
Chapter 58 Goodbye

Katherine was strangely nervous.

She was going to meet that \'guy\' per her grandfather\'s wishes.

Eustace Colleen, her grandfather had told her to invite him to their annual auction as a guest along with all her other friends.

She disliked her grandfather\'s plan... but was too afraid to defy him.

\' Why should I get close to that bastard ?!\', she thought in anger as she walked towards Adam\'s room.

Katherine strangely hadn\'t seen Adam or Eric for that matter during the funeral service for Principal Gordon. The service was beautiful.

She wonders why Eric and Adam were absent for it ?

She had also heard that Adam\'s parents, the Creeds had been assassinated....

\' Is he alright ?\', she thinks.

The thought surprises her, why would she be worried for him ?

Adam was her enemy, that was it. They weren\'t friends and they never would be friends.

She was going to trick him into thinking they were friends, because she wanted to find what exactly he was hiding....

The truth was that she did feel a little bad for wanting to trick him, she wasn\'t a manipulative person but her grandfather\'s words were absolute.

She paused at Adam\'s door and took in a deep breath,

Just as she was going to knock, the door swings open and she sees Adam and beside him was.... a little boy ?

" What are you doing here ?", Adam asked

Adam looked nervous.

Katherine observed the child beside him, he looked very similar to Adam. They had the same pitch black hair and red eyes. The child looked like a cute miniature version of Adam himself..

Seeing Katherine\'s gaze on the child, Adam says,

" Oh yeah, this is Gab...he\'s a distant relative of mine."

" He looks like your son.", Katherine speaks without thinking.

" Oh..."

An awkward silence envelops the atmosphere.

" Well, we\'re off then.", Adam takes the child\'s hand in his and the two of them walk away in a hurry.

Katherine watched them move away in a daze.

\' Oh.....The Invitation !!\', she thinks at last but by then the both of them were long gone.


That was a close call.

Why was she even there ?

Katherine and I aren\'t that close so she might have been there to talk with Eric or something.

Who knows [ or cares ?] ?

Now that she mentioned it, Tiana does look very similar to me when she\'s in her male form huh ?

Must be a coincidence...


I enter the back alley bar, \' Looters\' with Tiana just behind me.

She looked nervous at the prospect of returning back to her home.

At the bar, we met up with Victoria and the others who were waiting for us.

I could see Patrick standing beside Victoria, he had tears in his eyes as he talked with her....

Geez, was he trying to stand out ?

I walk over to them.

Patrick\'s eyes began to shake when he saw Tiana.

" Oh.... princess....", he manages to whimper out.

Tiana looked uncomfortable, seeing a strange man crying while whimpering out your name is surely not considered as \'normal\' and Patrick was just an ascaris... goosebumps rise up on my skin thinking about how the demon king was going to react after reuniting with his long lost granddaughter.

" We\'re short on time, Patrick...so can you hurry it up ?.", I say trying to move things along.

Patrick quiets down at my words, he walks towards me in large and swift steps and for a minute I think he\'s going to punch me... but he hugs me, which just feels weird.

" Thank you, Adam."

Oho... he\'s calling me by my name now... usually it would just be human this and human that... I prefer that.

This is just too.... embarrassing.


I stare at the *\'gate\' in front us.

Patrick had given us five minutes to bid them farewell,

" So.....I suppose this is it huh ?", Eric says with an unusual cheerfulness.

" It seems so, Sir Eric.", Victoria said with a smile on her face.

" I h-have something t-to say."

We all turn around to look at Tiana who had just spoken, her face was beet red and she seemed to be struggling to speak.

She bows her head and says in a squeaky voice,

" Thank You !!!"


How troublesomely wholesome....

I feel like that stupid carrot stick is trying to change the genre into fluffy shit ...well not on my watch... No sir.

After embarrassing herself in front of everybody, Tiana runs of into the portal.

Patrick starts leading Victoria towards the portal.... I forgot that she was blind now.... it\'s sad that Angela couldn\'t heal her eyes but it can\'t be helped since it\'s uncurable.....


" Wait !", I shout just in time.

Patrick and Amanda turn around, I run towards them.

" Give me something sharp ?", I say urgently to Patrick.

" What ?!"

" Just do it."

Patrick hands me a dagger hidden in his shoes and I cut myself with it without hesitation. Blood slithers around my skin like a snake and I cover Victoria\'s eyes with my blood covered palm.

I can hear gasps coming from everywhere.

God, I hope this works or else I might just have insulted Demon royalty for nothing.

I know that the screen said that my blood could only heal uncurable diseases but....that\'s it.... it\'s just a screen. Some say that these things have a mind of their own..

I take out my palm from her face and there it is.

Those cold blue eyes, eyes that seemed too familiar.....

" Y-you.....w-why...how ?", Victoria stared at me and no one else.

Uh-oh, I can feel that something embarrassing is coming my way, so I push both Patrick and Victoria inside the gate.

" I\'ll see you again...Victoria.", I say with a small smirk on my face.


" He looked so similar to Araceous.....", Victoria repeated the same words she had been saying ever since she\'d gotten back home two weeks ago.

" Ha !, see I told you all.", Archdemon Bal said with a satisfied expression on his face.

The other three generals smiled back at their superior\'s words.

" It matters not... if he looks similar to my son. It changes nothing of the fact that he has helped us tremendously. All that I and everyone should care about is that Victoria and my little Tia have returned to their rightful place.", The Demon King spoke while gently patting his granddaughter, who had made herself comfortable on his lap.

The Demon King looked much more alive and happier now that his family was back with him.

" Adam can\'t be father, Uncle.", Tiana said firmly to Bal.

" How are you so sure, little one ?", Bal asks thinking nothing of her words.

" Well... because he\'s father\'s friend, he said it himself. Father asked him to free us.\'\', the little girl said casually.

" WHAT ?!", the eyes of everyone in the throne room widen at Tiana\'s innocent words.


* Gate - it\'s basically a teleportation device that I mentioned in the earlier chapters


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