
Chapter 145: The Frosts Wrath I

Chapter 145: The Frosts Wrath I

We are coming into view of the walls of the giant city. Incredibly, something like this can show up out of nowhere. It\'s not something I thought I\'d see so soon. My plans to come here have been put ahead so Sally can get a legacy class. The type of power that will be at her fingertips is sure to help her gain confidence and strength. "Do you know anything about the faires kingdom? Despite me bringing them back, I don\'t know much about them." Sally shakes her head no. I should\'ve expected that.

Most of the fairies in the fairy kingdom won\'t know who I am. The Holy Willow Tree probably never told a single individual my true identity. So I can count on getting through the gate pretty easily. The city probably has multiple entrances, but nothing will help with the dungeon. This place wasn\'t here in the future. So take away the city, and I know the exact location of the dungeon. I want to get some important information about the territory, though.

The terrain is still unfamiliar to me. In truth, there is no reason to go into the city. I can take us to the dungeon near the city. I doubt it\'s been discovered yet since it\'s so well hidden. "I want to visit The Holy Willow Tree since I\'m here. It shouldn\'t be too hard to get access to it." We make our way to the gate and wait in the line of NPC\'s. It takes around 10 minutes till we make it\'s into the city. It\'s pretty big too. I\'d say it\'s around the same size as a capital city, if not a little bigger.

I look at the shops and see the unique designs that come with this special location. Many of the buildings are made of big hollowed-out mushrooms. "I wonder what type of things they sell here! Can I venture around while you visit the tree? It\'s not like it wants to see me too." I wave my hand, giving permission, and she runs off in another direction. Since she is in my party, I know her location constantly. So it\'s going to be easy to find her once I\'m done.

I slowly make my way to the tree, and I can feel some power wash over me as I get closer. It\'s very familiar to what I felt when I first revived it. I can even sense a very slight presence of Fenrir\'s power in the feeling. The connection between the three of us is more present than I realized. After walking for 15 minutes, I see a vast wall surrounds the tree\'s base. The single entrance to the area is being guarded by very powerful NPC\'s.

I have to be very careful with my words if I want to meet with the tree from here on out. As I get closer to the guards, I notice they aren\'t actual fairies. There are autonomous wooden soldiers. I walk up to the gate, and they push it open for me. "We have felt you approaching us for a few hours now, son of Michael..." They both speak at the same time in the same voice. I give them a head tilt and a smile. "It\'s good to see you again..." They speak again, and I nod in response.

Sally is probably off having fun right now, so that means I have some time to visit the tree before we leave. I walk through the gate and look for a way into the tree\'s chamber. I walk around for a while, and I eventually come across it. I walk up to the door and knock on it out of respect. I hear the light clicking of heels, and the door opens. A beautiful white-haired fairy answers the door. Her wings have a very ornate black and white design.

I back up a little and give a slight bow. "Greetings, ma\'am. I was hoping to have an audience with the tree?" She gives me a stupid look and almost calls the guards. I see the look on her face morph through many different expressions. She must be getting an earful from the tree right now. She has to be the priestess and the second-highest power in the fairy kingdom. She stands aside in silence and lets me through. I\'m not going to waste time talking and getting to know her.

I only have so much time to burn. I make my way to the chamber, and she leaves me alone in the massive area. Its looks just like the dungeon from when I freed it. Except for this time, it\'s pure and clean. I look towards the birthing place for fairies and see the giant wooden stalactite hanging over it. "It\'s nice to see this place alive and bustling. I\'m just stopping by, saying hello, and checking out the new kingdom. I have a dungeon nearby that I\'m doing with a friend." I start talking first since I know it can hear me.

I watch a wooden man be formed out of the ground and stand up a little bit across from me. "It\'s good to see you, Zern. Your actions in helping me have led to this amazing new city. Its been thousands of years since so many fairies have been alive at a single moment in time. What is this dungeon you speak of? Perhaps I can lend you some help." It wouldn\'t know the answer to the puzzle since this isn\'t its original territory.

It probably does know some valuable things about the area, though. I don\'t want to take Sally through any deadly monster ground, so asking about those seems like a good idea. "You can\'t help me with the dungeon. You can help me with the areas around here, though. How is the monster population about 4 miles North of the city from here? I\'m traveling with a weaker person, and I don\'t want her at any unnecessary risk." The wooden puppet looks at me with wisdom beyond my years.

Since the tree has been here, it probably knows what I\'m talking about. "I know the place, Zern. I have forbidden any fairies from approaching the area. I can only guess why you would want to go to such a dangerous place. I\'ll give you some advice. It\'s freezing in that dungeon. If you don\'t know what you\'re doing, you\'ll end up getting her killed." He knows more about this than I thought. I knew that it would be cold, but I didn\'t consider keeping Sally warm.

I could always use my wings and keep us both warm. That would be very uncomfortable for her, though. After all she has been through, she wouldn\'t want to get close to a man like that. So that leaves getting her some warm clothes. "Do you have any shops here in the city that sells warm clothes?" The wooden puppet shakes its head in response to my question. So that leaves a potion. "Any herbalist shops then? You have to have that, at least." This time the doll nods its head yes.

Excellent, so my next stop after this place is the herbalist shop. I can purchase the potion that will keep her warm. There are several different types out there. One that raises body temperature, another that\'s makes the cold feel warm. These are all affordable and not hard to get ahold of, good thing I got plenty of gold. "How has your transition to this period been? Being gone so long, you would see many great changes." I wouldn\'t put it past being unexpected. The lore I\'ve read throughout my time has delved into the history and inventions that changed the whole of Ancients World.

Back in the fairies\' time, they didn\'t have massive airships and holograms. I can\'t forget to mention the huge increase in powerful and easily accessible magic. "The changes that Gaia has gone through have been surprising since our time. Much of the world is delved in turmoil and conflict. Now even a new monster army has risen just like the great war. I wouldn\'t be surprised if the dark ones are brought back." I agree. From what I know, the time of the great war was very similar to what\'s happening now.

Some of the player cities are probably getting close to a working teleporter. However, most of the player population isn\'t going to be arriving for at least a year.?"I want to get a move on with this dungeon, so I\'m going to leave you to your ruling duties. That is if you even have any." The wooden puppet begins to laugh at my observation. I don\'t think the tree makes any significant decisions regarding the army and economy. I think that\'s all left to the priestess and her generals.

I give a bow in respect, and so does the wooden puppet. I turn around and exit the chamber. I see the same fairy waiting for me. She looks like she wants to ask a question but is stopped. I make my way out of the huge tree and back into the city. I check my map, and I see that Sally is at a clothes store. I have my own stop to make and I make my way to the commercial district and find the herbalist shop. The potions I\'ll need for Sally are in here.

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