
Chapter 14 Shui Ningxue (1)

"Now, let me explain to you about my toys."

Xia Tian said as he looked down at Xia Shuiyao who was still crouching near his legs.

She was sitting by her knees, her face was lifted upwards in Xia Tian\'s direction.

That scene would have looked like a teacher educating a student, only if both weren\'t naked.

Though, Xia Tian was diligent in his work and explained everything to her properly.

First thing first, becoming his toy should be an honor for them.

What else you can expect from a narcissist as a first line?

An honor but why?

Because even if thousand of beautiful women lay down with their pussies wide open, he won\'t take them as his toy, if he does not want to.

Second, for becoming his toy one should have qualifications.

The only qualification is that the toy should be fun to play with...

By fun, he simply means do not use your head and think why you are chosen, if you are chosen then he knows you are fun to play with.

Ah, Narcissist...

In reality, he chooses extremely beautiful women as toys for a single reason.

Because beautiful women always have one or two of their screws loose.

And for his potential toys...

They must be virgins, but he can accept non-virgins if they are interesting enough or come in combos of mother-daughter pairs.

And It only takes one word for his potential toys to be either killed or become his official toy.

For Xia Shuiyao it was the moment when he asked her to pay with her body if she denied she would be a corpse and not a toy.

Xia Ying has not become his official toy yet.

Why he kills his potential toys if they fail to become his official toy?

It is quite simple, if it is not his, it can not be of anyone else.

His toys are like real toys, he does not like it if anyone else plays with them, and he does not like sharing them.

He does not like broken toys.

And no one breaks their toys by themself, so he won\'t break them.

And if it is broken he will throw them away and get a new one.

He will play with his toys as long as they can entertain him.

No one in the world call harms his toys other than himself, it simply means they will always die a natural death and never an abnormal death.

They can die after exhausting their life span or once they broke by themselves due to living for so long.

By breaking by themselves he simply means they suicide.

He will not stop anyone from committing suicide.

As for immortals, they will die along with the universe(world) when it is destroyed yet again only if they have not already died due to committing suicide.

The toys can live with him forever if they do not break by themselves, but for that one need to enter the void realm, which his no toy has ever done before.

He killed all his earlier toys before disappearing 1 billion years ago.

"Who are you exactly?" Xia Shuiyao asked.

She did not care about the terms she did not know, like void realms, universe destruction, etc, as she knew it was even beyond immortals.

She does not dare to think, that she will ever reach there, so she does not care.

Why care about things which will never happen?

It is not as if she was not surprised, but Xia Tian had used a calming technique on her else she would not be taking this information with this ease.

Xia Tian chuckled at her question.

Who is he?

"Haven\'t I told you, I am your brother? Sis?"

His gaze was quite innocent, which fooled her to believe it for a second.

She was unable to believe how someone can act this realistic.

Unless he wants it, no one can know he is putting up an act.

But is he putting up an act, to begin with?

How many personalities he have developed in all these years by role-playing so much?

[A/N: Referring to Stanford prison experiment.]

"Is Evelynn also a toy?"

Her next question was something Xia Tian knew she would ask, as he was the one who manipulated her into asking this.

He said there is no toy who reached the void realm and he had already killed all his earlier toys, so naturally, anyone would have questions regarding Evelynn.

As for why he did it, well, let for say, Xia Tian does not like when someone asks about them.

It is quite a personal topic for him.

And if his new toy by mistake asks something later, then he may have to break it and get a new one.

He did not want to let his new toy die so soon.

Instead of answering her earlier question, he asked her something.

"Do you know how to keep a man happy?"

To his sudden question, Xia Shuiyao shook her head, she was never interested in this topic.

Seeing her, Xia Tian decided to tell her three rules to make a man happy.

"Rule 1: Give him a blowjob;

Rule 2: Cook him good food;

And the last and most important rule,

Rule 3: Do not ask him questions, men are too lazy to reply to any question."

Though he said lazy, Xia Shuiyao realized she shouldn\'t have asked her earlier question.

The girl was quite smart, she learned her first lesson, do not ask him anything about Evelynn.

"As for your question, Evelynn isn\'t my toy, neither my woman, nor servant, nor lover, I do not know what she is, so do not ask me."

Of course, Xia Tian knows what she is, it\'s his way of saying I don\'t want to tell you.

Xia Shuiyao nodded anxiously, don\'t know why she felt like she was quite close to losing her life.

The cold goddess was gone, her worldview was changed today.

Though her cold face will be there forever, it was something she was born with.

Then she asked something which was bothering her for a long time. "Your toy can\'t be played by someone else, they won\'t die an abnormal death plus you did not want to break your toy by yourselves, why does to me it sounds more like what any cultivator woman would want from her husband? Isn\'t it a blessing in disguise? Why still name it a toy?"

Xia Tian smiled gently at her innocent question.

He peered into her eyes and spoke. "Because toys are replaceable, they break and you can just throw them and get a new one."

"This is why I call them toys!"

Xia Shuiyao sucked a cold breath on his words, indeed she realized for him, she was replaceable.

She was his toy.

Then, she stared at his face and said something with great courage.

"I-I will accept you the day, you can walk next to me outside."

She knew she isn\'t the one to negotiate terms with him.

But she still wanted to walk outside next to her man, doesn\'t matter even if he sees her as a toy.

He is still her brother to the world, they naturally can not go outside like couples.

She had decided what to do, she would follow Xia Tian for life, instead of ending her life.

Either way, Xia Tian never cared.

Yes, Xia Shuiyao assigned a completely different meaning to her being a toy.

After all, things do not have any meaning, until one assigns meaning to them.

Sigh, Beautiful women have their few screws loose.

Xia Tian was amused by her courage, he chuckled and spoke.

"Haha... Sure, let\'s go."

He wasn\'t angered by her words in the least.

If he gets angry this easily the world would have long been destroyed.

There are very few things that can make him angry.

If his toys are always mute in front of him, then how will he play?

This is the reason, he never tells them all this toy stuff...

So he quite liked Xia Shuiyao\'s courage, she would be fun to play with.

He picked up her naked body from the floor and started walking towards the door, carrying her in a princess carry, to which she immediately panicked.


Her panicked voice sounded in Xia Tian\'s ear.

Listening to her, he threw her back into the bed.


Xia Shuiyao closed her eyes in fear, she did not expect her to be thrown off so suddenly.

Men should handle women with care, how can he be so rough with her?

Of course, she only dares to think like this and not say it to Xia Tian.

Though, one should ask himself, why it is always the men handling the women with care, while women are allowed to trash the men as they like...

Why it only applies to men and not women?

Xia Tian\'s calm voice sounded in Xia Shuiyao\'s ear.

"I think you should rephrase your words Shui\'er."

[A/N: Writing her full name every time is time-consuming, so Xia Tian will call her Shui\'er from now.]

When Xia Shuiyao opened her eyes again, a pair of silvery-bluish eyes were eying at her like a predator.

She trembled a bit.

"Your words should be, that you will accept me the day you dare to walk next to me and not the other way around."

After saying this, Xia Tian tapped her head with his finger.

"Now, you can sleep."

Instantly, She lost consciousness and fell asleep.

He opened a large portal, carrying her body he walked inside it.

He has not forgotten about her half-soul.

Most probably it is a trap that is laid by his predecessor God, but he does not care.

A mortal soul, still being half intact after seven worlds is not something he can think of as a pure coincidence.

The sons of destiny are the ones who take things as coincidence and not him.

If he has lived by that mentality, he would have perished long ago.


Outside Xia Shuiyao\'s room, a completely different scene was taking place.

Evelynn was glaring at the shadow-like figure in front of her, from her expression it was clear she was angry.

"Aren\'t you going to show yourself Nyx?"

Instantly, the black mist trembled violently and a figure appeared outside of it.

"Why won\'t I?"

Her voice surprised Evelynn, she raised a brow and observed the figure in from of her.

She had silky long black hair which fell to her waist, her left eye was golden while her right eye shined with azure color. On her appearance, she looked nearly 20 years old. One can\'t help but gulp seeing such a perfect figure, even the goddess of the divine realm can only sigh in front of her. There was not a single blemish on her ivory skin, she was only fat where she should be, one can say her body shape wasn\'t different from Evelynn, she had that same hourglass figure.

If there was one difference it was her hair, it was black, the deepest black color that one can ever see in their life, it was the color of the void.

The reason for such hair color was because her powers come from the void itself.

Seeing her unchanged indifferent expression from 3 worlds before, Evelynn can\'t help but sigh.

One can say Nyx is the embodiment of the Indifference of Xia Tian.

[A/N: Nyx is the girl whose hair and eye colors I did not disclose in the first chapter. ]

As for why Evelynn was surprised...

"I thought you would not speak ever again to us?", said Evelynn as she stared into Nyx\'s figure.

Nyx Snorted.

"You guys were the ones who started this all."

Though her voice was quiet, it was clear to Evelynn what she was referring to.

Evelynn narrowed her gaze at her words.

"We started this?"

She whispered to herself.

Indeed, she realized it was always those four who cut their connection with her and stopped talking with her, they would meet but there would be no words.

The times they would see her were only the ones when she was with Xia Tian.

After the day of the twins\' death, when Xia Tian left saying to them, learn to accept losses, then it was they who tried to ask Nyx about the incident.

But if Xia Tian did not tell them anything, then how can her shadow say anything?

Nyx also quietly left the scene, which angered all four girls.

From there, they have never tried to make first contact with her.

Three worlds have passed since that day, it was still the same until today.

Even when his soul was destroyed and he died 1 billion years ago, Nyx directly got into hibernation until he was born again, unlike other girls who kept doing their stuff.

As for how his soul was destroyed?

He tried to get to the center of the void, the girls did not know what he wanted, but he wants to go to the place even the void realm cultivator feared.

One has to pass the void beast before one can get to the center.

Its strength is unknown, but its aura is enough to insist freight upon anyone approaching it.

Though, they were not worried about him.

Unlike immortals, who die after their soul gets destroyed, the void realm cultivator doesn\'t die and instead reincarnate.

Nothing can kill a void realm cultivator.

As for why they reincarnate, it has something to do with the density of their soul shards, in this matter Xia Tian is far more knowledgeable than them.

But one thing that bothered all the five girls was...

Why did it take him 1 billion years?

Can\'t he just do it instantly?

A certain blue-haired girl had her guesses about this...

Regardless, Evelynn has other things to clear with Nyx for now.

She took a deep breath and said, "You know we never truly hated you for playing behind our back."

"Oh, is that so?"

Nyx\'s face was indifferent she did not care about her words.

"Yes, that is how it is. It was his orders in the end, you were his shadow, we should have already thought of something like this... "

She was referring to Nyx manipulating things from behind, the day the twins died was also the day they realized Nyx was the one who did all the things for him...

She killed off many of their friends, and their pets, and played with them from behind their backs.

She was the one who was smiling in the bath the next day after taking so many things away from them.

initially, the girls cried a lot, because they were the ones who had to lose things.

At that time they were too young.

Nyx cried along with them.

It was fake but she did it, to not let them realize...

That she is the one who killed their friends off.

It was all set up by Xia Tian.

They blamed everything on Nyx, as they were never able to confront Xia Tian himself.

More like they never wanted to confront him.

They were too many mysteries behind him...

He is always shrouded in mist which even they can\'t see through.

It is as if you can live with him for billions of years but you will never know about him anything which he doesn\'t want to reveal.

They never truly understood Xia Tian.

Since the girls took their roles seriously, Xia Tian also complied with them.

He should be the one originally doing this...

But, If Nyx wanted to become his shadow, he should let her do it.

As his shadow, she should be ready to do all the things without asking a single question, whether it is against others or her own sisters.

He gave all of them the option at the beginning.

They were the ones who chose this.

One should always be ready to bear the consequences which came along with their choices.

Therefore, he assigned all the things for Nyx to do.

He wanted to teach her the consequence of her own choice.

One behavior is formed by the experiences one goes through.

The experience we go through lead to the formation of the ideas in our mind, which led to the formation of one\'s core values.

Experience depends on one\'s perception of reality ... One may perceive losing as sad, but one may get happy even after losing on the pretext that he learned at least something, that at least he knows that this is the wrong way and it will lead to failure.

No one is born with core values itself, they form them over a period of time.

She wasn\'t born indifferent, but it is her experience that led to it.

Similarly, Xia Tian wasn\'t a born narcissist or a psychopathic.

It was his experience and perception of such experience which led to his current state.

The same applies to every person in this world, ideas don\'t sprout out of nowhere.

If you want to understand a person\'s behavior, try to learn how he perceives things around him and the experience he had gone through.

Perception is one of the most important factors in human experience.

When both Nyx and Evelynn were busy confronting with each other, another blonde-haired lass was peeking at the scene.

She was Xia Ying.

Both Nyx and Evelynn were aware of her, but they did not care about the little girl.

She was here for a long time, originally she arrived here to directly confront Xia Shuiyao.

The little girl was not able to forget Xia Tian\'s words from yesterday.

But arriving here she was left astonished.


Because she saw Xia Tian dual cultivating with the

Xu Sisters.

Yes, she was here from a long time.

She saw everything, how Xia Tian dragged Xia Shuiyao\'s body inside her room, and how he behaved intimately with her, which further confirmed her suspicions.

It was strange but she was not frightened like Xia Shuiyao from the Xu sisters screaming.

As for where they are at this moment?

The Xu sisters have run off from this building a long ago.

They would probably die in the same exciting way as Xia Tian described.

Seeing one heaven-like beauty standing in front of Evelynn, she can\'t help but be a little envious.

How can the beauty of this level exist in this world?

This is unfair!

This little lass has not seen Evelynn\'s true appearance yet.

Else, right now, she would be screaming that god is unfair.

"Should I go there?"

Xia Ying wanted to go and ask Evelynn about Xia Tian.

She was curious about what Xia Tian and Xia Shuiyao were doing inside.

"They won\'t be doing that, right?"

Her face turned beet red on the very thought of them making out.

Right after that she moved her legs and arrived in front of Evelynn and Nyx, who in turn shifted their attention to her.

"Big sister Evelynn, have you seen brother Tian?"

She asked with her innocent eyes, she previously called Evelynn a teacher but since Evelynn doesn\'t like being called so, therefore, she changed it to bis sister.

Xia Ying\'s height was only slightly less than Evelynn\'s.

Nyx stared at her silently, while Evelynn after seeing her acting in front of her can\'t help but let her mischievous side take over...

"Girl, why are you asking me? Didn\'t you see it for yourself?"

Xia Ying stiffened, but soon she extended her tongue outside and uttered cutely.

"Ops, I got caught."

"Indeed, but I was wondering how you were able to see it?", said Evelynn as she put one finger over her chin making a pondering expression.

From it, she referred to Xia Tian and Xia Shuiyao\'s scene, as a girl Xia Ying was easily able to understand Evelynn\'s words.

"How I was able to see them?" Xia Ying tilted her head, she was confused.

How she was able to see them? of course by her eyes.

Evelynn sighed, "You love Xia Tian right?"


Xia Ying instantly nodded.

"Hmm... Then how is it possible." Evelynn said with a troubled expression.

"What is possible?", Xia Ying asked.

She was confused, what is going on??

Evelynn inwardly laughed, seeing her confused look.

She was slowly beginning to understand why Xia Tian likes to play with people so much.

It is fun !!

Hah, This girl was found her new road to the magical Dao of Xia Tian!

"I have heard that the girls in love are blind... So I wondered how were you able to see it if you were blind. Don\'t tell me you don\'t love Xia Tian?", Evelynn explained her words to Xia Ying.

Xia Ying who was still young was easily played by Evelynn.

She nodded in understanding and whispered. "Right! I should be blind in love... How can I see him with sister Shuiyao if I was blind?"

Then she looked gratefully at Evelynn.

"Thank you sister Evelynn for opening my eyes", saying this Xia Ying bowed lightly and left.

Only after reaching her room, she would realize that she was played by Evelynn.

Seeing Xia Ying disappearing back, both Nyx and Evelynn had the same thoughts, \'Xia Tian would definitely like this girl.\'

What a narcissist loves most is hearing praise.

And who can praise better than the girl blinded by love?

But they were not worried, only praises are not enough to manipulate him.

"Why are you still here? Do you wanna fight?"

Evelynn shifted her attention to the sudden voice of Nyx, who reminded him that she still had work to do.

"I don\'t fight the battle that I will lose." She stated calmly.

Evelynn is confident but not overconfident, none of the girls can defeat Nyx when it comes to battle power.

Xia Tian had always taught them if there is an enemy stronger than them, then instead of being brave, escape, then come stronger and kill it.

If you can survive for another day, then only you can fight.

Don\'t become a sacrifice, because they aren\'t remembered forever.

Even the greatest kings\' monuments are eating dust, with no one to remember them.

Heroes are made legends, and heroes die.

Only after dying do they become a legend.

Xia Tian taught them to be a survivor, not a hero or villian.

Nyx nodded in approval and spoke.

"You are quite smart."

Nyx also did not want to waste her time by fighting Evelynn.

"I was born smart."

Evelynn sneered at her words and disappeared.

One can see her proud expression before vanishing.

If Nyx inherits the Indifference of Xia Tian, then Evelynn inherits his mischievous and narcissistic behavior from him.

Maybe the girls haven\'t realized it yet but each and every one of them inherits a character trait of Xia Tian.

It is something they learned by living with him.

Or maybe not?

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