
Chapter 146: The Frosts Wrath II

Chapter 146: The Frosts Wrath II

I enter the shop and smell many unfamiliar scents. They must be exclusive to the fairies. The herbs around the shop are also new to me. I can see some that I recognize, but most are not ones I\'ve ever seen before. Some even make me feel funny inside. I can\'t see the use for those in combat, though. A woman who looks a little older than me turns her head to me as I check out the new herbs. I use inspect a couple times on some weird-looking mushrooms.

[Green spotted mushrooms]

[Description: Green spotted mushrooms are only grown in the fairy kingdom. They are exotic and have many uses in today\'s modern society. It can bring forth pleasant dreams and soothe severe pain. Much of its military uses are kept a secret, though. So all of its benefits aren\'t known to the public.]

[Rarity: Epic]

This seems pretty cool. I wonder what else this shop has. I feel a hand on my shoulder as I continue to look around. The woman that looked at me earlier has taken it upon herself to interrupt my inspections. "A handsome man like you probably has lots of ladies after him. Are you in store for a stimulant or some sort of aphrodisiacs?" This lady is overly friendly. She moves a couple of inches closer, but I don\'t flinch in the attempt to tease me. I don\'t have time to play cat and mouse with her.

She sees that this is no use and backs away and puts her hands behind her back. I fold my arms and wait for her to speak. She doesn\'t, so I take that as my chance to ask questions. "Do you have any potions for resisting heat and cold environments? I\'m heading to a place with an environment with very low temperatures." She takes her hands out from behind her back and places them on her chin. I\'m guessing that they wouldn\'t have anything for cold areas while living in such a warm part of the continent.

Most of what I know about potions are the ones you use for combat. This shop doesn\'t look like one that provides combat potions. They are more recreational. Something I despise is drugs, and in a way, these are too. "I don\'t have anything on the shelf right now. Most of the items sold here are for bedroom romance. I can create a potion for cold resistance if you want, but it wouldn\'t be for combat purposes." I can\'t see Sally being comfortable using a powerful erotic potion to heat her body for a dungeon.

Hell, I wouldn\'t be comfortable with it. Something like that isn\'t what I\'d call an appropriate partnership. She had a horrible past with men, so giving her something like that isn\'t happening. "I take the only things in this shop are for bedroom antics. Do you know where I can find what I\'m looking for? You can\'t be the only shop around here that sells potions and herbs." She gives a slightly disappointed look. I don\'t know why she\'s like that though, seems weird. I don\'t get women sometimes.

She walks behind the counter and pulls out a paper and an envelope. "I\'ll give you a permission slip to meet with the military supplier. Civilians are still allowed access to certain potions made for combat. What you need easily falls in that category." She folds up the paper and places it in an envelope. I walk up to the counter and reach out for it. She pulls it away at the last second. "I want something for helping you out with this. I don\'t this for all my customers, you know." These fairies are ridiculous.

She has a darker pair of wings, and they contrast between purple and blue. She is very beautiful, has raven black hair and violet eyes. She must be racking in cash with sales to the male population. "Well, what do you want? I got gold and not focused on a price." She brings the corner of the envelope to her mouth and munch on it very slightly. She looks up and down my body. I don\'t like where this is going. "I\'m not doing that, miss. Exchanging sexual favors for things isn\'t something I do." She gives a slight pout.

She places the envelope back under the counter and gives me a more than seductive smile. "Guess you aren\'t getting it from little old me, huh... If only you could pay my price, sadly you aren\'t willing to do such a thing. You can always try to make it yourself, but the class you have is a combat one by your look. Not a crafting one." This would be illegal on earth and other places in Ancients World. I don\'t know the laws of the fairy kingdom, though. I doubt she would have the confidence to pull this kind of thing if she knew she could get in trouble.

It seems I\'m getting what I need somewhere else. I turn around and begin to make an exit, but I feel a hand grasp my arm. "Am I that undesirable to you? I can give you a potion to see me how you wish. The fairies are very physical creatures, and I\'m sorry if I came on too strong. When a female fairy seems someone desirable, it\'s hard not to go after him." I don\'t know why she is attracted to me. To go so far as to offer a potion so she looks like another, is scary.

I sigh and turn to her. I\'m not going to give her the response she wants. "I didn\'t come to the fairy kingdom for its woman and openness towards sex. I\'m here on a mission, and I intend to succeed. Having distractions isn\'t in the plan. Please don\'t take any offense to it. I do not mean to demean you in any way." She gives me a look of even more need. Being exposed to all these erotic herbs must make her a little more aggressive.

She reigns in control and steps back. She turns around, grabs the envelope from under the counter, and brings it to me. Just as I think she has agreed to let me go without anything weird, she proceeds to stuff it between her boobs. "Reach in and take it. That\'s the only way you\'re getting this slip for what you need." I close my eyes and shake my head. I turn around and start to leave. However, it couldn\'t be so easy, could it? She jumps on my back and starts to grind on me lightly.

What is wrong with this girl. I try to shuffle her off, but that makes her moan. "You are going to do at least something to me before I let you walk away from me! I can\'t let such a handsome man walk away from me without having a taste!" This is a situation I never thought I would find myself in. As I\'m about to try and peel her off with force, a familiar face walks in. Sally sees what\'s happening and looks to be kind of hurt? I can\'t tell.

I look at her for help, and she walks over to us and proceeds to punch the fairy across the face hard. She falls off me unconscious. "Thanks for the help. I\'m glad you found me on your map. She would not take no for an answer." She gives me a look that seems to be jealousy. I ignore it and look at the girl unconscious on the ground. "Can you get the envelope out of her breasts? She stuffed them in there, hoping I\'d touch her." She gives a slight sigh and does what I ask.

She hands me the envelope and looks around the shop. I can see that her face is turning slightly red from all the crazy stuff in this place. "What were you doing in this place? I hope you weren\'t planning to use any of this stuff on me..." I give her a look that says what she said is stupid. She closes her eyes. "I guess not, huh... It wouldn\'t kill you to show some interest, though. Am I not beautiful to you?" She must be getting affected by what\'s in here too.

I grab her hand and pull her out of the shop. She regains composure and looks at me. However, she doesn\'t look embarrassed in the slightest of terms. She gives me a look waiting for an answer. "What do you want me to say? Yes, you are beautiful. No, I\'m not interested." She gives an incredibly hurt look after I say that.

She turns away from me, and I can see her shaking. I see tears fall on the ground under her. "Is it because I\'m dirty? Because I\'m tainted? No one has treated me like you have... I was hoping for you to see me as something more..." She just confessed. I don\'t know if she realizes it or not. I don\'t really know how to respond to that, but if she wants a reason I\'m not interested, I can give her my single one.

I walk up beside her and wait for her to stop crying. She looks at me, waiting for an answer. "The reason I\'m not interested in you is cause I know you think that I think you\'re dirty." I don\'t want to be with a woman who thinks that I consider her dirty and tainted, that I\'m shallow. I\'m not shallow, and I\'m a little insulted. She gives me a shocked look. "Until you come to terms with what happened to you. You will never see yourself as more than what you already do. I don\'t want to be with someone who has a mindset like that, thinking that about me..." She opens and closes her mouth in shock.

I don\'t see her as dirty, and I don\'t see her as tainted. I see a beautiful girl who has some issues she needs to work out. She gives me a tight hug out of nowhere and buries her face in my chest. I can feel wetness soaking through my shirt. I wrap my arms around her and hug her too. She obviously needs it, so I should help as I can. "Thank you, Zern..." Enough of this mushy crap, we gotta another stop for potions we need.

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