
Chapter 433: False lead

Chapter 433: False lead

Zaos noticed that the possessed commanders headed toward another tent. It seemed that their scheming was just starting… now that Zaos thought about it, some of them probably made Drannor think that leaving Zaos’ former allies behind would be for the best.

“Their presences are weak… is it because of that their appearances didn’t change?” Zaos rubbed his chin thoughtfully. 

Zaos could easily kill those guys, but another opportunity presented itself… he could talk with Drannor and make him stop the war. While retreating right now would cause a ruckus, it would be better than starting a war that will only benefit the demons. However, how could he convince Drannor of that without revealing anything regarding Milliendra’s power? After eight years on the run, after taking the life of his lover and kidnapping his daughter… if Zaos were in his place, would he listen to the criminal? The answer is no…

“I am Sorry, Drannor,” Zaos muttered. “Because of me, your daughter won’t recognize you as her father for many years to come, for that and for killing Ameria, someday, I will accept being killed by you, but until I am sure that Milliendra will have a good enough life, I can’t let myself die.”

After thinking about that, Zaos’ mind cleared, and he noticed that he didn’t find any supplies in that camp. The soldiers only had food that would last for one day with them. Thanks to that, he realized that they had divided their forces and the bloody knights probably were a part of the group that was guarding those. It made perfect sense…

“I was planning to destroy their supplies to make them retreat earlier, but I guess it can’t be helped…” Zaos thought.

Killing all of the commanders probably was the best option since Zaos couldn’t put all of them to sleep and then carry them. However, that also would make Drannor and all the soldiers eager to start the war. Not to mention, Drannor would keep following their advice, even after their death. The situation was so annoying and complicated that Zaos felt that making some heads roll would be enough to cool his head. Still, Zaos had another idea…

After approaching the tent in which the commander was, Zaos noticed that their mana got tense. Since they were weak, they couldn’t transform, and even their tracking skills were poor, but when Zaos was twenty meters away from them, they noticed him. However, Zaos reacted on time and used an enhanced version of Sleep that put everyone to sleep in a radius of thirty meters. He had to use one-fourth of his mana, and a terrible headache began to bother him. Still, at least he felt everyone around in the tents falling asleep.

Zaos approached the tent and then entered when he was sure that no one saw him. Zaos confirmed that they were completely asleep and then checked the tent before anything. He didn’t find any valuable documents… they had been extra careful, even though it has been years since one of them died… or, in their case, lost a vessel.

After approaching one of the fallen commanders, Zaos opened their eyes, and ten used Evil Eyes. Even while the body was unconscious, he felt a response when it trembled. Deep down, the demon still was aware… it was evident since the demon wasn’t actually the owner of the body.

“I know that you can hear, so let me show you something interesting…” Zaos said.

Zaos showed the scene of him slicing apart Darkaun. He was the strongest demon he had defeated, and even though he was only showing something that didn’t happen, that was a necessary experiment. Most of the time, killing the possessed was unavoidable. Still, over the years, Zaos wondered if he could banish them from the bodies… he was testing that. The body trembled all over while the demon was imagining itself enduring the same torture. Still, in the end, the creature never left its vessel. 

“It is no good… death is the only way to deal with them,” Zaos thought.

It seemed a bit hasty to assume that after a single attempt, but Zaos didn’t have much time. In the end, Zaos made a choice to kill the commanders… he wanted to save the vessels, but leaving those guys alive to counsel Drannor would cause even more deaths. Still, he made it look like one stabbed all the others, and he actually captured one to interrogate and to make it look like he had escaped after noticing its crime.

Now Zaos had another problem… escape while carrying someone on his shoulders. In the end, Zaos found a card filled with hay and then put his prisoner under it. After he began to head in the direction he came from, he saw many guards, and while some didn’t question him, others seemed like they would cause trouble, so he put them to sleep. That was a lot of trouble, but he hid them in some areas where the grass was tall. Hopefully, they won’t remember what happened.

Before the last line of defense could even see him, Zaos put them to sleep as well. That way, they won’t even see him leave. For the most part, his plan worked well, but as soon as he was disappearing in the darkness, he began to hear shouts… some guards had found the demons he had killed… or at least their vessels.

Zaos made sure to increase his speed, but only for the sake of some mental peace because he knew no one would find his traces at night. Zaos used Fire Arrows and put several tents on fire to ensure he wouldn’t have to deal with any pursuers.

“Their horses aren’t here… I wish I had the chance to destroy their stables,” Zaos thought while he was disappearing in the darkness of the night. His first action had worked, and Zaos got rid of several commanders, but he couldn’t relax yet since even those demons were only small fires.

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