
Chapter 393 Khali

Chapter 393 Khali

Carefully observing each group, Aizel was ready to go all out if needed. Nonetheless, he waited patiently to see how things developed.

"Listen, we all are here for the fairies. Already it is a full moon, so instead of going against each other, we can work together and catch the fairies." The guy once again spoke.

Everyone started to discuss it with each other. Their whisper could be heard easily.

The same guy looked towards Aizel and said, "You are already alone here. You can join us and work together with us."

Aizel simply glared at him without moving. He was still waiting for others to respond.

Meanwhile, the four-member group was discussing with each other.

"You said we would find no one."

"Yes, and now there are six other people."

"Who are they anyway?"

"I am sure dragons are involved too."

"We both are ready to cooperate." Then suddenly, the two members responded first.

Aizel looked towards them and then towards the big group, who were also staring at him. They both seem to wait for each other to respond.

Seeing it going nowhere, Aizel raised his hands peacefully and said, I am ready to cooperate too." He slowly started to walk towards them.

"Well, we think we will join too," one of the guys from the four-member group finally responded.

Everyone gathered close to the cave opening, yet they were wary of each other even though they were all there.

"Let\'s try to avoid knowing each other, it will be better for all of us. We will all remain a little further away from each other.

"But we will all be together to help each other in the illusions and to catch the beast fairies," The guy from the three-member group spoke, and everyone simply nodded in agreement.

"Let\'s head inside,"

The trio led the way into the cave, followed by the two-member group. After them went the four-member group, with Aizel entering at last.

Despite being headed in the same general direction, everyone stayed well apart.

Darkness engulfed Aizel once he entered. He cautiously made his way across the uneven ground, as visibility was still poor even with the enhancements with the help of mana.

[I am sure, Master, everyone will go back on their words when we encounter fairies]

Isn\'t that obvious? I mean, I will also not help these bumps."

[We should be careful, master; things might get tricky and difficult]

Yes, I know. I am more cautious about the fairies. It is very strange that we haven\'t seen a single one yet."

Kalesi told us that just when we enter the Marsh, we may see fairies frequent appearances."

[Even the mana sense is not working. It\'s like we can\'t spread the mana all around to investigate]

An eerie silence was there in the cave; no words were exchanged among them. Slowly, a subtle light drew their gaze.

The grass that clung to the cave walls cast a gentle blue light that provided only a sliver of light as they continued heading deeper.


A soft rumble drew attention and then came a mild shockwave that attempted to fluff their cloaks without really hurting them.

"Get ready, we have been hit by illusions." But the front shouted.

How did he know? Has he been here before too?" Aizel thought meanwhile.

Nevertheless, that person\'s words became a reality.

Aizel observed the surroundings undergoing a transformation, and in an instant, they found themselves standing in the bustling market.

The illusion seemed so real; the folks going about their business seemed completely absorbed. Aizel could sense the realism as some even brushed against him, their touches tangible.

Aizel created a light mental barrier inside his mind—the new trick he has come up with to handle and control his emotions and defend against mental attacks.

He slowly followed the rest of the guys behind, trying to figure out how he could get out of there.


A resounding bell drew the attention of every individual in the busy market.

A warning cry rang out, "The bandits are coming, the bandits are coming!"

A state of panic swept over the once-vibrant market, which descended into chaos.

The population readied itself for an imminent danger as women and children sought refuge while men hurried toward the border wall.

There was a sudden change of perspective, and Aizel and company were outside the city wall. There were many soldiers and guards, along with everyone holding weapons and shields.

Aizel noticed he had dual blades in his hands. And for some reason, neither he can use mana nor call Sekki out, which troubled him.

[Master, don\'t worry. I am with you, but it\'s just that you can\'t use me]

It seems like we have to complete a task. Like, maybe defend this city to break free from the illusion,"

[Yes, it seems like that]

Their enemies appeared before them quickly. On horseback, the drunken bandits headed straight for the city.

It might be an understatement to call them bandits; their numbers were more akin to an army, a terrifying force out to destroy all in its path.

"DEFEND THE CITY AND THE PEOPLE, AT ALL COST," One of the brave guards, who was acting like a leader, shouted.


Everyone shouted in a deep voice and took a defensive stance quickly.

Aizel plunged headlong into a direct confrontation with the bandits, engaging the front lines of the guards.

With lethal intent, he slashed and hacked at the attackers with his weapon.

As one bandit charged at him, his tongue hanging halfway out, Aizel anticipated the attack.

Fearlessly dodging his attacker, he skillfully severed the horse\'s leg, causing the rider and beast to fall to the ground.

Quickly taking advantage of the situation, Aizel killed him.

No mana, magic, or spells. Pure combat with weapons. It\'s like I have gone back in the warring era, hehe,"

[Master look out]

Aizel dove quickly to avoid a sword that glided through the air and came dangerously close to slashing him.

Taking advantage of the situation, he sprung backward and swiftly retaliated using his two swords, hacking at the assailant with pinpoint accuracy.

This is gonna be fun,"

Aizel focused all his energy and concentration on confronting and defeating the bandits.

At the same time, he kept his guard up, making sure no one was sneaking up on him.

He defended himself in the middle of the mayhem by attacking anyone who dared to approach him since he trusted no one.

Aizel and the leader of the guards stood out as outliers in the chaotic battle. They both launched an unrelenting attack, cutting down the bandit numbers in no time.

Two huge bandits, one on horseback and the other consumed by drink, were not far from the roaring conflict, watching the mayhem unfold in front of them.

"We need to take care of those two *Hiccup*"

"Send Khali,"


With his drink in hand, the bandit approached a man who was sound asleep. The bandit\'s size was so immense that he seemed like a child in comparison to the sleeping figure.

"Oye Khali, your turn is up *hiccup*

With his eyes fixed on the nearby conflict, the giant gradually roused and stretched.

Aizel, who was ruthlessly slashing through the bandits with his dual blades, causing a slaughter all around, caught his attention immediately.

Grinning and licking his lips, he leisurely moved toward Aizel.

Gradually, he picked up the pace, and within seconds, he was running, closing in on Aizel swiftly.

[Master, look out]

Aizel pivoted to confront the giant bandit Khali brandishing a huge spear that swung towards him.

Aizel wasted no time in bringing up his two swords to block the blow. Without the aid of mana, he couldn\'t enhance himself; it became a pure battle of strength.

The enormous spear\'s impact propelled him kite-like into the midst of the crowd, becoming a rolling ragdoll, taking other bandits and guards along with him.

After coming to an abrupt stop, Aizel\'s body ached. The blow had left his hands trembling.

The fuck this guy eat…ahhhgghh," He moaned a little in pain and stood up.

Ignoring the mayhem surrounding him, Khali moved in on him in a flash. This time, the spear struck directly at Aizel\'s head.

In a flash, Aizel drew his blade and blocked the blow once more. The impact sent him tumbling to his knees, but he managed to protect his head, gritting his teeth to resist being overpowered.

In a swift motion, Khali threw his enormous right leg in the direction of Aizel\'s chest. Seeing the incoming kick, Aizel took a calculated risk and swiftly dove to the right.

Khali pounded his chest proudly and strode confidently toward Aizel.

[Master we can\'t beat this big peace of meat with strength. He is too powerful for us]

I know, I know,"

Aizel smartly drew back, choosing to flee, instead of confronting him directly.

He expertly eliminated the less dangerous bandits that were in his way as he ran away. Enraged that his target had gotten away, Khali pursued relentlessly, brandishing his spear to slay everyone who dared to stand in his path.

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