendly game turn into this? 

"D-Dare" Said John hesitantly 

He couldn\'t afford to pick truth, there were things she simply couldn\'t know" 

"Then... Your first option is, Create some sort of spell which can teleport us to the beach" 

"How am I supposed to do that?!" 

"Your second option is to answer my question truthfully " 

John was heavily considering the 2nd option 

"And third option is-" 

Serena was interrupted by ariel who said 

"Can\'t john just cast the flying spell on this carriage and the horses, and fly us there? It\'ll be faster right? And john could also make it invisible by using the other spell" Said ariel 

"That\'s actually a good idea... That would have saved us a lot of time..." Said John as he placed his hands under his chin 

"Then that\'s your third option, which will you pick?" Serena asked 

"The third one" Said John with a relived expression 

"Then, whenever you\'re ready" Said Serena 

John got up, and walked towards master while the carriage was moving. 

"Master, wanna fly?" John asked 

Master looked at john with a poker face and stopped the carriage, she didn\'t ask anything because she probably heard the conversation 

"Then... Levite" 

John created a field big enough to fit the carriage and the horses, where the force of attraction to the earth\'s core would be weakened 

The carriage felt unsteady and the horses started floating as john slowly rose it up into the air using ventus 

The horses started to neigh and Serena and Ariel both grabbed onto the seat. John could tell that serena was already regretting her decision, so he thought he\'d tease her for it. 

"Serena, let\'s get ready for another round" Said John with a smile as he sat on the middle 

"W-W-Wait, when it balances..." Said Serena 

John chuckled before saying 


And Serena who saw this, was too nervous to think about revenge. 

Despite almost all of his focus being on the carriage, he was trying to act like he was unaffected. 

Master\'s expression changed from a poker face to a surprised one when the carriage rose, but she was still quiet. 

[Will I ever be able to shock her...?] John thought 

Then the carriage which was slightly unbalanced, regained it\'s balance. There was even more wind supporting it, but it wasn\'t john\'s doing. 

"So you decided to join in, thanks ariel" Said john 

"You looked like you were struggling, so I thought I\'d help" She said 

Serena was panting hard as she sat back down in the middle, and Ariel followed right after. Ariel seemed to be doing fine, probably because wind was her specialty. If she fell, she could just use one of her spells and would be unfazed. 

"So... Anyone else up for another round?" Asked Serena as she caught her breath 

Meanwhile master hadn\'t moved from her seat, she was looking at the clouds as if she was trying to understand what just happened. 

"Sure, just give me one second" Said john as he got up 

He walked over to master and asked her which direction they were going 

Master looked down and pointed forward 

"Just keep heading in that direction until I tell you to stop." Said master 

"Understood." Replied John 

He propelled the carriage in the direction which master pointed at, as he sat down to continue the round. 

Serena grabbed on to the seat beside her, but seemed to be doing better than earlier. 

"Velox" Muttered john and the bottle started to spin 

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