
Chapter 59 I Love You (1)

" Hmmmmm.... I don\'t what to choose.....", I say truly bamboozled.

" Just pick strawberry like you always do.", Eric says sounding a little irritated.

Even the waiter looks like he\'s had enough.

It\'s only been fifteen minutes and why are they acting as if it\'s all my fault ?!. If anything it\'s the restaurant\'s fault for giving too many options to choose from !

" I\'ll take the strawberry smoothie.", I say relenting to my inner instincts.

" Every single time....", Eric says in his usual annoyed voice or that might just be his normal voice.

I can\'t tell the difference anymore.

It\'s been two weeks since we freed Tiana and Victoria.

It turns out that I did actually forget something that day...well not something but someone.

After the authorities in the Unity found the mess inside the library they questioned Lecia who was the only witness. She claimed that she saw two men clad in black cloaks.

I don\'t know if they believed her or not but they let her go after a week.

Just in case they were suspicious of her and decided to keep watch of her movements, I asked Lecia to not interact with us.

Of course I could speak with her since she\'s my sister and all but still I don\'t want to take my chances.

The whole incident was swiped under the rug, nobody knew about the break in and no one would never know about it in the future either.

" So....what do we do now ?", Eric asks in a low voice.

The corners of my mouth raise up as I say,

" Now....we rest."


After coming back to Unity, we studied for a bit and then went to train.

Beads of sweat continue to flow down my face.

\' Salty\', I think as I feel the taste of my sweat.

I continue to train for two more hours and finally fall down to the ground when I couldn\'t go on anymore. I might have to tone down my training regimen a little, every inch of my body hurts way too much and it\'s not like the training is the only hard part, I have to maintain a strict diet throughout this whole thing.

It\'s all way too exhausting. Maybe I should just sto-

All thoughts of decreasing my training go away from my mind as my status screen appears before me.


Name : Adam Creed

Age: 15


Strength: E+

Agility: E+

Stamina: E+

Intelligence: E+

Mana Grade : D-

Vitality : Unable to determine.


Job: Spear Warrior lvl: 1

You are a warrior of the spear.

Techniques: None.

Skills: None.


I could feel it.

I was close to a breakthrough.

\' A few more minutes wouldn\'t hurt.\', I think while forcing myself to stand up.


Max Reynolds swings his sword repeatedly in different patterns. It was evident that he had been training for an extraordinary amount of time as blood was slowly falling down his palms.

Yet he does not let go of the sword, he continues to practice until the sword slips out of his hand, along with the sword he falls as well.

" Damn it..... it\'s not enough.", he whimpers feeling powerless.


First period just ended.

It was Portal and Dungeon study. A subject that I as the author naturally excels in.

I put away my textbook and ready myself for the next class which was unfortunately history.

People should stay focused on present... why trouble yourselves with the past ?

As I waited for our teacher to arrive, I observe the others in the class.

Emilia was talking with some rando, while Max who usually sits beside her was absent today.

I wonder what happened to him ?

I continue with my observation.

I stare at Katherine....who was also openly staring at me.

God, that girl gives me the creeps.

I look over at Eric who was shamelessly sleeping in class.

Che. He has no discipline.

Suddenly my eyes are drawn to a girl who was walking towards Eric.

If I had to describe the girl in a word : flashy.... really flashy.

She had black hair and viridescent eyes, she wore these really huge earrings while her fingernails displayed a vibrant gold color. She looked a little.... glittery.

Was she a \'named character\' ?

I honestly couldn\'t remember most of the minor characters from the novel now, she must be one since she seems somewhat familiar to me.

I watch as the girl walks upto Eric and wakes him up.

" Hey.... I love you. Go out with me."


What ?!!

I can look past that a girl professed her love for Eric, I mean I\'m sure he already has a fan club or something. But this girl... she sure has some guts.

She just asked Eric out in front of like a hundred people and it didn\'t necessarily sound like she was asking him.... it sounded more like an order.

Eric rubs his eyes while letting out a yawn.

" Who the fuck are you ?", he asks back confused.


Eric opens his eyes to find a strange girl before him, he hadn\'t even heard what she had said to him.

Eric felt annoyed at the girl for waking him up so he asks her,

" Who the fuck are you ?"


Abigail Robinson made up the \'plan\' when she was eight years old.

From then on the most important thing in her life was... the plan.

She revered the plan as her god and kept it close to her heart.

She\'s lived her life till now according to that very plan.

She\'s accomplished most of the things in her plan except two things,

Become a Hero.

She was on the path to becoming a hero so she had no need to worry.

The second one was to find a suitable mate, preferably one of her classmates.

Ever since she enrolled in the Unity, she\'s been observing her classmates and today she finally came to a decision,

Eric Grey.

He was very compatible with her, he had the looks, the talent and most importantly he had strong familial backing. They were made for each other in her eyes.

She was sure that a simple boy like him would fall into her palms with just a few words but she was proved wrong just now.

She felt her face going red under Eric\'s gaze.

\' How dare you !\', she thinks while tears slowly flow down her face.

" You\'ll regret this.", she mutters out before running out of the classroom.

She runs inside the bathroom and starts sobbing, but calms herself down in a minute.

Eric ruined her plan....it wasn\'t supposed to be like this.

\'NO.NO.NO.NO.NO.NO.... it\'s all gone wrong.\', she thinks feeling lost.


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