
Chapter 93 - Odd Call

The ride back somehow felt heavier, especially since Lena was annoyed over the fact that neither one of the men wanted to tell her what was going on. She didn\'t like surprises or secrets, but in this situation it seemed like neither one of them was going to budge and tell her what was going on.

She had considered calling the jeweler to find out, but she doubted that he would say anything if they asked him to stay quiet about it. She opted for tsking and leaning back in her seat with her eyes closed to ignore the other two in the car with her. This was short lived however when Samuel suddenly spoke.

"I also forgot Lena, my mom asked yesterday if it would be alright for me to give you her phone number. She said that there were some things that she wanted to talk with you about." Hearing this also caught Zane\'s attention. He was always the one that made contact with Samuel\'s family prior to their children meeting, what did she want to talk with his daughter about?

"Sure I don\'t mind, did she say what she wanted to talk about in particular?" The princess asked. She didn\'t mind talking to his mom since she had been so nice to her when Lena had been there for his birthday party, but she wasn\'t sure why all of a sudden she wanted to talk with her.

\'"She didn\'t but I would imagine that it might be related to the engagement party. Since it was over text I couldn\'t ask her directly or hear the way she asked to know if something was going on." He replied. It didn\'t seem odd to him, he figured that the reason was that she wanted to discuss how the engagement party would with the princess since there were certain things that Samuel still didn\'t even know about.

"You can give it to her and tell that she\'s fine to call any time in the evening that she wants to." The princess replied. Zane wasn\'t that convinced that it was something that simply though.

Perhaps it was just his paranoia kicking in with everything else that had been going on recently tied with what had happened in the past, but in his mind it didn\'t seem right that Samuel\'s mother would want to talk with Lena about that rather than asking him directly as they had about other things in the past.

He would have to wait and see though if it turned out to be anything that should be worried about. Perhaps there was so more background work that he needed to do to make sure that everything was in fair order prior to the engagement party.

"I will let her know that." He replied as he pulled out his phone to text his mother right then and there to let her know. He knew that if he didn\'t do it right then that he would probably forget to do it until the next time that they texted which could be hours since today was supposed to be another busy day.

"Are you going to the office today?" Zane suddenly asked as he looked over at Lena.

"Do I really want to? No, but I probably should. There\'s still some work left to be taken care of. It can\'t hurt to spend about half a day in there finishing some stuff up." She replied. Ideally she would head home and spend the day there, but Genson and Olivia, the other girl she was considering to hire would be coming by in two days and there was still some stuff that she wanted to get taken care of prior to then.

"Do I get to come along this time or am I supposed to wait back at home again?" Samuel inquired, hoping that the answer would be that he could join her since he presumed that whatever she had been focusing on before should\'ve been done by now.

"I suppose so. Technically your schedule wasn\'t set up for you to come to the office today, but then again, neither is mine." She responded with a shrug.

"Worst case Clarice can just come to the office and you can use one of the backrooms to continue training." It was partly a joke, but Lena had nothing against it if Samuel ended up needing something else to distract himself with than continue to go through the company\'s entire budget. The princess had been keeping her word and had brought some back for him to look over when his schedule wasn\'t packed thus there were slightly less left at the office to go through.

"I think that I would rather take the day off. I don\'t mind training with her, but doing so so often ends up making my body stiff." Samuel replied. He was slowly getting used to the different aches and pains he felt both from the consistent practice and the number of times that Clarice had thrown, knocked down, hit, and kicked him.

When talking about it, it sounded rather harsh but in reality, Clarice wasn\'t as rough on him as she could\'ve been. Part of it was because he was such a beginner and the other part she joked was because she didn\'t want to upset the princess from damaging her fiancé too much. She was certainly not as hard on him as she had been with Leo the one time that he had seen them spar. Though Leo was by no means a push-over himself despite being out of practice.

"Jeff can drop both of you off at the office first and then I will have him come back later after he drops me off." Zane spoke loud enough that he knew Jeff would be able to hear that instructions were.

"Still busy?" Lena asked. It was the first time in a while that she had seen her father working this much. She wasn\'t so much worried about him as she was worried about everything he was doing and what he wasn\'t telling her because she was supposed to be focusing on the engagement party unless there was something serious that required her attention as well.

"Just a few things left to wrap up. After this week, everything should be back to normal again." He replied as he pulled his phone out. He would need to call Julian as well since he was working on the other half of the problem that they had been dealing with.

Working at the office was quiet affair as it had been the first time that the princess had brought her fiancé to work. She wasn\'t as surprised this time by how efficient he was in going through the numbers. The extra practice had been helping him get it done at a faster pace. With how quiet he was, Lena sometimes forgot that he was in the office with her as she focused on going through documents and files that needed her attention and signature. Unlike the work that Samuel was doing, hers only ever seemed to increase in size rather than decrease no matter how much she did.

Samuel was distracted from his work when his phone suddenly started to buzz in his pocket, a sign that he was getting a phone call. Presuming that it was his mother most likely calling after he had texted her Lena\'s number, he didn\'t bother looking to see who was calling.

"Hey mom." he answered the phone, but was surprised by the rather deep sounding chuckle that met him on the other end of the phone.

"How sweet, you two must call a lot for you to automatically assume that was who would be calling you." The deep voice replied. Samuel was about to say something, but the voice continued on the other end of the phone.

"I would recommend being quiet for a moment and letting me speak before you say or do anything. I think that I have some information that might be of interest to you related to your mother. It\'s about her past which I\'m sure she hasn\'t told you anything about." The voice which he presumed to belong to a male paused for a second.

"Where are you right now? Rather I suppose I should ask are you with your princess right now?" This person knew Lena? That caught him off guard.

"Yeah, we\'re at work right now." He replied a touch hesitant causing Lena to glance over at him aware that he was behaving a bit oddly.

"I see, well is there somewhere more private we can talk? She said that it would be alright to talk with you, but I would like to have a more private conversation first." This all felt a bit suspicious to Samuel, but he couldn\'t deny that his interest was peaked by knowing that this man somehow knew his mother. Was he a friend or relative?

"Let me ask." He put the phone and mute and moved it away from his ear so he could speak with Lena.

"Is there a more private room that I can speak with my parents in? They wanted to talk with me about something important?" He asked Lena whose expression said she still thought something was up.

"There\'s a breakroom two doors down, you can use it just make sure that you lock the door behind you that way no one else can enter while you\'re in there." She replied motion with her hand to indicate which direction it was located.

"Thank you." Samuel said as he stood up from the sofa.

"I will be back in just a few minutes and I will get the rest of these finished." He told her before he left the office.

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