
Chapter 15 Shui Ningxue (2)

[A/N: I was avoiding this for a long time, but the sooner I get done with it, the more easily story will progress, so bear with the info dump.]

Inside the Void.

The void was always a mystery for Immortals, the moment they come in contact with it, their body would start disintegrating.

Just like one would have thought the void is pitch black like space but it lies beyond it, once the space shatters, then only the void appears. It is like the other side of the coin, if the world is on the head side, then the void lies on the tail side.

Although, it is pitch black, strangely enough, one can see everything inside of it, reflection of light is not needed to see things inside the void, it goes against the fundamental laws.

Xia Tian was currently inside the void with the body of Xia Shuiyao.

More accurately, he was in the center of the void.

The center of the void was completely another dimension, it was filled with grasslands, and there was no limit to the space, it was altogether a different world with no signs of life.

There was even a sun for light, and at night time one can see the moon illuminating the space.

Currently, it was near the time of dawn.

The sun was seeping through, while the moon was beginning to appear in the sky.

"Rest here..." Xia Tian slowly put down the body of Xia Shuiyao into a large flat stone, it wasn\'t originally there but it appeared the moment he extended his hands to put her body there.

Then, he waved his hands in the air.

Immediately, a gas-like figure left the body of Xia Shuiyao.

It was her soul.

It had a mist-like appearance which was grey, but one can notice a crack in the middle of it.

"Interesting, I was too weak to notice it before, but Ningxue\'s soul is slightly special. So, she was born a diviner, though I doubt she had awakened her powers when I met her..."

Xia Tian was looking at the soul in front of him in interest.

There was a problem with Xia Shuiyao\'s soul, it consisted of half of Xia Shuiyao and half of Ningxue\'s soul.

One can easily separate them.

The problem comes after it.

[A/N: Info Dump begins]

This world at the beginning was created by the first God, he created spiritual energy also known as heaven and earth energy or qi in many of the previous worlds.

The world was filled with elements, out of which the soul has the highest density.

God created the first five primordial beings: Demon, Human, Dragon, Elf, and Vampire.

All were at the void realm experts so even if the first world is destroyed they will continue to live on.

They were given the task of creating further beings out of the soul elements available in the surroundings, so every time the world is destroyed and a new world is formed out of a natural process, it is they who forge the first beings.

All rest of the races follow after that, either created or naturally formed or the result of mixed breeding.

Cultivators, all their life do nothing but comprehend the energy left by God.

The more the comprehension, the more their efficiency increases.

No cultivator creates energy or destroys it, they just use what already is available in the universe.

Only God can create or destroy, not them.

As for cultivator ranks, it is just terminology and kept changing, in every world it changes as it is nothing but a classification.

Cultivator ranks are decided by the qi one can store inside of them, they forever kept increasing their comprehension of elements and thus increase their ranks and rise slowly and slowly.

So where do children of destiny fit into the equation?

What is the void realm exactly?

Why does the world keep destroying itself and rebuilding?

Why the world is like a loop?

It is all a game or more accurately, a test created by God.

All the beings in a world are given limited time to attain the void realm.

They had to attain the void realm before the world is destroyed again if they want to escape this and attain and become a true immortal, who never truly die.

This is the realm of true immortality.

But the world is based on the principle of balance...

One may wonder what does principle of balance means.

Think about it there people are classified into good and evil.

But have you ever seen a world filled with extremely good or extremely evil people?

If evil people were evil why do God allow them to live?

Shouldn\'t they not exist, to begin with?

If we plot people on basis of evil and good, then it will make a bell-shaped graph.

Extremely evil people will lie on the left end while extremely good people will lie on the right end, they are the minimum in numbers.

The neutral people will be the most and will lie in middle.

If extremely evil and good balance out each other what remains?

It is neutrality... The balance.

From the moment one person is born, he is doing nothing but exchanging things.

He is exchanging a thing to get another thing, sometimes he exchanges his time, his effort, and sometimes resources.

He loses one thing to gain another.

Ask yourself have you truly gained anything in life? Or are you also just exchanging things?

Cultivators are the same, all die with the end of the world.

The void realm is the escape to this everlasting cycle of exchanging things.

But it comes with a catch, one can only attain void realm after he has truly lost everything, he does not care even if everything around him perishes, in other words, he has transcended life.

Except for the first five primordial beings, all the other people who have attained the void realm are the same.

Xia Tian is also the same...

[A/N: The girls around Xia Tian does not have to lose everything because of completely different reason. Wait for the story to progress, for now, treat them as an exception. They are abnormal and also paid the price for breaking the balance...]

They have to lose everything to gain everything.

Hahaha, in the end, God played a dirty game on them, in the name of escaping from this balance.

What escapes from balance!?

Losing everything to gaining everything, isn\'t it balance in itself?

Regardless every being was given complete free will including the first five primordial beings, though primordial human was an exception in it...

Free will is the basic principle of all life...

But if they have free will, why would they play the game of God?

Why would someone even cultivate?

How will civilizations develop?

Here comes, children of destiny and the creation of destiny itself.

Destiny\'s work was to create a catastrophe and then create children of destiny to counter it.

It will provide a need of necessity for all living beings to strengthen themselves.

It will provide them with heroes...

This is the reason, destiny disposes of all the children of destinies once their purpose is completed.

The calamities keep occurring and heroes are born every time to stop them and die after that.

They act as a motivator for all living beings.

In every world, multiple children of destiny are born and calamities occur, all this keeps happening till the world ends, and after that same follows in the new world.

This is the reason Xia Tian laughs at this idiot mindset of everlasting peace, it goes against the balance...

One calamity will end and another will occur... In the end, the period the world is in peace and the world is in chaos will balance out each other...

This is why destiny authority is limited and does not extend to Void realm cultivators.

This is the reason the world is like a loop, one destroyed another created...

One is given limited time to attain void realm.

What about Souls?

Everything in this universe was made up of energy or elements, of which souls are the most dense.

This is the reason the soul can possess consciousness.

Even the first five primordial beings have a soul.

The soul elements are scattered across the universe forming a large pool of it.

Soul elements attract each other.

The first primordial beings create a lot of similar beings in every new world using the soul elements, they create the body for all the first beings of the world...

This is the power God has given them.

But What happens in reproduction?

How new life is born?

They just use what is already present...

Reproduction is an emotion born out of the instinct for survival of all living beings...

Once a bunch of soul elements comes together, they form a combined consciousness also known as the soul.

The soul is made up of a combination of multiple soul elements.

Every soul has consciousness and knows that it will end and scatter across again very soon... As only the void realm is an exception to it.

Soul elements don\'t have their own will but soul have...

Every soul wants to retain its individuality and live on...

No soul wants to die...

But the soul needs a body to live on... And the body has a limited lifespan...

So when two beings reproduce they leave a part of their soul and create a new being...

They form a body for it...

The part of their soul is large enough that it can attract other soul\'s elements from the air and form a complete soul.

As for the damage to the original soul, it is slowly healed by attracting and assimilating other soul elements...

Soul elements attract each other after all...

This was the process of birth.

But What happens at the end of the life span of the body?

Or when the world is destroyed, what happened to those immortals who have an immortal bodies?

All the bodies in the world are destroyed, either naturally or forcefully... For Immortals it is forcefully destroyed when the world end...

Mortals\' soul breaks once their body is destroyed as their soul is not strong enough to sustain themselves and the soul elements again scatter throughout the universe losing their individuality...

[A/N: I know most people have not understood anything, so focus on the next illustration, it will describe the birth and death of a mortal soul.]

It can be understood as the universe is a vast space, it is already filled with soul elements that are like grains of sand.

Soul elements individually are without a will but when some soul elements combine they give rise to a will.

So the universe is filled with a pool of sand grains.

The body is like water to the sand grains, just like water binds sand grains together, the body keeps the soul elements bound with each other.

[Soul elements = Sand grains, and Body= Water]

On The pool of sand grains, the water is poured, which results in some sand grains combining, and ultimately it from a life and gives rise to consciousness.

The water slowly dries up and the sand grains are then again scattered and mixed into the vast pool of sand grains present in the universe.

The pool of sand is large enough that multiple life are formed continuously and it is refilled when people die...

For Immortals the process is a little different, their souls are very strong.

It did not break once their body is destroyed and is capable of building a body for itself...

Only when the world cycle is completed it is forcefully broken and soul elements are similarly scattered across the universe as mortals.

This is why to kill an immortal another immortal has to attack and forcefully break their soul.

In Xiao Chen\'s case, his soul was slightly damaged by Xia Tian\'s attack, so he has to find a soul which was not strong enough and assimilate it into his soul to heal himself.

As for Void realm cultivators... They can\'t die...

Even if a void realm cultivator\'s soul is forcefully broken by an attack of another void realm cultivator, he will still not die.

As their soul is different, and even their soul elements have their own will, so even after scattering throughout the universe they will not mix with other soul elements...

Their soul elements will keep attracting each other into a new body, and overpower the already existing soul which is already present and destroy it.

Newborn babies have the weakest soul... As they are still in process of formation of a soul ...

So they are the easiest target for a void realm cultivator soul.

This is why the void realm cultivator reincarnates even if their soul is destroyed by another void realm cultivator and they never truly die.

Void realm cultivators can form simple life forms using the same principle used by the first five primordial beings...

They can form complex life forms as well if their understanding of souls is deep enough...

In the end, neither can create, they just use what already is available.

Only God can truly create.

[A/N: Info dump end]

The problem with Xia Shuiyao\'s soul is quite simple, her half-soul is originally her\'s but her half is of another girl whose name is Shui Ningxue.

Even if Xia Tian separate them, how he is going to complete the souls?

For completing Shui Ningxue\'s soul, he has to find her half soul which is probably broken a long ago and its particles are scattered throughout the world, most of her scattered soul particles should have formed part of many living beings.

The surprising thing is her half-soul is still intact and not broken.

Her death occurred seven worlds before, in the world in which Xia Tian was born, plus she was a mortal, so this case is just too much of a coincidence...

Xia Tian suspects his predecessor God\'s hand is involved.

Regardless he doesn\'t care about it.

Her half-soul particles should have been already used in giving birth to much new life in this world.

He had to find all her scattered particles and separate them from the soul they are currently part of.

It will cause a small injury to the souls of beings they are part of, but it would be very minor, those beings can heal themselves over a period of time...

Then only he will be able to complete her soul.

As for Xia Shuiyao\'s soul, it was never complete, to begin with... He has to complete her soul using new soul elements ...

But if he uses new soul elements ... Her original soul composition will change and she would become an entirely different person.

For old Xia Tian, it was quite a big problem...

But For current him... It is nothing... He would just create a soul for both of them...

He is the current God of the universe...

"Let\'s Start," Xia Tian said as he smiled softly.

He does not like using his power whether it is now or before, he like using words against people...

From the moment, a person achieves the void realm, their mentality changes, they do not want to fight anymore as they know they are at the very peak...

Fights get meaningless for them...

But words will not help him here...

As for the power of God, it is just too powerful, except for the past timeline which is locked due to previous God interference, he can do anything...

He can see all the possible futures, change them, and create new worlds, life, elements, souls, etc ....

But he would rather not see the future, else his life would become boring.

He keeps his God powers sealed state.

Right after Xia Tian used his powers, white rays of pure energy left his body.

The souls of Xia Shuiyao and Shui Ningxue separated.

It mixed with pure energy and started rebuilding itself.

Soon, two new souls were formed.

One for Xia Shuiyao and another for Shui Ningxue.

Xia Shuiyao\'s soul got into her own body and her body disappeared, he sent her back to her room.

As for Shui Ningxue, he made her old body back for her.

It was soon completed.

Her soul floated and got inside her newly created body...

All along he was sitting on a large sofa, who god knows when appeared behind him.

The whole process did not even last a few seconds...

Soon, Shui Ningxue\'s eyelashes flickered as she opened her eyes.

"Where am I?"


[A/N: Do you think she is her old lover whom Xia Tian will love dearly?

If yes...

Are you freaking kidding me!!!

How can I make a cliche like this!!

Don\'t you read the first chapter, he is a psychopath MC, now you will realize what I earlier meant by a psychopath. ]

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