
Chapter 16 Mother Creed (2)

It\'s been a month since Lecia and I got officially adopted to the Creed household. I\'ve been having the time of my life here, an ample amount of sleep, and super tasty food. I had it all. I also didn\'t forget to train as well, there was a gym in the mansion so I didn\'t have to go anywhere else.

\'\' Could you pass the butter, Adam ?\'\' Right now, the three of us were having breakfast. Usually, the two of them would be too busy to have breakfast together, I wonder what\'s special about today ?...

\'\' Adam ?\'\'

I was still not used to my new name.

I pass the butter to Diane and tell her a quick \'sorry\' for making her ask twice.

After five minutes, Dr. Ken breaks the silence by saying,

\'\' So... Adam, we think that it\'s time you start going to high school.\'\'


I had completely forgotten about school.

I mean, too many things happened way too fast and it just completely slipped my mind.

Diane continues after Ken, \'\' We wanted to give you some space, since... a lot of things happened, but we both think that it\'s time you start going to classes, you\'re already late by a month.\'\'

I nod my head at her words.

\'\' We noticed that you chose Northside Academy as your preferred high school, but we think that you can do better than that place, so we have a surprise for you.\'\'

I get a bad feeling as I see the smile on Diane\'s face.

\'\' We enrolled you at the Unity !\'\'

\'\' It was a little hard to enroll late, but we did it.\'\', Ken comments.

\'\' Alright.\'\', I put on a fake smile and act as if I was excited. I had planned to enter the Northside Academy but decided to change it, the reason being that now that I was being adopted by the Creeds, the plot could change in some way and even though I said that I don\'t care about the plot, I still had to make sure that the characters follow the plot now, if not the entire world as we know it could be destroyed and that would be bad. So I had no choice but to go to The Unity.

\'\' You\'ll be coming with me tomorrow to collect your uniform and everything else that you might need.\'\', says Diane in an excited voice.

Perfect. I had some things to do outside as well...

\'\' You\'ll be joining the Unity in exactly one week... you\'ll be joining later than everybody less, so make sure to work hard.\'\', says Ken.

I smile brightly at both of them and say in an enthusiastic voice,\'\' I\'ll try my best.\'\'


The next day, after lunch both Adam and Diane got in a car together and headed towards the shopping district in Lycan, the driver stops the car near the clothing store. They were greeted by an employee who enquired about what they were looking for,

\'\' Two pairs of uniforms from the Unity, we had ordered them yesterday. We came to collect it.\'\', hearing Diane\'s words a smile appears on the employee\'s face and she says in a practiced voice,\'\' Please come this way, miss.\'\'

They follow her and she shows them the clothes, Adam tries them on and they fit perfectly. After they finished up at the clothing store, they get out of the store. As soon as they got out of the store, Adam asks her,

\'\' Can we have some ice cream ?\'\'

\'\' Sure, honey.\'\'

As Diane starts heading back towards the car, Adam asks her in a shy voice,

\'\' Can we walk there ?, I\'ve never really gone to the plaza ever before, so I wanted to see everything properly.\'\'

Diane looks surprised at his words and soon a smile breaks out on her face,

\'\' Aww, sure honey we can do whatever you want.\'\'

Adam beams at her and walks with her towards the main shopping plaza in Lycan, the streets were filled with a lot of people. Diane sighs as she sees the huge wave of people in the street.

She hated crowded places.

\'\' There\'s a good ice cream parlor around here, Adam.\'\', Diane says with a smile.

\'\' Adam ?\'\'

She looks at her side where Adam was to find that he had completely disappeared without a trace.


I walk quickly, it was a good thing that the streets were so busy. It made ditching Diane a lot easier. I ask for the directions and five minutes later reached my destination, an electronics shop called,\'\' Shockwave\'\'

I go inside the shop and return within 4 minutes with a small box in my hand. I put the small box inside my pocket. It\'s a good thing that Diane gave me some pocket money, otherwise, I would have had to steal money to buy this \' item\'.

I had one more thing to do before finding Diane. I have to ask for directions once again and after walking for about 8 minutes, I reach my next destination.

The church looked beautiful and holy, it was completely made from white marble, I enter the church after taking my shoes off, which was necessary as a person couldn\'t enter the church with footwear, This wasn\'t your usual church though, it was a church dedicated to the twelve angels.

After the angels erected their barriers around humanity, their followers increased drastically and churches were established in the honor of the angels. Inside the church, I could see many white-robed people, they were the \'priests\'. All the people present inside the temple had a crazy glint in their eyes,

A woman wearing a white robe approaches me with a smile on her face,

\'\' Welcome to the church of the twelve. Would you like to join me in prayer\'\'

She had the insignia of the angel, \' Dina\' on her robe, which signified that she was a follower of Dina.

I smile at her.\'\' No, maybe next time. I wanted to confess-\'\'

Before I could complete speaking, the priestess says excitedly,

\'\' That\'s great, you can do it with me.\'\'

\'\' No, sorry. Could I do it with Priest Patrick?\'\'

As soon as she hears my words, her face goes beet red and she stammers out,

\'\' Ofc-course, I\'m sorry. I\'ll go call him now.\'\'

I wait patiently for her to return with him and a few minutes later she comes back and along with her came a thin-looking man.

The man looked so skinny that a strong wind might just blow him away but his eyes had a mysterious fire in them. His brown hair touched his shoulders and his pale skin matched the marble used to make the church.

\'\' This is Priest Patrick, then I\'ll leave you to it.\'\', saying this the woman leaves.

Priest Patrick smiles at me and asks me in a friendly voice,

\'\' Shall we go to the confessional ?\'\'


I sit and start speaking in a low voice,

\'\' Patrick, I have sinned a lot.\'\'

He nods his head at me, urging me to go on,

\'\' But not as much as you have, what do you think will happen when the people here find out that you\'re a spy for the demons ?\'\'

Priest Patrick was one of the many spies planted by the demons among humans.

His smile crumbles and he stares at me in shock, but he snaps out of his shock in a second and tries to attack me with the knife hidden under his robe, but before he can do anything I say in a bored voice,

\'\' Don\'t bother, I\'m not here to rat you out.\'\'

After listening to me, he puts the knife away and asks with a frown on his face,

\'\' How did you know I was a spy ?\'\'

\'\' Doesn\'t matter, all I want is to talk to your boss.\'\'

\'\' You want to talk to my boss ?.... do you think I\'m stupid enough to let a stranger meet my... boss.\'\'

I smile at his words,\'\' I know you\'re not the only spy planted within the human ranks, I could have gone to any one of them but I still chose to come to you, do you know why?\'\'

Patrick shakes his head.

\'\' I came to you because I believe that you are intelligent enough to know the difference between a trap and an opportunity.\'\'

He scoffs at my words and continues,

\'\' Do you think flattery will work, human ?\'\'

\'\' I have information related to your princess with me.\'\'

As soon as I say this his expression twists in shock. He thinks for a long time before saying,

\'\' Come with me. If you do something suspicious I\'ll kill you without a second thought.\'\'

I smile at his threat.

\'\' Sure.\'\'


We came to a back alley bar called, \' Looters\', and Patrick said a secret code to the barkeep he took us to a secret elevator and we entered a floor hidden underground,

The hidden floor was brightly lit by a huge chandelier. There wasn\'t a single person in sight except for a receptionist, Patrick tells me to wait for a moment and walks towards the receptionist, he tells the receptionist something and beckons me towards him.

I walk towards the both of them, the receptionist looks wary of me, nevertheless, he asks me to follow him to a room, the door to the room was completely black and the doorknob was in the shape of a skull,

Before opening the door, he warns me,

\'\' You\'re about to meet the Archdemon Bal, show proper respects, human.\'\'

I nod my head and follow him into the room.


The room was empty except for a tube-like thing in the middle of the room, it was most probably a digital projector that could showcase a person as a 3D figure. Archdemon Bal was one of the four generals of the demon king and also his brother. A person of his authority could never \'physically\' come here. They most probably used this device to contact him.

The novel was set in the future and a lot of gadgets like this were available on the market.

The receptionist goes towards the device and clicks some buttons and soon, a hologram of a man appears on the object. The man was tall with hair as black as the night sky and his blue eyes were deep just like the ocean. But his most distinct features were the two black horns on his head.

His eyes scan the room and a frown appears on his face as I enter the line of his sight,

\'\' Who is this ?\'\'

His voice reverberated through the room, even if he wasn\'t here I could almost feel the strength present in his voice alone. Goosebumps rise on my skin, it was a human\'s instinct to fear things that are stronger than them.

The receptionist goes on to narrate the events that had happened, After finishing the look on Bal\'s face was priceless. He looked way too shocked,

\'\' You have information about the princess ?!\'\'

His previous intimidating stance had completely changed.

When the demons first arrived on earth, they sent the demonic prince to negotiate with the humans, the prince was killed, but his wife who was pregnant then survived. The humans took her as their prisoner, After the prince\'s wife was taken prisoner, she gives birth and the princess is born.

In the novel, the princess continues to stay a prisoner until one day, the humans kill her mother making her go berserk.

The Unity was primarily a school, but it had a secret side to it as well, it also functioned as a prison. Unity could be called the most secure place on earth. no one who comes in can go out without permission. This was also a reason why the current government under the emperor secretly used it as a prison as well. This was where both the princess and her mother were imprisoned. The demons don\'t find out about this fact until she goes berserk since it was only known to the most higher-ups in the government and the staff at the Unity. Even the angels don\'t know about the prison\'s existence.

The royalty of the demons was born with immense power, and the princess awakens to this power at the exact moment her mother dies. After escaping from the prison after going berserk she continues to cause damage until Max finally steps up and kills her. Even though Max hated all demons, he couldn\'t hate the princess as he could sense the sadness in her eyes. He kills her saying,\'\' I\'m sorry....\'\'

It was a pretty emotional moment.

\'\' TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW ?!!\'\', Bal\'s roar makes my ears heart.

Even though I was afraid, I put on a poker face and say,\'\' Calm down, old man.\'\'

He looks furious but relents to my wish and calms down.

After making sure that he was calm, I say to him in a steady voice.

\'\' I know where your princess is... I won\'t just tell you where she is, I\'ll also rescue her as well and bring her to you. But I won\'t do it for free...\'\'

\'\' What do you need ?\'\'

Hearing his question, a smile appears on my face.

I had hoped this would happen, the general loved his nephew and was devastated when he died, when he found out that the prince\'s wife might still be alive he tried his best to find her and her child .he was one of the few people who still hadn\'t stopped looking for the princess, even the demon king gave up but Bal couldn\'t stop. Right now he would trust even the shadiest person in the world if it would help him find his grand niece.

\'\' I need two things.....\'\'


Diane ran around the entire plaza for two hours, she had lost Adam and had not stopped searching for him since then, but he was nowhere to be found!

In the end, Diane just gave up and decided to go to the ice cream parlor, hoping he might be there. When she went there, he was sitting on the ground near the ice cream parlor.

She calls out to him, \'\' Adam !\'\'

Hearing her Adam looks up and after finding her, his eyes tear up a little and he rushes toward her and gives her a strong hug.

\'\' I was so scared !\'\'

In his embrace, Diane found his behavior odd but didn\'t say anything. She pats his head and says sorry.

As she\'s patting his head, she doesn\'t notice the microchip that Adam puts on the nape of her neck...


Diane and Adam return to the mansion, Adam goes to his room while Diane heads to her office.

When she reaches her office, she finds her husband sitting on one of the cushions.

When he sees her, he asks,\'\' Did it go well ?\'\'

She nods her head.

\'\' Does he suspect anything ?\'\'

Diane shakes her head.

After a minute, Diane asks,\'\' What did Geoffrey\'s report say ?\'\'

Dr. Ken hands her a file and as she\'s reading the file he says,

\'\' He just lazes around all day, eating food and sleeping.\'\'

After putting the file down, Diane says,

\'\' He\'s a quite good actor, isn\'t he ?\'\'

Diane opens the laptop on her desk and a video that was playing when she had closed the laptop earlier resumes playing.

It was a video of Adam killing Mark.

A smile appears on Diane\'s face but her eyes were as cold as ice.

\'\' Let\'s see how much longer he can continue to act ?\'\'


A boy was lying down on his bed, he had a pair of earphones on his ear connected to some kind of box.

While listening to whatever he was listening to, a smile breaks out on the boy\'s face.

A small chuckle escapes his throat and he says in an ecstatic tone of voice,

\'\' As expected from one of the main antagonists of the novel.\'\'

His voice echoes in the silence of the night without the knowledge of anyone.


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