
Chapter 94 - Who Are You?

"Sam~, you\'re certainly taking your time to get back to me. I hope you haven\'t changed your mind." He heard the other voice say in a somewhat sing-songy tone of voice before he took the phone speaker off mute.

"I had to ask Lena and move to the room she recommended. How do you know my mother?" He asked cutting straight to the point causing the other to chuckle.

"I see much like your princess you don\'t like to mince words when there is something that like you to know." He chuckled.

"In due time I will tell you, though I think that it would be better if we met up at a later point in time. This will be a rather long conversation to have over the phone or texting. Plus I think that it would be nice to sit down and get the chance to get to know each other."

"If you\'re not willing to tell me what I want to know, I can just ask my mother instead." Samuel replied, he wasn\'t  sure if he should trust this other person yet and he wasn\'t about to meet with someone he didn\'t know.

"Tsk, now don\'t be that impatient. I can tell you right now that if you take this to your dear mother not only would she be unwilling to tell you anything, she would do everything to shutdown communication between us. I already tried to reach out to her being the reasonable person that I am and left her a message on her phone she never called me back" The other person explained.

"Haven\'t you ever wondered why you never got to know her side of the family? never heard anything about us or from us?"

"She always said that her parents had died when she was younger and she was never close to any of her other relatives." There was a pause after Samuel had said this.

"Hmm.. I suppose that is one way to look at it. She certainly did cut ties with her family when she left, so you could say that they were dead to her. In all truth though, they weren\'t dead when she left." came the reply.

"She wouldn\'t have any reason to lie about that though. If there was something bad going on between her and her family, I\'m sure she would\'ve told me when I got older or talked with my father about it."

"Everyone has their secrets, Sam." He replied back somewhat less effusive than he had been talking before.

"I mean, doesn\'t your princess keep things from you that you would rather know about because of rules in her family? So why do you think it would be impossible for your dear mom to not do the same?" Samuel could kind of see the point that the other person was making. It was possible that his mother was hiding things that he didn\'t know about. He had never actually asked her much about what her family was like as he was concerned brining up such a topic would be painful for her.

"Alright... but why should I believe you still? Since I never heard about you, you could just be lying to get something from me that you want." Samuel countered wanting to know how much this other person would be willing to tell him?

"Fair enough. I will give you a few things to help assure you that I\'m not just bluffing you. I won\'t lie that there\'s something that I want out of this, but that can come later when we get to know each other." The voice replied.

"So for now, you can just call me J. I know who you are, your Samuel Foster, 18 and currently engaged to the beloved princess of the Red Scorpions. Your father is Jacob Foster and your mother who is my relative is Evalyn Foster formerly known as Evalyn Genesis, but that last name is fake. I\'ll tell you about that later when we met. I also happen to know that your marriage to the princess is arranged because your parents fell into some debt and made an agreement with Zane to get out of it." J explained, pausing to allow Samuel to process everything that he had just been told before continuing.

"You have two other siblings, a touch younger than you though I\'m sure they\'re quite adorable. Another more personal thing I can say that I know about your mother is that she had a diamond shaped birthmark behind her left ear. I\'m sure few people know about that. Perhaps it is something that you inherited as well. Is that enough to make you believe that I\'m not bluffing about knowing your mother from the past and who you are?" He asked.

Samuel didn\'t reply at first. He was thinking through everything that he other had just said. He wasn\'t wrong about the birthmark that his mother had, though few people did notice it as she mostly kept her hair down which made it hidden from view unless one was trying to see it.

"I don\'t know." Samuel replied honestly. He felt conflicted currently. He couldn\'t deny that the things that J was telling him was believable or at least give him some ground to believe him on, but he also felt that it was oddly timed with the fact that he was getting ready to be engaged to Lena and there was so much around that that he didn\'t know about.

"You can have some time if you need to think about it, I can be a patient person when it is needed though I wouldn\'t like to have to wait too long if you want to continue this conversation."J replied.

"Though for now, I would prefer that you keep it to just between us.  Don\'t even let the princess know until you\'ve decided what you want to do. I would hate too many people to get involved and muddle the situation up since this is a more personal family matter."

"You make it sound like you have already talked with Lena before now." Samuel commented picking up on this from the way that J was talking about the other.

"Oh, I have. We met at her office last week. Of course, I never told her about any of this, it was just for a simple business related matter. She is a bit on the over protective and uptight side I would say from our conversation, but I don\'t think that she\'s a bad choice for you." J explained sighing at the end after a pause.

"How about I text you back later and we can finish talking about this or you text me when you have made your decision about the matter since you should have my number now? It\'s up to you like I said before, but I do think that what I have to tell you is something that you would be highly interested in." He suggested waiting as Samuel chose to remain quiet on the other line.

"Alright. Right now, I don\'t know if I will get back in touch with you or not. I\'m still not sure I believe what you have to say or that you\'ve given me enough to believe you by. But if I do chose to get back in touch with you, it\'ll be three days from now and I will be the one to contact you first." Samuel finally replied. He didn\'t know if he was making a stupid decision to go through with this, but he knew that before he committed to anything that he needed time to think about it all.

"Fair enough. I think that I already know what your answer is going to be, but regardless I look forward to hearing from you again Sam. Keep my number saved regardless, you never know when you might need to reach out to me." J replied, ending the phone call without waiting for Samuel to reply.

Now that the call was over Samuel was going to need to take a few extra minutes to breath before he went back to Lena\'s office. He felt pretty certain that she would be quick to pick up on the fact that something had happened if she saw his current expression and he didn\'t want to worry her, at least not until he knew if there was something to be worried about.

Was this J being honest though or was he doing this to get something he wanted? He didn\'t know what he would possibly be able to give him however. Lena and her family was the one with all the influence and power, he just happened to be the one marrying into her family.

This about his past though... had his mother doing something bad in the past or being involved with the wrong people? His mother who was always so passive, sweet.. could she really have somehow gotten involved with the wrong type of people? Wouldn\'t that have been something she would\'ve told her father at least? Or if not, what reason did she have to keep her family and past hidden? All that questions that were going through his head were making it hurt and causing him to feel even more confusion. He definitely needed time to compose himself before he went back to talk with Lena. He also needed a good excuse that she would believe.

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