
Chapter 17 Revelation

I knew something was amiss from the day I woke up, I had slept for a week and after waking up, they questioned me repeatedly. This was all normal, but the problem was when Dr. Ken told me that I had the eyes of a killer. It was also clear that they weren\'t letting me go home even after a week of questioning.

I\'ll tell you a secret.

Only killers can recognize other killers.

Another odd thing was that Dr. Ken was personally taking care of Lecia, ok let me be frank, to the Hero association Lecia holds no value, then why the hell is the closest aide and advisor to the chairwoman personally taking care of a nobody like Lecia. A normal person might think that Ken might feel a sense of duty towards Lecia.

But that man is just pure evil.

All the talk about him being born in a poor household and losing his father was true. In the beginning, he was a character with a good heart, after becoming a doctor, he decides to join the army as an army doctor. It was then that everything changed.

He sees millions of people die every day during the war and slowly goes insane, his perception of life changes completely.

A doctor who doesn\'t value life could become very dangerous.

His mind was very unstable at this stage, this was when he met Diane Gruber.

When the war first broke out, the government issued a law stating that a single person from every family had to enlist in the army. The families that tried to run away were punished severely. Diane was forced to enlist as her family considered her the least \'bright\' within her family. She was born into a moderately rich family, she loved her family which consisted of her father, mother, and elder brother. She bragged about her genius brother to anyone who would listen.

With the war going on, the entire enlisting process became much easier, all you had to do was give an id of the person wanting to enlist, and boom! Done.

Her mother pretends to be her and enlists in the army under her name without her knowledge. When she asks them why they didn\'t just ask her, they said that she was selfish and self-involved. So with a broken heart and a lot of tethered anger, Diane enters the war where she meets Ken.

What her family didn\'t realize then was that Diane had the potential to become one of the most strongest beings on the planet.

Diane and Ken don\'t fall in love at first sight, their first meeting happened when Diane got injured and went to Ken for treatment, they talk to each other occasionally. But one night, when they were both drunk they tell each other their respective stories and bond over their grief, and slowly fall in a love with each other.

By the time the war ended in a stalemate, Diane was a celebrated war veteran and Ken was a respected individual in the army. After the war ended, both of them were offered promotions but they refuse them and retire from their positions in the army and marry each other.

One would assume that after the war ended peace would finally follow but that was a misconception. After the angels taught the humans how to harness mana they just flew off and did their own thing and a bunch of super-powered individuals was left in the dust. It was complete chaos, it was then that both Diane and Ken realized something, In the end, the ones who would bring about the end of humanity were not the angels or demons, it was humanity itself.

Humans are their own catalysts of destruction.

Both Diane and Ken decide to take control of the chaos and start the \'Hero Association\', Over time it becomes the most influential association in the world. The Hero association has enough power to even butt heads with the Emperor himself.

Over the years the power completely corrupts them.

After she becomes famous as the chairwoman of the association, her brother comes looking for her. He informs her that both her parents were severely ill and asks her for her help and she does help them. She makes the top doctors look after her parents and after half a year their injuries are healed, they apologize to her and all seems well. After her parents were healed, she tortures her entire family including her brother, but she never kills them not until she was satisfied.

When they ask why she was torturing them, she replied,\'\' You guys are too selfish and self-absorbed, how can you die when I still have all this anger towards you ?!\'\'

While she was doing all this, her husband was jerking off in the corner. Literally. He\'s turned on by torture. Together they make a stunning couple, of psychopaths.

I wouldn\'t be surprised if they knew about Mark\'s deeds and just decided to ignore it. In the novel, after learning about the truth of the angels, they both decide to side with the angels and are killed by Max. They\'re one of the main antagonists of the novel and you\'re telling me that they would adopt Lecia and me because they feel sorry for us?

No sir.

Something was wrong.

When they first started talking about the adoption, I rejected the notion completely in my mind because of the reasons mentioned above... but after doing some thinking I understood that if you thought about this from another angle then this was an opportunity.....

From the fact that they wanted to adopt me, it was obvious that they knew something about me that intrigued them, most probably my strength. Mark might have set up a camera in his office that night to film what he was doing...

I have heard that perverts like to watch themselves fuck.

It might be something else but that hardly mattered as the truth of the matter was that I had been found out, it didn\'t matter how.

The next thing that I had to confirm my doubts and to do that I had to get adopted by them. I make them think that I trust them completely so that their guards would be completely down.

All I had to do was plant a listening microchip on her,

As I mentioned earlier, a lot of futuristic gadgets were developed in this world and the listening chip was one of them. It\'s something that\'s used to eavesdrop on someone. After confirming that they knew about my abilities, I decided to enact the next stage in my plan.

This required the help of the demons, I knew about their spies in Lycan but was a little wary of contacting them as I didn\'t want to initiate contact with them just yet as that would change the plot even further. But I realized something else as well, all I had to do was change the plot of the novel to my advantage. If it\'s changed and twisted to my advantage won\'t the repercussions be bearable?

It would. Probably...

This opportunity was too good to pass up so I had no choice but to steer the plot and by doing this I\'m probably saving Max a lot of trouble as well. Let\'s just hope there isn\'t any sort of butterfly effect...

\' Stop overthinking things.\', I chide myself

It was currently nighttime, but I wasn\'t planning on sleeping anytime soon. I was waiting for a certain someone to bring me some very interesting \' items\'. By someone I mean Patrick, Archdemon Bal had said that the items would be delivered today itself.

I calm my heart which was beating erratically.

If my plan succeeds, in a week I would take control of the entire Hero Association.


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