
Chapter 392 Lunar Marsh

Chapter 392 Lunar Marsh

[Master, you need to learn to control your emotions]

How the fuck do I even do that. I just… can\'t,"

[We should look for something that can distract or make you feel less emotional when it is needed]

Ummm…. That\'s what I am thinking. How can I use my imagination power to do that? I tried making myself a robot with no feelings, but that doesn\'t work on my current level."

Aizel dove into plotting ways to control and manage his emotions while having a deep conversation with Sekki.

To overcome the obstacles presented by the illusions, one had to be well-prepared for the trials that lay ahead.

Aizel and Sekki spoke at length, discussing their plans in detail. Following a meal with Kalesi, he went to sleep.

He decided to practice entering a dream loop to strengthen his emotional and mental resilience against illusions.

Unlike his previous sessions dedicated to magic circles, this time, he concentrated on conjuring solutions and mental tools to navigate the complexities of illusions.

The following morning unfolded swiftly. After a meal, Aizel joined Electra in the field for another round of practice.

This time, they solely focused on confronting mental and emotional illusions, choosing to skip the physical challenges.

Aizel faced more and more difficult situations day by day, but he was able to handle them better each time.

Over time, he adjusted to the challenges by drawing on his imaginative abilities.

Their routine consisted of relentless practice, from dawn until dusk, and they returned to the tribe each evening. This cycle persisted throughout the entire week—eat, sleep, loop, practice, repeat.

Kalesi approached Electra and said, "How is he?" after witnessing Aizel\'s intense training. "Does he seem ready now?"

Electra, wearing a proud smile, responded, "Yes, my lady. He is ready."

Breaking free from the illusions, Aizel felt himself sweating and saw Kalesi standing close by, watching him intently.

"Tomorrow, we will head for the Lunar Marsh," she said.

A smile appeared on his face after hearing that. Finally, the time has arrived.

Returning to the tribe, Electra guided them to the same restaurant where Aizel had endured his initial trauma.

On top of that, he noticed that the same three dragon men were eating their meal in peace and quiet.

This feels so weird."

Electra requested the Wyvern meal along with the blood beverage.

"There is one more thing you should know," Kalesi said as they waited for their meal.

"You might find some Wveryns out there who might have also come to catch the fairies," she whispered.

"So what should I do? Should I try to avoid them?" Aizel asked silently.

"Kill them and bring their bodies to me if you can. If they are too strong for you, then escape," Kalesi replied.

[Master, don\'t give her bodies for free when the time comes]

We will see about that,"

The meal eventually arrived, and the trio savored it in silence.

Afterward, they went back to their house, and Aizel followed Kalesi to her room in silence.

"By the way, I really wanted to ask, how did the princess save you? I am sure you are pretty strong," Aizel asked, lying down on the bed.

"There are some things, that should remain a mystery," Kalesi replied.

There is definitely something else that seems important," Aizel thought meanwhile.

"What about you, why are you working for her? From what I have seen and heard, you are quite an arrogant guy,"

"Just like I said before, for benefits," Aizel replied.

"I am sure you would have been offered more benefits from others in the recent time. Also, there will be more offers coming for you. What will you do then?" Kalesi asked.

"I will think about what is best for me," Aizel simply replied.

"So you do not hold your kingdom in high regard?"

"I don\'t want to stay in one place forever. I would like to roam and travel the whole of Xelgar."

"Then what about joining me and my tribe,"

Aizel raised his brows as he looked towards Kalesi.

"Not only you will be accepted by my people, but you can roam and travel everywhere. Plus you will become the king of my tribe in the future." Kalesi said.

"King… you are queen.. Are you talking about marrying you?" Aizel asked, looking a little awkward.


"But I already love someone else, and I also have kids."

"They can join us too," Kalesi replied without even a tinge of emotion.

"Thank you for the offer and everything you are doing for me, but I will politely decline," Aizel said.


"Okay… that\'s it?"

Kalesi then went to sleep without replying or saying any other thing.

What a weirdo," Aizel thought.

[Come on Master, That was such a nice offer. Such a hot tan dragon lady was ready to become your wife. Imagine her and Daisy both naked along with you in the hot spring]

Shut your mouth Sekki, it\'s night time, don\'t give me wrong ideas at this time,"

I don\'t know why she asked me. Maybe because of her personality, no one likes to marry her," Aizel concluded and then went to sleep.

The next morning, Aizel and Kalesi got ready to go, both clad in cloaks for a discreet exit.

Inside her room, Kalesi conjured a magic circle enveloping them, and in an instant, they vanished.

As Aizel\'s blurry vision cleared, he discovered himself in a desolate, rocky landscape.

There was a pre-existing magic circle around a half-tore, a withering tree that Aizel noticed.

"From here, you just have to head straight and you will reach your destination.

"Here take this cage," Kalesi summoned and headed over the cage to Aizel.

"You can store the fairy inside this and can store it in your storage ring easily. After that, quickly leave that place and head towards this magic circle.

"And also take this magic crystal," She handed 10 magic crystals which he quickly stored in his ring along with the cage.

"Use this crystal to power up the magic circle, and you will arrive back at my house."

Aizel nodded.

"Good luck, and try not to die. I want my debt to be fully paid."

"I will try not to," Aizel replied.

Carefully making his way into the Lunar Marsh, Aizel glanced back to see that Kalesi had already left.

[Now we can go all out if we face any danger, Master]

Yes, and we have to also make sure that we don\'t leave any witnesses,"

[Should we use the mask then too?]

I don\'t think it is necessary for now. I would like to keep that satan persona hidden,"

He strolled with Sekki, engaging in conversation as they traversed the terrain, making their way to the Lunar Marsh.

The sky darkened as the day drew to a close, and finally, night arrived.

Aizel reached his destination under the radiant moonlight, revealing a vast marsh with elongated grass.

A creeping dread crept over him as he watched the dazzling moon above.

It was the FULL MOON.

It indicated that the fairies would be at their peak power tonight, a foreboding sign for him.

"Can my luck can get any more shittier,"

[It\'s alright Master. We have trained a lot and we have many defenses too now]

I love your positivity,"

The mud and water covered his legs as he stepped into the marsh for the first time, but he felt an odd coldness.

With his senses heightened and attentive, he cautiously headed deeper.

Simultaneously, on the opposite side, a group of four members made their way through the marsh.

"Are you sure there won\'t be any late-night search made by them,"

"Yes, there is an event coming, everyone is busy in that region,"

"But what if we find them here?"

"We have to fight and swiftly kill them,"

The four of them converse with each other as they make their way into the marsh.

Surprisingly, Aizel was getting more and more closer to them. However, not a single one has seen or even felt the traces of the fairies yet.

Are they even here," Aizel started to doubt.

Not too distant, a cave caught his eye.

The chances of finding them in the cave seem very high,"

[Yes Master]

Have you noticed something?"

[No Master]

I can\'t use mana sense. I can\'t sense anything around."

With each step closer to the cave, the grass grew shorter.


The sound of rustling grass reached Aizel\'s ears, and he felt movement in three distinct directions.

Aizel and the three factions engaged in a nervous standoff outside the cave\'s entrance.

As they assessed one another, each side remained motionless.

As they hid under their lengthy cloaks in the pitch black of night, the members\' identities remained a mystery.

A haunting stillness descended over the marsh as the quiet struggle raged on.

"You guys are also here for the fairies?" Suddenly, one of them asked, he was from a group that had three members.

The rest of them looked at each other and then everyone simply nodded.

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